A/N - Right. I'm Low On Idea's For This Story xD
Anyways. Waterloo Road Is Ending On Monday. I'm Gutted.
Hope You Like The Update
Chloe was planning on getting Tom to realise his feelings for Charlotte and she wasn't going to give up, she knew if two people wanted to be together then they should regardless of what people thought. That morning once she was dressed she text Chlo -
*Chloe - if u were in love with someone but no1 approved wht would u do ? X
*Chlo - I'd say, stuff the rules. True love will out X
*Chloe - awh that's well cute x
*Chlo - has been known too happen x
*Chloe - haa! C u at schl x
*Chlo - yhh x
Chloe looked at Aubree and smiled "Aubs never fall in love. It confuses people" Aubree giggled as Chloe puck her up "come on baby, let's go". Arriving at school Chloe saw Max and Andrew talking "wow, the two of them together can only mean one thing" Chloe grinned "come on, I'm freezing" Charlotte smiled "you're always cold" "I know". On the walk to the creche Chlo came up to them with Sophia "wow, Chlo's here before 8:30" Chlo rolled her eyes but grinned "I know, I blame Ben".
Once Aubree and Sophia were in the creche the girls made their way to the registration "morning Mr.C" Tom smiled at Chloe and gave an even bigger smile to Charlotte which Chloe noticed and a grin formed on her face and sat with Charlotte "why you grinning?" Chloe smiled "can't I be happy?" Charlotte frowned "you're planning something" Chloe gave an innocent look "no I'm not" Charlotte raised her eyebrows "right" Chloe grinned and Tom began the register.
After Registration Chloe,Charlotte and Chlo made their way to PSHE "before we get there are you gonna do a bunk?" Chloe grinned "nope, I wanna know what all the fuss is about this lesson" Charlotte laughed "its Mr.Tyler" Chloe laughed "exactly, I wanna know if he can teach" Charlotte smirked "I thought you knew about everything he did" Chloe lookedshocked for a minute and burst out laughing "oh my god, you're gonna be the death of me" Charlotte grinned "that's my plan" Chloe carried on laughing but then stopped "hang on, where's Chlo gone?" Charlotte frowned "she was here just now" Chloe groaned "this is freaky" "maybe she's in the toilet" Chloe walked to the toilets "Chlo are you in here?" When Chloe didn't hear a reply she looked at Charlotte "she's not in here" Charlotte frowned "she'll turn up".
Halway through the lesson Chlo still hadn't turned up so Chloe decided to text her -
*Chloe - where r u? U just disapperared. X
*Chlo - I'm fine. I'll be there soon. X
*Chloe - okay. R u okay though? X
*Chlo - yeah X
Chloe was about to reply when Max took her phone "texting in lesson isn't appropriate" Chloe rolled her eyes as he walked away so Chloe mumbled under her breath "you wouldn't mind if I was texting you" Charlotte heard her and started laughing which got Chloe laughing "something funny girls?" Chloe looked at Max and gave a fake smile "nothing sir" Charlotte was trying not to laugh even more. There was 10minutes left until the lesson ended and Chlo walked in "where have you been?" Chlo smiled at Max "with the nurse" Max nodded and Chlo sat in front of Chloe and Charlotte "where were you really?" Chlo grinned "Ben, he had something to show me" Chloe scoffed "yeah right, you went for a bit of morning delight" Chlo winked and turned back to the front of the room.
Chloe went to walk out the lesson when Max told her to stay behind "I'm gonna be late for the next lesson" Max smirked "you're forgetting that I'm the executive head" Chloe rolled her eyes "yeah well, I need to go" Max looked at her "so you don't want this back then?" Chloe mock-glared "you're evil" Max took her hand and placed her phone into it "off you go" Chloe grinned.
Walking to French, Chloe noticed that there wasn't a teacher there "where's Haydock?" Chlo shrugged "not here yet" Chloe nodded and sat with Charlotte as Chlo was with Jess. 10minutes later Rachel walked in with someone behind her "right, we're sorry for the delay, Miss.Haydock is taking some time off, in the meantime Mr.Jackson will be your teacher" Chloe was shocked she thought this new teacher was hot. When Rachel had gone Chloe looked at Jess "Sir, you're well fit" Chloe grinned and the teacher smiled "I get that a lot" Jess winked "I'm not surprised" Mr.Jackson laughed "let's just continue with the lesson".
Max was walking through the corridor and went down by Chloe's lesson where he saw standing at the front of the class with the teacher which made him annoyed at how close they were. Walking in he glared at Chloe "outside now" Chloe grinned and followed him outside "problem?" Max looked at her "you were standing a bit to close to him" Chloe rolled her eyes "don't be jealous, it doesn't suit you" Max glared and took a step towards her "I want you to come round tonight" Chloe grinned "maybe" Max took her hand and pulled her closer to him "remember what you told me the other week?" Chloe groaned "I knew that was gonna haunt me" Max smirked and kissed her cheek before he walked off.
Chloe went to the creche at lunchtime with Charlotte. Entering she heard Aubree crying "Aubs what's the matter?" "Mama" Chloe puck her up and she continued crying "Aubree" Aubree looked at Charlotte "Aubree what's the matter baby?" Aubree pointed to the bin so Charlotte walked over and saw Aubree's teddy in there so she got it out "its ripped" Chloe frowned "mummy buy you a new one?" Aubree shook her head "no mama" Chloe sighed "Aubree, I'll buy you two" "no" Charlotte took Aubree from Chloe and she took the teddy "well, I can always attempt to sew it" Charlotte grinned "this I'd pay too see".
Chloe got Aubree to sleep and left taking the ripped teddy bear with her "how the flamming hell am I gonna fix this?" Charlotte grinned "ask your mum" Chloe nodded "fair point". Chloe sat in the common with Charlotte and the teddy bear "how did this even rip?" Chloe shrugged "this isn't a normal rip" Charlotte was about to speak when Max walked in "Chloe a word" Chloe puck the teddy up and followed Max outside "what's this about?" Max smirked "my place, 7" Chloe nodded and Max noticed the teddy "what happened?" Chloe shrugged "no idea" "buy her a new one" Chloe grinned "funny, she doesn't want a new one, she wants this one".
Returning home Chloe attempted to sort the teddy out but was having no luck "pass that here" Rachel took the teddy from Chloe "mum can you watch Aubree for a couple hours?" Rachel nodded "thanks". Arriving at Max's Chloe saw him standing at the door "keen are we?" Max smirked and pulled her into the house and began kissing her "this must be the reason you asked me here" Max took her upstairs.
A few hours later Chloe got dressed "I need to go" Max smirked "stay" Chloe shook her head "nope, I told my mum I'd be a couple hours" Chloe was about to leave when Max took her hand "fine, the weekend" Chloe winked "I might". When she returned home she saw Aubree sitting by the front door "mama" Chloe puck her up "you still awake?" Aubree rested her head on Chloe's shoulder "Chloe, where have you been?" "Out" Rachel sighed "she wouldn't settle without you" Chloe grinned "mummy's girl that's why" Rachel smiled "go on off to bed" Chloe put Aubree to bed and fell asleep as soon as she got into her own bed.
A/N - Like I Said. I'm Low On Idea's Therefore Stuck For The Next Chapter.
Anyways Hope You Liked
Bye For Now xoxo

The Daughter Of Rachel Mason
FanfictionChloe Mason, The Daughter Of Rachel Mason. Fiercely protective of her mum she would do anything for her. What happens when Chloe meets Max Tyler who doesn't hide his hatred for Rachel and what happens when Max manipulates Chloe into sleeping with hi...