Chapter 4 - The End Of Term.

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A/N - I've Started Posting Some Of My Stories On But The Ones On There Are Being Done Differently Too The Ones On Here. I'll Still Be Updating The Stories On Here (-: Xx

Chloe was over the moon. It was the end of term and that night she,Chlo and Janeece were going on a night out. Since Chloe had been put on the pil she hadn't taken it as she was trying to prove a point to her mum that she could do what she wanted and wouldn't be told otherwise.

Arriving at school Chloe got out the car before Rachel could speak to her and walked over to them "is anyone else excited for tonight?" Chlo turned to her best friend "me, Ben said he isn't happy about it though" Chloe frowned "you're not coming with us then?" "Course I am, I've been looking forward to this all term" Chloe grinned "that's my girl, aint no stopping us" Chloe laughed "Janeece? You still coming?" Janeece grinned "course I am, night out with the girls to celebrate the waterloo road win? Count me in" "good because I need an amazing night out".

Chloe hadn't told anyone before she had a boob job when she was still living with her dad but when her mum found out she went balistic at her and started yelling about how it wasn't right for a girl her age. Chloe and Chlo when Chloe's phone vibrated she got it out and saw a text from Riley -

*Riley - I'm sorry I was acting clingy the other week, text me back please. X

*Chloe - I'm always going to love you, but I'm not in love with you x

*Riley - I know, X

Instead of replying Chloe turned her phone off and she and carried on with her work.

It was soon time for the Choir Competition but if Chloe was being honest all she wanted to do was go home however that wasn't possible as the coach had just arrived to take them to the venue "come on, sooner we do this choir competion sooner we can get ready for our night out" Chloe groaned but got on the couch.

When they arrived Danielle started singing 'we are champions' which made Chloe annoyed "bit premature don't you think?" Danielle grinned "why? We're gonna win" "right keep telling yourself that". Chloe was watching some all girl school perform and she wasn't to keen on it Bolton and Paul however were mesmerised by them "they got my vote" Chloe looked at them "oi, you're supposed to be supporting YOUR school, not some posh bimbo school" Bolton looked at her "come on C, they're fit" Chloe rolled her eyes "not into women, prefer men, preferably who don't cheat" Bolton glared "get over that" "no, I still think you're a scumbag".

Waterloo Road was performing and Chloe had to admit that the song they had chosen was quite good. Halfway through the performance Chloe noticed her mum leave "where's your mum going?" Chloe shrugged "probably something to do with Eddie" Chlo grinned "you really don't like him do you?" Chloe shook her head "hell no" Chlo laughed and they continued watching their school perform.

"And the winner of the 2009 Choir Competition is.... Waterloo Road".

When Chloe heard that Waterloo Road had won she started cheering with Chlo "woo!" "Danielle was right, we were gonna win" Chloe laughed "I know".

When the coach returned to the school Chloe was shocked to see it had been destroyed "oh my god, what happened?" Chloe saw her mum and went over to her "mum are you alright?" Rachel nodded "I'm fine" Chlo nodded and walked back over to Chlo. Chloe frowned when she saw her mum walk away from Eddie and stood by Danielle which made her think they had broken up.

Chloe returned home she was determined to get ready for her night out with Chlo and Janeece so she went for a shower. When she had finished in the shower she curled her hair she then got changed into a black dress and black dress, she then did her make up. Once she was ready she went downstairs into the kitchen "you look nice Chloe" "thanks Phillip" Rachel walked into the kitchen where her daughter and nephew were "what's your plan tonight then Chloe?" Chloe looked at her mum "well I'm meeting Chlo and Janeece in town and then who knows what" "OK, what time should I be expecting you back?" Chloe grinned "when I'm so drunk I can't remember my name" Rachel frowned "Chloe be serious" "around half 11, is that OK?" Rachel nodded.

After a few hours in town Chloe was getting hungry "who fancies pizza?" Chlo grinned "me" "Jan?" Chloe looked round for Janeece and saw her kissing someone "oh that's well tacky" Chlo nodded "meh, let's get pizza" "hell yes" Chloe and Chlo stood "Jan we're going for pizza, you coming?" Janeece shook her head "I'm going back with Brian" Chloe rolled her eyes "suit yourself".

Chloe had just got into a taxi too take her home. When she got there she saw her mum was still up "Chloe is that you?" "No, its the invisible man" Rachel came into the hallway "you're early?" "Don't sound too shocked" Rachel smirked "sorry love, why don't you get yourself off to bed?" Chloe nodded and walked up to her room.

Before she went to sleep she decided to text Chlo to see if she was okay -

*Chloe - hey Chlo, u okay?"

*Chlo - yhh, heads banging though

*Chloe - awwh, I feel fine :D

*Chlo - Don't rub it in :P

*Chloe - haa, I need sleep, night!

Chloe then fell asleep thinking about how much havoc she could cause in the upcoming term.

A/N - Max Is In The Next Chapter X

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