Chapter 75 - Talks.

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A/N - Another Update For StrangeDesires - HaaHaa! I Broke My Nail xD

Anyways Hope You Like


Rachel knew she had to speak with Charlotte and Tom their attitude towards each other so she spent half the night on the phone with Eddie who agreed that the attitude couldn't go on. The next morning Rachel got Chloe up and frowned when she saw the love bite on her neck "Chloe where did that come from?" Chloe frowned "what?" Rachel glared "the love bite Chloe" Chloe paled "didn't realise there was a love bite" Rachel rolled her eyes "who gave it you?" Chloe gave her mum a look that said 'are you kidding me?' "Its obvious, didn't you see me and Max kissing the other day, that's where it came from" Rachel sighed "get moving".

Arriving at school Chloe didn't have to take Aubree to creche as she was with Max so she went to meet with Charlotte and Chlo "morning girlies" Charlotte smiled while Chlo grinned "nice love bite" Chloe groaned "no don't tell me you can see it" Chlo laughed "its obvious" Chloe groaned even louder "this isn't my day" Charlotte smiled "you look tired, someone keep you up late?" Chloe mock-glared "no, I was working on homework until 2am" Charlotte nodded "yeah right Chloe" Chloe groaned "what did I do to be tormented like this?" Charlotte grinned "we're joking" Chloe smiled "I know".

While in Registration a note came "Charlotte, you're needed in the office" Charlotte got her stuff and made her way to the office. When she got there she saw Rachel and Eddie "what's this about?" Eddie smiled "we need to talk to you" Charlotte frowned "about what?" Eddie sighed "the way you're acting towards Tom" Charlotte sat on the sofa "this attitude, it needs to stop, we get what happened and that you were found out but Tom is your teacher and no relationship could ever happen while you're a pupil at this school" Charlotte sighed "what about the way he is too me?" Rachel sighed "we'll be talking with Tom aswell but it needs to stop, we've only just convinced the Governors that what happened between the two of you was an error of judgement and it won't happen again, so if they see you and Tom going off at each other they won't be happy" Charlotte nodded "I'm sorry, can I go back to lesson please?" Rachel nodded "go on". Once Charlotte was gone Rachel looked at Eddie "thanks for the help Eddie" Eddie sighed "I've never been in this position before" Rachel smiled "I know how you feel" "Chloe and Max?" Rachel nodded "yeah" Eddie pulled Rachel into a hug "how about we go out tonight? Just the two of us" Rachel smiled "that would be good".

Chloe was worrying about why Charlotte was called to the office she was about to text her when she came in "are you alright?" Charlotte nodded "your mum and Eddie wanted to talk to me about my attitude to Tom" Chloe smiled "you should of told them about what he's like with you" "I did" Chloe grinned "good on you" Charlotte laughed and they carried on with their work.

After the lesson Chloe and Charlotte had a free so they went to sit outside "Chloe you've been looking pale the last couple days" Chloe sighed "I'm fine, been tired doing homework until early in the morning" Charlotte nodded "okay, if you're sure" Chloe smiled "I'm gonna be okay and I'm fine" Charlotte hugged Chloe "I'm here for you if you wanna chat" "thanks".

Chloe and Charlotte made their way to PSHE "I'm surprised they've not found another teacher for this yet" Chloe grinned "I know, Max must love looking into my eyes" Charlotte laughed "yeah as long as its just that" Chloe winked "well I'm not saying anything else at this moment in time" Charlotte groaned "Chloe! I didn't need too know that" Chloe laughed "I said nothing".

Tom had been called to the office so left Grantly in charge of his class and made his way there "thanks for coming Tom" Tom smiled "what's all this about?" Rachel sighed "we've spoken to Charlotte so we need to talk too you" "about what?" Rachel looked at him "the way you're acting towards Charlotte, treating her different it needs to stop, we get that you were caught with her and I convinced the governors that there's no inappropriate relationship going on, so the behaviour, attitude and the way she is with you has to stop" Tom sighed "I know" Eddie still couldn't look at Tom so Rachel continued "if we were to have an inspection from the Governors and they saw you and Charlotte acting like that then imagine what they'd say" Tom looked at Rachel "I'm sorry" Rachel nodded "alright, get back to your lesson" Tom stood and left the office.

The bell had just gone for lunch and as Chloe was about to leave he called her "stay behind" Chloe rolled her eyes and when everyone had gone she looked at him "is there a reason I'm the only one who's had to stay behind" Max smirked "I need to discuss your work with you" Chloe grinned "right, we both know that's a lie" Max was about to speak wheen Chloe kissed him "that's why you wanted me to stay behind" Max again smirked "not here" Chloe grinned and walked out the classroom.

Charlotte was waiting for Chloe when Tom approached her "I've been told to apologise for the way I've been acting towards you" Charlotte nodded "okay" Tom sighed "you're not making this easy are you?" Charlotte rolled her eyes "no I'm not" Tom walked off into the canteen just as Chloe came up "what's was that about?" Charlotte smiled "he wanted to apologise to me" Chloe nodded "right, what did you say?" Charlotte shrugged "okay" Chloe laughed "wow, play hard to get" Charlotte grinned "I'm gonna".

Chloe and Charlotte sat in the common room doing some studying when Chloe's phone vibrated so she looked and saw it was a text from her Gran -

*Gran - I'd like to meet Aubree-Leigh.

*Chloe - are u having me on? You're not seeing her

*Gran - Chloe, I'm her grandmother

*Chloe - I don't care, No. You're not seeing her!

*Gran - you won't get away with this

Chloe didn't reply "problem?" Chloe nodded "my gran, she wants to see Aubree" Charlotte frowned "what did you say?" "Told her no chance in hell" Charlotte nodded "I wouldn't, she doesn't need them, she's got you, Max, Rachel, Eddie and me" Chloe smiled "yeah a weird messed up family" Charlotte smiled "she's a loved little girl, I mean look, she's adorable" Chloe grinned and they continued their work.

Chloe went home after school and got changed into a white dress and ballet flats "Chloe, me and Eddie are going out tonight" Chloe nodded "alright" "Charlotte's coming aswell" Chloe again nodded "okay" Rachel smiled and went to get ready. When Eddie and Charlotte arrived Chloe had just got Aubree settled on the sofa "right girls, we won't be too long" Chloe smiled "don't do anything I wouldn't do" Eddie laughed "behave".

While they were gone Chloe and Charlotte ordered pizza with ice cream "I'm gonna end up fat with all this food" Charlotte grinned "me an all, but its amazing" Chloe laughed "where would we be without the junk food?" "No idea". Eddie and Rachel returned and saw the girls asleep on the sofa with Aubree in the middle of them "awh, seems a shame to disturb them" Rachel smiled "stay tonight, both of you" Eddie nodded and he and Rachel put a blanket over them and went up to bed.


A/N - Yes! I Beat My Deadline By 20minutes! I Rock Haaha!

Anyway. Hope You Like

Bye For Now xoxo

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