A/N - This Chapter Is Where Reddie Begins Again :D + I Also Own The Teacher Mr.Andrews, He's Only Gonnaa Be In This Chapter + Max Is Gonna Be Slightly OC for a little bit in this chapter xoxo
Chloe woke that day feeling mischiveous "Chloe come on" Chloe groaned and got out of
bed, looking at her phone she saw a text message from Max -
*Max - Come to the office when you arrive at school
*Chloe - Okay
Chloe got dressed only she decided to change her uniform style to an even shorter skirt, she left three button's un-done on her shirt and knee-length socks with black knee-length, when she was dressed she did her make-up and went to get Aubree "morning too my beautiful baby girl" Aubree gave a toothless grin "come on, we need to prove to your daddy that he doesn't own me". Chloe went downstairs "morning" Phillip looked and choked on his breakfast causing Rachel and Adam to turn to Chloe "what the hell are you wearing?" Chloe smirked "school uniform, well my version of a school uniform" Rachel glared "get changed" Chloe rolled her eyes "I'm 16, therefore I can wear what I like" Rachel sighed "eat your breakfast" Chloe sat at the table "Chloe can you at least button your shirt up" Chloe grinned "I can do, but guess what, I don't want to" Rachel sighed.
Chloe arrived at school and got Aubree out the car "Chloe, do your shirt up" Chloe rolled her eyes "no" Rachel and Adam watched as Chloe walked off with Aubree "she's rebelling, she'll get over it soon" Rachel sighed "I hope so". Walking to the creche Chloe received whistles off the boys "right baby mummy loves you" Chloe handed Aubree to the keyworked and left.
Max was waiting in the office for Chloe when Rachel walked in "problem?" Rachel glared "nothing I can't handle" Max nodded "right". After a few minutes Rachel left the office. No soon as Rachel left Chloe walked in "what?" Max smirked "what are you wearing?" Chloe groaned having had this conversation with her mum "my interpretation of a school uniform" Max frowned and Chloe spoke again "I've decided too prove that you don't own me" Max stood from his chair and walked over to Chloe and grabbed her hand pulling her into him "you can't do this here" Max smirked "my office, my rules" Chloe rolled her eyes as Max kissed her.
Chloe left the office and saw her friends "Chloe?" Chloe turned and saw Bolton "what?" "You look hot" Chloe grinned "thanks B" Chloe walked over to Charlotte,Chlo and Janeece "you look amazing" Chloe smiled Had too prove that a certain idiotic numbskull of executive head doesn't own me" Charlotte frowned as Max was behind her "er Chloe, you might wanna turn around" Chloe turned and saw Max "ah" Max smirked "follow me" Chloe rolled her eyes but followed Max "what?" Max turned to her "idiotic numbskull?" Chloe grinned "yeah, that's what you are" Max frowned and Chloe spoke again "right, I've had enough of this, I'm going and you can either stick me in the cooler all day OR let me off" Max glared "get out of here" Chloe smirked and left the office.
Rachel went looking for Chloe "Chloe I need a word" Chloe sighed and followed her mum "what's this about?" Rachel smiled "I've been called for an emergancy meeting, that's supposedly due to last all day, Adam will be taking you and Aubree home" Chloe rolled her eyes "bye then" Rachel frowned as Chloe walked away.
Max was sitting in the office when Joyce walked in "Mr.Tyler the cover teacher is here" Max nodded "thank you Joyce" Max watched as the cover teacher walked in "I'm Mr.Jeffery Andrews" Max smirked "I'm well aware of that" Jeff sat down "pupils to be wary of?" Max looked at him "they're all pupils, therefore be wary of them all" Jeff nodded "where is my class" Max stood "follow me" Jeff stood and followed Max.
Chloe was bored in the lesson when the supply teacher walked in "right, I'm Mr.Andrews and I'm not gonna take any drama from you" Chloe rolled her eyes "hate to break it to you, you're in a school, therefore drama is what you're gonna get" Jeff looked at Chloe "I suggest you keep your mouth shut, or you're going to the cooler" Chloe grinned "Sir, Mr.Tyler is more threatening than you" Jeff frowned "you haven't seen nothing yet girly" Chloe rolled her eyes "shut up and teach us something, that's your job isn't it?".

The Daughter Of Rachel Mason
FanfictionChloe Mason, The Daughter Of Rachel Mason. Fiercely protective of her mum she would do anything for her. What happens when Chloe meets Max Tyler who doesn't hide his hatred for Rachel and what happens when Max manipulates Chloe into sleeping with hi...