Chapter Eighteen

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Ayana's Pov
The sun always finds its way to cast its glow right back into the fields that were once covered in crisp snow, that was now beaming with the green shines of different flowers. Spring was always a time for healing is what I believe. It was a time to watch not only the flowers blooming but nature, and all the animals.

Winter was beautiful none the less. But it was cold, very dark grey time. Everyone was either freezing or fighting with someone along those lines. To clear my own growing thoughts I brought Rùne out as well for her to get a sight of all the beautiful flowers in bloom.

"Don't put that in your mouth sweetie." A small laugh bubbled from my throat. I lifted her up helping her sit on my lap the best of my abilities with the bulging of my stomach. I looked like I was gonna burst anyday now.

Rùne let a very innocent but happy laugh out, her large eyes were amazed watching some butterflies flutter on by, her curly hair growing with each day. Our baby girl was growing in front of our very eyes.

With the perfect view of Kattegat it was such a peaceful morning.

"Well I was wondering where my wife and daughter ran off to." I whipped my head around but my entire body relaxed seeing Ivar he wasn't using his braces for his legs today and was going for crawling today.

"Hello love, I thought you had important business today?" I questioned watching him  when he sat down next to me roughly.

"I did, and I handle it. Your new thrall shall be arriving possibly next week. This one is gonna be better I hope how are my two favorite girls hmm." Rùne made grabby hands at Ivar who scooped her up with a relaxed expression but he smiled sitting her on his lap.

"We are enjoying what we can." I chuckled glancing down at my dress and all.

"Ivar do you ever feel like you made a mistake with me? " I watched his head snap up so fast, his cooing at Rùne pausing while she played with his hands.

"Never, I always knew I made a wise choice with you, though we have are disagreements, but not to the point I wanna kill you, I love you very much."  His response somehow made me laugh when it shouldn't have.

I should be fearful of him, his mood swings was something else I wasn't use to, but maybe it's because deep down I understand him. He must have found my reaction funny because he was laughing quietly with me. He had lifted Rùne up allowing her to play with his braids.

He would whine and playful bite at her hands making her shriek out with loud giggles. The sight was so pure and had me smiling but the sudden shift of pain across my belly had me hissing wincing a little.

I remember this pain all too well. Ivar perked up so fast, he kept Rùne so she was sitting on his shoulders.

"What is it? Is everything alright?" He questioned fast his eyes showing concern. Since my body decided to launch forward like it was dying. I breathed out a quiet chuckle letting a very loose exhale out.

"I think our next baby is ready to meet you." I stammered out wanting to laugh at Ivar's reaction I've never seen his eyes grow wide so fast.

"Now?! Like at the moment!"

"Well yes now I can feel-"

"By the gods, I freaked out last time! It's gonna be worse this time!"

"You just screamed a lot and covered your ears."

The pain from the first birth was something that would always stick with me, and for this time the pain was some unbearable. My insides felt like they were gonna get ripped out more then before. I tilted my head back another scream ripping from my throat I pushed harder then before.

But I felt Ivar was brushing my hair back from my face. The thin sweat allover. "Just a few more pushes my queen you are almost there." I held my breath for just to feel the pressure was at full swing this time.

"You can do it my love." He muttered to me pressing a small kiss to my forehead. I squeezed his hand roughly nodding my head a few times.  I pushed harder then ever with my own screams I could hear the now faint crying  the relief over my body for just a moment.

The few thralls and healers moved to clean the baby, doing all the things they usually did.

"Are the babies legs okay!" Ivar snapped out demanding to them all fast. But a small low groan grumbled from my chest at the feeling like I had to push again.

The main healer made her way over towards me, her hands moving straight back to my exposed area. Her eyes grew wide so fast.

"Oh my... My king." She snapped out fast making Ivar look back at her confused.

"What?" He snapped out so fast as well.

"There's.. Two."  She answers. Ivar's blue eyes grew in size and so did my own.

"Two!" I exclaimed in shocked groaning at the pain that followed. Child birth alone was dangerous and many women died from it, I didn't hold back from pushing again, harder ignoring everything around me.

The pain was too much but I felt it was gone and the empty feeling was once more coated through me. I felt like I could pass out right there.

"Congratulations my king and queen you have two healthy boys." I fluttered my eyes open a couple times looking a little in amazement, I locked my arms sitting up a bit looking at the bundles a bit.

"I... I pushed out two babies." I whispered flicking my gaze down at my chest a little in shocked. They haven't even opened their eyes yet, but I knew Ivar's main concern was their legs.

"How is this possible... You giving me three children healthy." He whispered in awe his shaky fingers stroking at both their cheeks a little.

"This must be a dream.. Or are the gods by my side." I felt him press a kiss to my forehead a few times.

"Thank you... With you in my life many amazing things have happened." I chuckled weakly inhaling sleepy like. I studied their features.

"What shall we name them?" I whispered watching Ivar studying them even his own blue eyes filled with quite a lot of emotions yet I watched with interest when they opened their eyes. Though they were twins one had deep blue eyes like Ivar, the other had my brown eyes.

"This one is Frye, this one is Freyr. Beautiful." Ivar muttered kissing their heads very slowly. I felt so extremely tired all at once.

"My king, she has lost a lot of blood we need to get her cleaned and make sure she is okay." I leaned my head back gazing at the two. Twins.... Who would have ever thought that was possible.

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