Chapter Seven

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Ayana's Pov
The cold breeze rushed passed me and it felt so calm, peaceful like I didn't have a single care in the world. A small smile slipped its way across my face, and carefully I took a peek along the edge of the hill in interest. I never knew Kattegat had so many high hills and cliffs.

You could see all the widespread water, that spreads out to the vast ocean. This was possibly the calmest, and relaxed I've been in Kattegat in a long while. "Did you really find this place Ivar?" I questioned, spinning my head back around to gaze at Ivar who was sitting on the grass.

I expected him to be watching all his people down below, but those eyes of his were watching me instead of taking in everything, and almost anything I was doing.

"Hm? Yes, I did I found it on accident no one knows of this hill place, not even Eerika it's a place for my thoughts." He explained averting his eyes away from me. He then faced his eyes on the long beds of grass running his hands across.

"I just feel like we need to make up for lost time, I feel like I've been missing out on your growth with our child." He spoke up again. My body felt cold with the sudden shock of his boldness, only a couple months had passed since the finding of me being with child.

Of course, my protection had grown in numbers and Ivar wouldn't let me go any place without some guards or even Hvitserk. I at first never saw no change over just one night, but one night Ivar exclaimed out about my stomach being slightly round. It was an amazing development.

"Ivar you are a king, I do not expect you to spend every waking minute with me, you have a kingdom to run." I reassured him, a smile making it's way. I carefully smoothed out the edges of my blue dress and made my way over to Ivar when he gestured with his fingers patting the spot next to him on the grass.

I seated myself next to him, watching his hand go straight to my slightly new round bump. "This is truly amazing." He whispered breathless, flicking his eyes from my stomach towards me.

"You look so cute." I smiled, moving closer to him glancing at my stomach more.

"Eerika never got this far every time she was with child, she would wake up screaming in the middle of the night covered in blood, so I've never seen the growth like this." He whispered a faint smile making its way across his lips.

"Hello, little one." He chuckled slowly grazing his hand all over my covered stomach resting his head on my shoulder.

It's safe to say that I wasn't Eerika's favorite at the moment, her rages have grown so much that Ivar had to have an assigned sleep schedule each week, he had a set time for me, and a set time for her. Her rage moments have grown very outrageous that even Hvitserk is in disbelief at them.

I knew at first we weren't gonna get along not one bit. "Tell me about your home Ayana? Tell me everything about you." He muttered quietly to me. I took a peek down at my shoulder, his hand was still rubbing at my stomach slowly, his blue eyes watching the view.

"I'm the only girl with a family full of boys, I have five brothers." I stammered out.

"Five brothers? My was your father getting busy." Ivar snorted. I let a small laugh out and moved my head to rest on top of Ivar's soft brown hair.

"He did have five wives, our kingdom is very beautiful Ivar I think you would love it there are many animals. It's close by the Mediterranean back home I didn't have such responsibilities as the princess so I was free, I would run away collecting apple's, feeding the horses."

I giggled feeling Ivar's body shaking gently.

"I can see that actually, you have a free spirit are all the woman as pretty as you? Obviously, no one can compare to your beauty your skin itself." Ivar whispered, his other hand to drop down and grab my hand holding it close.

"I have not a clue what you are doing to me Ayana, but I'm starting to love you very very much." He whispered. The feeling of my own heart starting to pound made me anxious.

"Me? You're loving me?" I whispered in confusion, watching Ivar lift his head up to meet my eyes.

"It's very possible for a man to love more than one woman, I saw it with my own father. His first wife Lagertha, she bared him one son, my older brother Bjorn Ironside, but then she couldn't have anymore so, he met my beautiful mother Aslaug, then had my other brothers, Ubbe, Sigurd, Hvitserk then me." I was listening intently, running my thumb all over his hands.

"My father truly loved both women for different reasons, Lagertha was his first love, so there's no one can take that, while Aslaug stayed by his side, the same is with you Eerika is my first love, the first woman to love me, then there's you, you're by my side, you treasure me and never argue with me like Eerika, truly I see you as the one I love the most." I was frozen just listening to Ivar.

He was ruthless in every way, I've seen him sacrifice others, ruthlessly kill others who speak ill, and he's being soft and actually showing me emotions right now. I have to remember. Yes, I was growing attached to Ivar, I respected him too much to ever think about laying with another man. The thought disgusted me.

Yes, I was falling for Ivar, but I had to know my place, as second wife and not overstep anything. I gently pressed a kiss to his cheek, watching his eyes flicked soft watching me even more.

"I'm falling for you too Ivar, thank you for being a caring husband." I whispered watching him smile. He then lifted his head up and pressed a soft kiss to my lips and I slowly returned the kiss.

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