Chapter Eight

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Ayana's Pov
My hands carefully glided across the soft bump on my stomach with intrigue a small little smile staying across my face. It was so strange but made me curious none the less, that a little creature was growing inside my body. It felt foreign to me like everything else around me.

I wasn't all that interested in this long meeting with Ivar, Eerika, and a prince that had ridden into Kattegat. Kattegat was one of the largest trading posts in the capital close to England.

So it wasn't a surprise, but whenever I spoke up Eerika would shot a small remark at me, and I would just send one back.

She didn't like a woman that could speak up just like her. I was so lost in the world of rubbing my tummy that I had to look up and jolt up from my own seat in the throne on the left side of Ivar.

"My beautiful wife I was calling you." Ivar sent me a small smile and I took a deep breath.

"I apologize Ivar our baby was just moving a little." I also sent him a tiny smile sitting up, crossing my leg over the other focus on all the men around us.

"Moving already?" He questioned lifting an eyebrow but he didn't say anything else after all, "This is Prince Tyule he will be staying with us for a few days to discuss some trading options," Ivar informed me. I gave him a small head nod wondering why he was telling me this.

"Two wives? How fearful Boneless, she's beautiful." He was a decently handsome man with long hair that flowed down his back and eyes as green as the grass. My cheeks grew flamed and I cleared my throat.

"Well thank you Tyule." I whispered shyly. Ivar shot him a small glare.

"She is off-limits don't touch her." He snapped out his blue eyes glaring roughly.

"It never hurts to look Boneless." Was his response. Eerika was leaning on her fist and rolled her eyes deeply with a smirk.

The movement in my stomach causing great discomfort, I couldn't even stay sitting up for so long. I leaned over whispering to Ivar quietly. "I'm not feeling too well, may I go rest?" I whispered. He turned his head to listen to me and nodded pressing a gentle kiss to my cheek.

"Hvitserk come take Ayana to her chambers." Ivar called over to the bored looking male who perked up a bit but then grinned rushing over to help me holding my hand he helped me down.

I glanced at myself through the dark green dressed, glancing back at Hvitserk while we continued our journey. "Hvitserk? Do I look fat?" I questioned noticing it was a little hard to see my feet. No matter how much I peered over.

"You look a little big like a pumpkin, but you are glowing that's what being with child does." He spoke laughter following through. I hit his arm lightly giggling at least he could lighten up the mood.

"I think it's a girl... She's very fierce and moves a lot."

"So a girl version of Ivar?"

When nightfall fell the loud sounds of the feast were filling through my ears. I only stayed for a little while before I wanted time for myself to study and read in the comforts of my room. I had spent a lot of time with Aster while she brushed my hair.

I never wanted her to do more work then she needed to do. Most things I could do on my own. "You know Ayana I've noticed something." Her curious whispers made me glance up to stare at the giggling fifteen-year-old watching her set the brush down on the vanity.

"And what have you noticed sweet pea?" I chuckled folding the edge of the page to give her my full attention.

"I believe King Ivar pays more attention to you, then Queen Eerika. I mean she is my queen, but you are so much nicer and kind then she is. She hits her thralls, throws tantrums, it did grow a little worst once King Ivar impregnated you." I snorted out a soft laugh, and gently ran my hands through her hair.

"Aster, Ivar is only treating me like this because I am gonna be carrying all his children, that is all. Eerika just doesn't like another woman being in power like she is." I explained to the curious girl.

"Back home I had many women who envied me for being the princess, it wasn't a fun title." I brushed all her hair away with a gentle smile.

"It's all about power that is it." She giggled quietly with me, but the small sound of a fist knocking by the wall, made us both look to watch Ivar stumble into the room propping his crutch on the wall, showing very irritable signs that he was irritated and stress.

"Aster can you leave us, please? your duties are done for the night." Aster gave him a small head nod and bowed her head before rushing off. I set the book down, before I stood up off the vanity chair and made my way towards Ivar scooping both his rough hands. I carefully lead him to my bed sitting on the edge with him.

"What's troubling you Ivar?" I questioned gently slowly, I raised my hands up to start undoing the tightness of his braids watching them cascade like a waterfall down his shoulders.

"Everything is stressing me out, Eerika is demanding me taking her on a trip since we haven't spent time in months, and all the deals with Prince Tyule. I know Eerika won't stop bugging me till she does." He growled out. I hummed quietly and I ran my hands through his hair watching in sigh in content.

"Here's a suggestion. I know I am not your queen but... You can take Eerika on this trip so she'll stop pestering you, you can leave me in charge my father use to all the time, I know how to do negotiations, treaties, things like that Hvitserk will be here with me, so will the guards." I was explaining it and Ivar curved his eyebrow in thought.

  "I don't know love.. I don't wanna put that kinda pressure on you, and what did I say about saying that. You're my queen as well." He grumbled lifting my chin up.  He pressed a brief kiss to my lips chuckling.

"More of a queen than her." He grumbled. I inhaled quietly still running my hands through his hair.

"But... If you think you can handle it, I'll trust you. Just don't hesitate to tell me if Tyule touches you. His eyes were looking in places that I easily could have slit his throat."  Ivar squinted his eyes in thought before he looked at me again.

"Lie with me, princess." He whispered his blue eyes locking with mine, lacing our hands gently and I gave him a soft smile before I laid down next to him, his head resting on my bust, stroking his hair.

This was gonna be the first time I would gonna prove myself that I to had knowledge and tactics worthy of being a queen as well.

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