Chapter Thirty Nine

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Ayana's Pov
"Dad, dad look at this!" I whipped around quick like, it wasn't even my name being shouted moving out the way from where I was walking. I was sure from the excitement she would have knocked anyone over.

Ivar following along behind me. It was a small little walk through the morning cold and time, the best time to actually take a walk before the streets were crowded with people for the markets and stores alike.

"It's barely morning and you are are running around, what is it?" He rolled his arms back a few times moving his neck side to side roughly.

She was shoving a piece a paper in his face making him almost fall back, I grabbed his arm to steady him, making sure he didn't get knocked by the foce, holding his arm his tattoos on display. Ivar carefully took the paper scanning his eyes a little in confusion.

"What's this?" He asked glancing up for a second, he stared at her for confirmation, I was also confused. Rúne seemed to be bouncing around so fast like, all over her flat shoes, wiggling about.

"It's a festival here. They only have it when it snows here in the spring like it has been, they call it the starry night festival, it's being held tomorrow, you spend it with people you care about, and watch the stars." Ivar looked confused by the world festival, he turned his body towards me for a moment.

"Festival? What's a festival." He asked me curious like.

"It's like the feasting parties, or the weddings parties, they spend the whole day celebrating this one event." His mouth dropped to an o, with him nodding.

"It sounds interesting, who gave this to you?" Rúne then grinned a bit.

"Sky invited me to go with him," I punched Ivar slightly in his side when he was glaring, he cleared his throat.

"Well as long as you are careful, is it just gonna be you two?" He questioned, all three of us now walking down the street now, I held my hands behind my head, stretching my shoulders back a couple times.

"No dad, a couple friends as well, there's a good spot from the hill for the stars." Ivar didn't seem to convinced by this, he was a little too overburdened with protection over her.  Rúne was then exclaiming slightly.

"Hey I know dad! Why don't you take mom, I'll take the boys with me, maybe it can be like old times between you two." She grinned nudging me a few times in the process.

"What?" Me and Ivar said in unison glancing at one another.

"Its suppose to be romantic spend some time together, relax." She smiled at us both her hands clamped on front of her, an innocent grin on her lips.

"Me and your mom spend so much time together though Rúne." He exclaimed at her confused, I looked away for a moment when I heard Ivar grunt out while Rúne was whispering hushly to him.

"Dad are you stupid..."

"What... I oh..!" I tuned back in for a moment messing with the loose curls for a a couple seconds, twisting my finger through it.

"Ayana?" I looked back towards Ivar.

"Yes? Sorry I was distracted what's going on?" Ivar looked back at Rúne who seemed to be grinning too much.

"Do you wanna attend the festival with me?" I stared for a moment, this festival most likely only happens every once a few years, plus it could be fun, I gave him a soft smile nodding slowly.

"Sure Ivar why not, I'm sure it could be fun, when will we get to attend another festival." I giggled slightly seeing his shoulders sink back in possible relief, Rúne grinned.

"Yes plan is a success." She cleared her throat, a bit.

"I'll see you two back at home." She rushed off with that final goodbye. Ivar lifted an eyebrow at her haste retreat, I could tell he was growing uncomfortable with walking on his legs so much without his crutch.

"Here lean on me, I don't want you to fall." An odd look was flashed my way. A breathless chuckle leaving him.

"Are you crazy? You'll hurt yourself-" I wrapped my arm around his waist a bit letting him lean on me walking with him, his little grunts and grumbles were all heard through the air.

"I told you, that you have to give your legs a break in your braces sometimes and walk with the crutch or even go back to crawling you aren't less of a man for that okay." My voice was so firm like.

"People already know that we aren't from here, to them we are invaders, with our children who also look different, how else will they stare at me when they see a cripple?" A short roll of my eyes had me holding him up more letting him rest on the wooden bench near one of the few shops.

"And what of it? They don't know you personal, they don't fear you. But they could since when had Ivar ever cared about what others think hmm?" He rested his arms over either side of the back of the bench.

"I don't care and, they should fear me, when I could slit their necks in their sleep they wouldn't hear me coming that's the fun part." He snickered out.

"Charming like always dear." The morning slow down soon was rushed to with everyone actually waking up and getting ready, I believe Rúne truly wasn't lying about this festival there were decorations everywhere, little stars and banners everywhere, it was quite beautiful.

I was positive tomorrow night it was gonna be lit up with different lights and colors and everyone would just be having fun, drinking being with people they wanted to share things with.

I plopped down on the bench with Ivar tucking my legs under me, we both just sat in comfortable peace with one another.

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