Chapter Twenty Seven

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Ayana's Pov
"That man of yours is crazy I say my dear... He has the eyes of a killer." I glanced to my left to stare at my father who seemed to be in a daze. At first I sort of brush it off as him being in his thoughts. He rambles a lot now In his increasing age.

"Father what are you talking about, I have no man." I chuckled patting at his knee reaching forward to drink from the cup, the strong flavors of alcohol hitting my senses all in one go. It was quite refreshing, in all my years I had never really drank it. Didn't appeal to me that much.

"I'm talking about the white men who have been here for weeks now... I'm surprised I didn't notice the crazy before." I choked on a very hard snort of laughter slipping out of my mouth.

"Now which one are you talking about Hvitserk? All he has done is gone to the markets to get apples, he enjoys them. Sigurd has slept with too many woman that I can't count. Ubbe just wants to get drunk, though I don't blame him." I paused a little to finish my fourth cup, bobbing my head to the mellow music filling the main hall.

"Ivar yes the children's father, Ayana be careful, he has killed before." Was all he said after a while waving his hand a bit.

"Father in the past I was scared of Ivar. I'm not fearful of him. He was my husband." I reassured him gently. He hummed a bit in content turning his head towards me.

"And what about Bjorn? You've spent quite some time with him, and I thought no one could sway that stone heart of yours." I was quick to lightly choke on a small cough that tore through my chest.

"B-Bjorn? What no way father, he's always just been there to help me like a brother in law does, Bjorn just..." I sighed heavy my shoulders sinking back to find the exact frame of words I needed.  Focusing on him across the main hall, seeing him chatting with Rúne with a soft smile on his features showing her the different tattoos spared across his arms.

"He made a lot of mistake in his past, all the wives he had, neglecting some of his kids, even his eldest son dying in a war. Just from spending a few years with Vikings I've learned they are courageous. Yet they still live their lives to head to Valhalla." I chuckled the turning in my stomach started soon after with my head spinning.

  "Oh no." I whined quietly placing my warm palm to rest right onto my forehead a little.

"What is it now?" He questioned firmly. This sensation was new and I didn't like it one bit, I felt like I was gonna puke.

"I think this is the reason why I don't drink... I feel funny." I grumbled getting out of my throne moving down the steps. I was able to make out one last exclaim from my father who was cracking up.

"Oh my-  Ayana you are drunk! I have never seen you drunk at all." He cackle loudly, a small little gag slipped passed my lips.

"Very helpful dad." I rolled my eyes playfully deciding it would be best to head to bed for rest. It seemed like my body was moving slow like guiding my way through the halls.  No wonder father drinks so much. I was halfway to my bedroom, when my feet decided it would be best to not work properly.

I shot my hands out to grip onto the wall a grumbling mess, also laughing feeling large arms quickly caught me.  "Wow... Never thought I would see you light on your feet hmm?" A soft laugh left me startled from the warmth engulfing me, I smiled at him a little.

"Hi Bjorn.. Just I drank too much and my feet feel funny." The look on his face said enough before he started laughing quietly lifting me up.

"Silly woman... You are drunk you just need to rest, where's your room?" He was able to lift me up with so much ease bridal style, his footsteps echoing down the hall on repeat.

"Four doosr to the right." I answered a little my head rested right on his chest listening to the thumping of his heart beat it was really relaxing. Almost like I fell asleep for just a split second, "We are here wake up." He told me gently.

My head jerked a little groaning at the slight ringing across my head. "Thank you Bjorn." I told him gently. He stared down at me chuckling.

"I can see now why you don't usually drink, don't let the kids see you like this." He joked towards me, I booped his nose slightly with my finger getting another soft laugh out of him, yet it seemed something else was on his mind, his eyes stared at me with full softness, something I hadn't seen in years.

Slowly inch by inch his head lowered before I felt his lips placed upon my own, it wasn't rough, very soft and tender like. My palm pressed against his cheek cradling it bringing him much closer to me my lips moving and meeting with his in every single way.

As the minute passed on the kiss grew just a bit more firmly a little more hungry like he lifted me up closer to his body flushed against one another carrying me inside the bedroom.

It didn't even processed  straight away to thought into my mind that I was laying in my bed with him hovering over me, till I felt his warm hand cascading down on my thigh each finger dancing across the warmth of my skin, hitching my dress up slowly. The kiss broken.

"May I Ayana?" I fluttered my eyes just a few times my chest rising and falling my entire body relaxed back into the plush bed. I held my breath, yet I felt I knew what I wanted it wasn't too much of a question as I utter my response.

"You may Bjorn..."

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