Chapter Twenty Two

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Ivar's Pov
The grip was tight on my nose ignoring all the fast rushing sounds around me, my body tensed up to the brim. I needed time to myself but that was short come by with every single person coming and entering the throne room of all times of the day. I

"Ivar.." I cut off Hvitserk voice before he could finish, even ignoring the soft hands rubbing at my shoulders.

"I don't wanna hear it right now Hvitserk, I just wanna know if anyone found her yet, than I'll sleep." I could hear him moving near me before he was clearing his throat.

"Its been around two weeks Ivar... I don't think she was kidding around when she said she was taking your children and leaving." A low groan left passed my lips the tension rising back behind my eyes, my rough hands then moving to rub at my temple.

"Doesn't matter he deserves it anyway." I didn't spare Bjorn a glance. A soft laugh escaped from Sigurd.

"That's only because you were in love with her brother." That was when I snapped my gaze over to Bjorn who chuckled shaking his head a bit.

"I was fond of her.. Correct you guys never watched her when she worked she kept the kingdom in line when ever Ivar was doing stupid stuff, it was like automatic like that." He snapped his fingers sighing lifting his cup of mead to his lips.

"Kinda reminded me of my mother she was born to rule that's for sure." I once more rolled my eyes.

"Like that would ever happen, I doubt she would have been with you finding out the many wives you shared." I rubbed harder at my temple. This was a feeling I was very not used too. On edge, vulnerable almost weak like I was a child and teen again.

"Ivar you've had just as many wives."

"Shut up Ubbe!" It grew quiet once again before the doors to the throne room slammed open once again with the guards walking in. I sat up ignoring Kari who was still rubbing at my shoulders.

"Well?" I snapped out at them.

"We are sorry my king.. We sailed across the waters for days, and even looked around through the forest, Queen Ayana.. And your children." I growled quietly.

"Its impossible, she couldn't have gotten that far." I snapped out.

"My love isn't that a good thing? She could be dead for all we know." I rolled my eyes at Kari.

"No Ayana is strong.. It's one of the reason I married her I felt no fear in her eyes, she could always hold her own battles and no one ever fought them, she's not dead." I grumbled.

"Keep looking." Was all I ordered out dismissing them with the rough flick of my hand.

"Love maybe we should just call it off." I slapped her hands away yelling out.

"No! I won't because you don't understand Kari! She keeps the kingdom running if you haven't quite noticed, our people love her and by the gods... They love her too I need her.. now leave me be get out of my sight."

Ayana's Pov
"Dad! Don't tossing her up like that she's gonna throw up on you." My scolding tone just seemed to make my dad laugh even more resting Rúne on his hips while she was calming down from her laughing fit.

"Ahh she's okay Ayana, strong as they come. I still don't know why you aren't resting you had such a long trip." I forced a small smile taking in the hot sun beating down, looking down at the twins. Yeah it felt amazing to be at home and I was starting to get a little sea sick. It took a long journey to get back home after two weeks in the water.

"Ayana how come you came back home? You seemed more than pleased to stay at Kattegat with Ivar?" A small scowl stayed on my face but I looked up watching two of my brothers come near me.

"Our turn to be with our nephews." I chuckled quietly, and nodded letting them hold the two watching them start squealing and cooing quietly to one another.

"It was okay at the beginning I was only there to help give him kids, I gave him Rúne she was healthy as can be... And then I started falling in love with him.. I went from being his second wife to being the queen of Kattegat it was a lot of work, but not for me of course." He let a small laugh out before he was sitting down next to me.

"Then I was with child with the boys, I knew Ivar loved me, but he didn't respect me, I was being disrespected when he wanted a second wife for no reason. So after some little push and shove tough love I left wanting to focus on my kids, and stop being treated like I was less then what I was." I heard my father humming deeply.

"I've seen you grow, very fast from the young naive girl to a woman, with children,  a queen your demeanor isn't the same and maybe being married to a mad man made that happen." A loud laugh left me my body shaking bowing my head down a bit to take a breath.

"I still love him... He was the first man I love dad..." I shut my eyes deeply.

"And you can still love him, but you can also know your worth, I'm actually glad you are back home, you are my daughter and your brothers don't know how to run anything- left them alone for a week all it was, was pure chaos." Another soft giggle left me covering my mouth a little as I snicker looking away, but I focused back when I felt Rúne's hand gently stroking at my brown cheek making me relax gazing at her with a smile.

"I'd love to help around, as long as your wives remember their place and stop glaring at me." I laughed a little.

"They know their place, I would hope cause no woman disrespecting my daughter deserves to be here." He started going on a deep rambles rant he did, while I stared at Rúne, in my own children looked like him.

I turned my head away to gaze at the beating sun and clouds, shutting my eyes for a moment.

"One day maybe will see each other again Ivar... Until then I'm leaving you to the care of the gods and your people."

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