Chapter Thirty Five

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Ayana's Pov
"I've never seen a bird like that back at home!"

"Why is it so big?"

"I think it's trying to mate-"


"What it is!" Her little exclaim and my look of surprised had Ivar laughing loud like from where he was resting on the grass grabbing all his hair to casually tye up.

"Well you won't see it, it's the natural part of life, enjoy kids ow!" I roughly smacked him on the top of his head making him stare up at me with an odd expression.

"What was that for?! Reproducing is part of life, we are in the middle of a new land observing the animals." He muttered.

"Rúne hasn't even had her first bleed yet alone knowing what sex is Ivar." I folded my arms a little the wind flowed and blowed my dress in such a calm like manner.

For one time I would like to say that one of Bjorn's ideas wasn't actually all that harmful, there was no fighting, it seemed Ivar had less weight he was worrying about things. It was just sailing and exploring new lands. It was quite calming actually.

"Ew.. I know what sex is mom.. I'm not that young." She laughed quietly casually taking a bite out of the Apple laying back on the grass a little shaking with her own laughter.

"I- and who gave you the talk sweetie?" I called yelping when Ivar yanked me to sit down next to him, gesturing to his hair, I rolled my eyes before tying it up for him.

"Uncle Hvitserk did, said it was a beautiful thing, till he explained it sounds like it's gross." Visually me and Ivar both winced our eyes wide a little.

"Will talk about it later." Was Ivar's final response, I finished up his hair with one last tug, watching with interest keeping my eyes on the boys who were now not so interested in the birds flying around the area and were chasing one another with sticks. Rúne seemed very much lost in that world that was her own.

"Ivar?" I spoke out calmly, his eyes were shut while he was taking in the sun, almost like he was gonna call asleep there.

"What's the real reason you didn't wanna be king anymore?" His eyes once more opened for a moment before his chest rose and fell a couple times.

"I... Well I don't know the gods were visiting me a lot in my dreams, even the seer seeing things I didn't like the sound of. He said if I kept being king, marrying so many women one day one of them would kill me. Or in general I would die." He shrugged his shoulders back a few times, I kept staring at him a bit.

"That's one reason, another one is that somewhere in my mind, we can still grow old with one another, I'll go down in history as Ivar the boneless, the cripple viking, with my children to also carry out the name, we could find a nice place to settle down in." I stared at Ivar, a small bit of laughter leaving me.

"Ivar, Vikings don't wanna die of old age, they wanna die in battle, so they can go to Valhalla, isn't that what you want?" I questioned out to him, he shifted his eyes up at the sky a little on thought.

"It doesn't sound bad, of course I do! But can't I enjoy some simple things for a while, there hasn't been a major battle since my father's death, and maybe the small one between my brothers but like that's besides the point." He paused clicking his tongue slightly drumming his hands across his legs.

"Okay so like raiding and killing, yes it's amazing oh it's such a rush, but seeing new sights, seeing new places to maybe take over, it isn't such a bad life." He exclaimed a small smile growing on his face.

"Like your home.. It's beautiful everything about it, from the people, the animals, the food that's something I didn't learn was important till I got much older and maybe that's what I couldn't see." Ivar went on a very small light rant that I just let him, he was better then hearing him yelling, it was his qualities of a great mind.

"Are you listening Ayana?" I snapped out my thoughts seeing him staring at me, I cleared my throat fast, nodding.

"Oh yeah very much so, All that good things." I held back my laughter quickly trying to move when he grabbed me tickling at my sides a little.

"You weren't were you!" I kept laughing trying to move away but he just kept yanking me closely tickling me even more.

"Ivar stop." I screamed loudly through my laughter hearing him laughing at me even more.

"How can you not listen to my beautiful rants woman." I smacked at his hands a few times.

"Cause!" I exclaimed back a little, his hands kept moving all over and it honestly felt like I was dying more then anything from the laughter till I felt a hard push knocked me and Ivar on top of one another, I was startled feeling my lips landed on top of his own.

It seemed we were both startled with his hand reaching up to bring me closer to return the very light kiss, lips moving slightly. Just for a moment I returned the kiss before I lifted my head up to gaze at Ayana who was casually rubbing at the back of her head with a grin, her laughter coming out.

"Sorry about that! There was a bug on me." She casually gestured brushing off her dress sending a small little smirk my way.

"I... Rúne-" my exclaim was very much quick short when Ivar yanked my head back down to kiss him again keeping my head very much still and in place, using his arm to shield our faces for a moment.

"Ew! Mom and dad are kissing!"

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