Chapter Twelve

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Ayana's Pov
"She looks like Ivar... Look at those eyes she's gonna be a real beauty."

"At least she's finally looking like you both, she got a little darker."

"Shut up Hvitserk she's beautiful like the goddess Freya herself."

I wanted to snort and chuckle at the seen of these grown men crowding around me like little children. The first couple of days I couldn't really walk properly, but once the pain settled I was more than alright. I knew the peace only lasted as much as it could. I still had to help Ivar with the aftereffects of Eerika and everything.

"She's beautiful Ayana you did a good job." Ubbe praised me grinning he looked over my shoulder gently poking her tummy while her eyes looked around with interest.

"She's gonna be quite the spoiled princess." Hvitserk grinned gently stroking her cheek. He then pouted looking between everyone.

"Kinda makes me want one now." I breathed out a soft laugh holding Rúne close to me with a smile, keeping her head pressed to my chest. 

"I'm quite sure you have one on the way anyways brother with how you get busy." Bjorn snorted and patted my lower back.

"Congratulations Ayana." I bowed my head at him gently, returning the smile he gave me.

"Thank you, Bjorn," I utter out the words quietly gently rocking Rúne closer onto my chest hearing her quiet sounds and noises.

It still had been a full week and everyone was cooing and aweing over her. Ivar already was spoiling her and she was only a few weeks old. I always would wake up in the middle of the night confused but he was hovering over the little area she slept at talking to her. Telling her all the little hopes and wishes for her to be the best shield maiden when she was older.

I was pulled away from my silly thoughts from the roaring laughter from all the brothers, that I felt a like kiss being pressed onto my cheek making me flutter my round brown eyes a few times.

"Hello wife." I chuckled quietly looking at Ivar who was looking between everyone.

"I don't mean to interrupt, well I kinda do but I need my wife," Ivar commented sliding his arm around my waist he peeked over my shoulder cooing at Rúne with a grin across his lips rubbing at her belly.

"What for?" Sigurd shot out the rough question making Ivar simply roll his eyes but then Hvitserk speak. 

"You have to do all the stuff for the divorce with Eerika don't you?" He nodded his head at Ivar and everyone grew quiet at the mention of that.

"Yes, I wanna get it done as quickly as I can." Ivar once again spoke.

"She's gonna raise so much hell I can already head her annoying voice." Bjorn rubbed at his face roughly. I listened to them talk like nothing was wrong. A divorce was either a good thing for a woman or a bad thing.

"Eerika it is not that difficult just sign it." I glanced up from across the table still rocking a sleeping Rúne on my chest, feeling the gaze of Eerika. And of course, it was a heavy heated has did anger but there was something else hidden there. I could feel it.

"After everything, I gave and poured out to you Ivar and you throw it away so easily. I suppose men can whores just as well." She scoffed out a quiet laugh but scooped up the utensil dipping it in the ink she stood up signing away in the paper her green eyes held with the emotions.

"Shut your mouth I never cheated, nor did I ever bad mouth you like the way you do to me you're so lucky I didn't have you killed." Ivar snapped, Eerika breathed out a soft laugh and glanced up slamming the utensil down straight on the table making it jolt and shake.

"Oh, you've done something's boneless, I have a few words from your new first wife, and queen to be. I'll be on my way after." She chuckled staring straight ahead at me.

"All men lie Ayana and soon you'll be in my place, he'll love you at first, give you everything you've wanted but you've given him confidence now. He'll just keep using your womb up till you can't have any more kids, and once that happens he'll do to me, the same to you, he'll find another woman and another second wife. He can love now but when you break that is when he leaves. If you ever wanna know... Just come see me and I'll tell you about poor Freydis." A small tiny smirk made its way across her lips and Ivar's face for once filled with anger but a shift of fear.

"Eerika!" He shouted inraged. I held Rúne close to me out of my mother instinct looking at Ivar taking in her actual wide words for once.

"Who is Freydis,  Ivar?" I questioned out fast watching Ivar snap his head and eyes into my direction.

"No one my sweetness I swear Eerika," Ivar growled out but Eerika just stared at me.

"You're a smart girl Ayana don't fall to a trick of the eye." With her final words she spun around marching out of the room holding the ends of her dress while I held my breath in so much confusion. I stood up Ivar's eyes watching me.

"What are you hiding from me Ivar..." I looked at him his expression was blank.

"Nothing Ayana I'm hiding nothing you are gonna believe her lies? I thought you were smarter than that." Ivar snapped out at me.

  "I believe when new information has been told me." I shot him a small glare still holding Rúne close my head was just overwhelmed.

"Don't walk away from me" Ivar demanded but I just stormed off ranking my head for more things I could take with each growing day.

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