Chapter Thirty Four

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Ayana's Pov
"So I called forth this meeting to discuss something very important, I suppose it would be more wise to explain it." My free hand pressed onto my temple glancing down at Freyr who was deeply cuddling up to my chest, almost very fast asleep in a instant, it seemed very heavy on the room, like everyone had better places to be, or more things to be doing.

"Everything is important now isn't it? I'm shocked there is no yelling." Sigurd teased out a little propping himself up in his chair.

"Sigurd I swear everything that comes out of your mouth is just an excuse for me to chop your head clean off." Hvitserk choked on some small laughter, shaking his head a little in the process.

"No this could be important, you may continue Ivar, but first I wanna check in on Ayana? haven't seen her in weeks. How are you Ayana?" Ubbe held his hand out to silence Ivar's to be quiet who growled deeply in annoyance tossing his hand up in disbelief. I gave him a gentle smile nodding my head slowly.

"I'm doing a lot better Ubbe thank you for asking." I muttered patting at Freyr's back hearing him snoring away, Ivar then exclaimed out.

"May I talk now! Thank you." Ivar huffed rubbing at his temple. "As of today I'm discowning as King of Kattegat." I listened to the growing noise, even Rúne looked a little startled looking up from her book. Her eyes rounded in awe.

"Why I also thought that was your purpose to kill Lagertha and be crowned king." Sigurd scoffed out so roughly.

"Shut up." Ivar rolled his eyes a little sharing a look with Bjorn, this actually was the first time this topic occurred out in the open again, it made me curious.

"Yes yes I know I've said it before like two weeks ago, but I mean it this time." Hvitserk chewed at his thumb slightly staring a little in confusion head tilted to the side.

"Then who would run Kattegat hmm?" Bjorn then spoke calm like looking away from everyone.

"I will, me and Ivar have discussed this for quite some days now, I think it will do him so good, but not only him he actually has a good idea listen." Bjorn ordered out a little to everyone.

Ivar shifted his eyes back and forth before calling out. "I'm gonna take Ayana and the kids so they can explore more lands without worry." I don't think I had ever stared at him so quick.

"Me! Why me and not your wife." I called out fast like. Ivar rubbed at his cheeks so casual like before stating out.

"She's not my wife anymore, swiftly moving on, if Bjorn takes over again, it will be in good hands. Rúne is too young to run it all by herself."

A small laugh escaped Rúne as she called out. "Good riddance of that woman... "  She then paused again.

"Mom was sixteen when she was running the kingdom for grandpa, why can't I?" Ubbe letting a hard laugh out.

"That's your daughter Ivar has your temper and everything." He spoke through all his laughter.

"Rúne you are thirteen, not sixteen wait a little while." Ivar ordered out to her, while she just waved her hand off a couple times.

"Ayana come on you know it will do you some good to just take a break, see new places." Bjorn stared at me a little his arms folded roughly.

"Even though Ivar is the core cause of your stress-"

"Fuck you!" Bjorn waved his hand also a couple times, I got up for a moment to place Fryer into Ivar lap which he took holding him close.

It was like it was Ivar's natural state to argue cause him and Sigurd were thrown into one of their loud arguments Ubbe chatting with Frye. I saw Bjorn nod at me to join him in the hall, so with a small grunt I stood up following him to the hallway, I was very much the first one to speak staring at him with heavy eyes.

"What in your right mind would think it's a great idea to go on a year long traveling trip with Ivar?" The large male opened to speak, but was cut off by Ivar screaming out, blocking well anyone from speaking out.

"Shut your mouth Sigurd! Always running that mouth of yours it's why you can't keep a woman."

"You never were able to keep your own!"

"Both of you shut up!" Bjorn rolled his eyes roughly rubbing at the bridge of his nose heavy little things leaving him.

"Ayana we just talked about this two days ago when you finally were able to get out of bed, we had came to an agreement. It's a way to reconcile with Ivar once and for all." I as well pinched at the bridge of my nose roughly.

"Reconcile about what? Exactly how he has changed, Yes I have seen some changes. About things that have changed." I questioned a little Bjorn just gazed at me even more.

"How he divorced his wife for you? Visit new lands, hell you don't even have to come back to Kattegat! Let the gods take you somewhere Ayana but Kattegat taints you every time you come and go." I also tossed my hands up for a moment, rubbing them across my hair a few times.

"Ivar only divorced her cause she cheated on him Bjorn, she's lucky she isn't even dead." I defended out.

"By the gods Ayana you are so stubborn, I care about you deeply and I even loved you, but you and I both know where your heart belongs, this is both of your chances to fix it, you're getting old don't be like my father waiting till the last minute." He warned out, I held my tongue very much so from lashing out with unnecessary well everything, kicking my shoes at the stone a bit.

"I-... I guess it can't hurt to get away for a while." I muttered out a little pressing my arms more frim like. The both of us didn't seem to spare a glance when you could hear the sound of glass shattering.

"Please take Ivar away... He's still such a child take him as far as you can." A loud laugh left me quietly before I muttered.

"I should go in there before someone kills someone." I pushed myself off the wall for just a moment, leaving Bjorn for a moment.

"All the reasons to take him so he doesn't kill anyone." 

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