Chapter Thirty Eight

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Ayana's Pov
It felt like a while we had been in this town on our travels as a family. I noticed a difference in everyone, making friends enjoying the new things they learned, exploring the endless town. Even myself was enjoying the peace of well just it all.

I could tell everyone wanted to stay here, the boys had friends their age, Rúne had that crush on the boy, while me and Ivar just kept trying to improve our parenting skill, seeming making me just re-fall in love with him.

I was gonna talk to him today about staying here since we still had no plans of going anywhere else.

"Hey Ivar can I talk to you?" I called, the pouring water poured right back into the wooden bucket, Ivar grunted out resting the washed clothes near the fire.

"Yeah what's the matter?" I wiped my wet hands off with a little towel before standing up for a moment watching Ivar sit down to drink from his mead, his hair in his eye view, he whipped his head a few times tipping the cup back, you could hear him gulping it down a few short times.

"Do you miss Kattegat?" I questioned, he seemed to be startled by the simple question, a small cough leaving him, not long he was patting at his chest a couple times fast like, coughing here and there, clearing his throat of the roughness.

"Well sort of, I miss Floki, Hvitserk but I'm at peace here, it's a nice place to just raise the kids. Till they find their own paths why?" He set his empty cup down gesturing for me to sit across a from him, once I was sure all the clothes were drying by the fire, I sat across from him.

"Well I think the kids like it here, I think they wanna finish growing up somewhere were they aren't moving around ever so often. Rúne likes a boy and has become more clumsy then ever." Ivar rolled his eyes with a heavy sigh placing his fist on his chin a little, his fingers falling across his skin a few times.

"Guess she is really growing up, I know the boys have friends they throw rocks out at the lake, it was all I wanted for them, but back to this boy she likes." I held my hand out for a moment to let a small laugh out. Hoping to stop him from trying to murder this poor boy who didn't even have a clue about what's going on.

"Wait, wait! before you start freaking out and all, you should know that she is deathly afraid to speak to him with the fear of yelling at him cause she is nervous, cause she doesn't know what to say." Ivar looked surprised a little, his eyes rounded with intrigue and amusement.

"Really? She gets that from you, I'm gonna tease her about that. What does he do?" I grabbed my own cup of mead, sipping from it. It was nice and refreshing actually.

"Ivar she rants about him for hours, he works at the forge." Ivar then smirked a little.

"You know I use to work at the forge back at Kattegat I would help with the weapons when we were younger. My brothers didn't think I could fight so I would practice with them. Almost killed Sigurd with an axe two times. Actually." Ivar seemed to pause a bit, I was shocked he was opening up to me.

"Floki raise me the true Viking way, my father had thrown me out when I was a baby to get eaten by the wolves. I was quite babied by my mother which made her actually be quite neglectful towards my brothers, she was a witch and could see things." I pressed my hand on my cheek interested like still listening to Ivar.

"You still loved your mother regardless, my mother was killed in battle, so she is always remember for her deeds. I know growing up you felt different from your brothers no?" He had a dazed expression his fingers tracing all over his chin.

"I did actually, my father before he died told me I would be the greatest Viking that ever lived, they didn't believe that. So to prove myself I had to be better then them, at everything, it's why I'm smarter." I drank the rest of my mead setting it to the side a little.

"You know Ivar, in our years of knowing own another this is this first time you've ever openly expressed yourself to me. It's impressive that you speak so intelligent like." I saw a very quick shade of red coat his cheeks, before he was grumbling looking down.

"You are embarrassing me Ayana.. But yeah it is the first time I've told you stuff about me, some of it I pushed to the back of my mind to store away, that's the old Ivar." I cracked a heartful grin grabbing his hand to hold, he looked down at our hands palms touching.

"Now now Ivar, your past self, is also yourself you can never get rid of your past cause it makes you who you are today, and makes your future self as well." He blinked those soft blues at me, my other hand pointing at his chest.

"Remember that, you can shove your past self into your mind, but it lives with you everyday, and it makes you grow stronger, wiser." I paused to see him rubbing his palm all across my own a few times.

"No keep talking, I love hearing you talk so intelligent like." I couldn't hold back the laughter that sprung out from my chest, resting my head on the table to speak with laughter.

"Ivar, I'm trying to have such a serious moment here and you are over her being horny."

"I'm not! This is why you get tickled woman, I'm having a soft moment here, bless that gods be lucky I love you so."

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