Chapter Thirty Seven

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Ayana's Pov
"This is ridiculous, how is is snowing its the middle of the spring." I glanced away from my book, seeing Ivar cuddled up close to the furs on the large bed, he was shivering away with this look of gloom and annoyance.

A hard little chuckle left me glancing away to stare at the little flutters of snow dancing down all the way from the sky. It was a beautiful sight actually. Each one a different shape.

"We are on a different land, what do you expect Ivar." I laughed shaking my head dodging the pillow he threw at me.

"Still.. It is a nice place though, are you sure it was wise to let them all play outside?" My thumb flipped the page to the next chapter, my eyes shifting back and forth.

"They can't stay inside all day, it's a town full of children and teenagers alike. Rúne almost is fourteen, she's at the age were boys, or even women might interest her." I snickered when Ivar shot out.

"She is not! She has a few years till all of that." His exclaims were drowned out by the door opening and in walked the twins. First, Rúne nowhere in sight.

The very first thing I spotted in their arms was well... A snow covered.. Is that a bear cub? A loud gasp left me in shock,making Ivar shot up from his position.

"What what?!" I was quick to get up placing the book to the side. "Frye, Fryer! What.... That's a bear cub." I rushed over to the two, hearing a small whine come from Frye.

"But mom! He was all cold and alone by the inner town gates." Ivar stood up with a grunt messing with the wall as he walked towards them.

"I... You two are so much like your mother." I took offense gasping out.

"I would never pick up a cub! Boys. You have to take it back to where you found it. baby cubs are never alone they have a mother okay? Mother bears attack anyone who touched or poses harm to their cubs," I explained how danger it was for them to have done all of this.

"Where is your sister? She was suppose to be watching you both." Ivar grumbled out looking between them.

"Think she was talking to some boy who works at the forge. We are old enough." I was quick to yank Ivar back seeing a very deep shift in his eyes. The crazy kind.

"Ivar." I smacked at his arms making him hiss jumping back.

"What!" He exclaimed a little back towards me.

"You can worry about that later, this problem." I gestured. He shifted his blue eyes from the cub to the boys before groaning, tugging his furs to rest over his shoulders, before he picked up his sword.

"Oh... Come on, when you are old enough I'm teaching you hunting." His voice trailed off once they were outside. I was left alone with the fear of well, their little innocence of animals getting them killed. It was about an hour in when Rúne came back inside with this dreamy like expression.

"Hey mom.. Where's dad?" She questioned clearing her throat when she noticed it was just me reading.

"He went to go put the cub back that your brothers tried to bring home, they already ratted you out for being with a boy." Her eyes grew so wide, as she whined out.

"I... I wasn't gonna hide it... I just think he's cute I just don't know how to approach him. He's really.. Dream like." I laughed casually patting the spot next to me.

"Your father isn't here so gush all you want." I never seen her move so fast then when she was sitting down next to me.

"Does he have a name?" Her eyes focused entirely on the flames, her arms locked around her knees.

"His name is Sky... He works at forge. All the girls here think he is cute he has really beautiful green eyes and long hair." She grinned a little, it reminded me of being young having a small crush or liking someone.

"Why don't you talk to him then silly? What's the worse that can happen?" I teased her nudging her a bit. It seemed to cause her to very much freak out.

"And make a fool out of myself? I think not mom, when I'm nervous I yell and I know I get that from dad. He's a really sweet boy, hard working." I stared at her for a moment. She seemed very bugged by this. I pulled her towards me hugging her, pressing a single kiss across that temple of hers.

"Rúne you never know if you try, you'll never know if you talk to him, it will spark a friendship, then as you age is could grow into something and if he doesn't feel the same it's his lost cause then you'll find someone who will look at you and only you okay?" She seemed to be listening to me, her head was nodding each time.

"I guess... It feels strange since I've never felt like this before it's like my stomach is gonna explode. When you met dad.. Well actually how did you meet dad?" I tilted my head once. I guess I never really explained my side of meeting Ivar.

"Me and your grandfather had traveled to a new land, which was Kattegat, there was a party going on, I was just trying to you know keep myself busy, your uncle Hvitserk brought me to your dad because he was interested in me. Were he asked me to be his second wife. I didn't love your father at first it had to grow." She hummed in content.

"But when you did fall in love, did you know?" I also hummed a few short times.

"I knew.. I saw him in a different light, he was all I really knew, it wasn't just a duty to be around him, I wanted to be around him. I.. Needed him in a way." Her head moved a little closer when she whispered.

"You guys have a love story... Might not be the best kind but it's your own... Do you think we can stay here? I like it here feels a little like home." A soft little chuckle left me.

"Maybe sweetie it would be a good place."

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