Chapter Thirty Two

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Ayana's Pov
Upon arrival to the feasting hall, you could already hear his very loud and boasting voice screaming out not far from behind where the main bedroom was. A very heavy sigh left my lips pausing to rub my hand across my forehead a few short times.

The crashing was very loud, lots of crashing of different tables and chairs. I was a little hesitant to enter, a hand was placed onto my lower back, had me jolting and jumping a little in shock, I spun around seeing it was just Bjorn with Hvitserk and Sigurd.

"Oh you scared me Bjorn." I muttered, greeting the others as well.

"What in gods name is going on?" Sigurd exclaimed out, his eyes looking towards the doors.

Bjorn snapped his eyes towards me, intaking roughly. "Ayana what did you tell him...?" I fisted my dress a little speaking quickly.

"I just said I was with child, I didn't even say me and you are together which we aren't but he didn't listen and stormed off." Bjorn dragged his hand across his face sighing heavy like.

"I knew he knocked you up, you were getting too big for it to just be eating sweets." Sigurd sneered out before long he was laughing.

"Now Ivar is gonna be crying like the little baby he is." He laughed way harder then before.

"You aren't helping Sigurd." Bjorn and I snapped out in unison.

"You are with child Ayana? This might be one of Ivar's breakdowns were no one can help him, proceed with caution. " Hvitserk warned out he entered the feast hall first slamming the door open, Bjorn spun around to focus on Sigurd.

"I think you should stay out here Sigurd." He flashed an angry expression exclaiming back.

"No way it's what he deserves." Bjorn sighed, "Then I'm not stopping him if he ends up killing you then, Ayana I think you should wait out here too." I was quick to shake my head forceful.

"Its my fault I just thought if I hid it longer it would have just made him more angry." I jumped back hearing a loud cry that had me worried.

"I don't think that's anger Ayana... It's pain." Bjorn shook his head also moving inside, I followed shortly after looking around shocked at the disaster of the tables and everything. I could tell the thralls were in a state of shock and fear, their bodies shaking.

I stepped over a broken plate listening to Hviskier very firm tone. "Ivar stop this at once... It's not this extreme, your hand is bleeding okay just calm down." I held my breath still looking around sitting him sitting on the steps of the throne blood pooling around his palm, his breathing heavy.

He shrugged Hvitserk off him, my eyes soften seeing the redness in his eyes from tears. "I don't wanna talk to any of you... I want Bjorn though." Ivar chuckled looking away for a moment.

"Out of all of the women you choose to sleep with, you choose my ex wife, someone I actually care about. Anyone Bjorn why Ayana?" He questioned, Bjorn stared at Ivar fully, speaking calmly.

"Ivar I swear to you on this... I didn't choose her on purpose to hurt you in anyway... It happened one night from drinking okay? I didn't do it to spite you, damage you because you still are my brother." Ivar scoffed.

"Bullshit! You've said from the beginning that Ayana was a woman you wanted, don't you understand I love her." I took a calming step.

"Ivar listen to me okay... I promise you that I didn't do anything to hurt you, or to cause you pain for the way you hurt me..." I held my breath, it hitching for a moment at the sudden pain, shaking it away.

"Ivar look at me okay." He stared at me with a very clear pained expression on his face.

"What happened here!" Everyone turned their attention, Sigurd scoffed as he waved her off. "Of course you come at the very last minute drunk, go somewhere else." He ordered out.

The yelling seemed to pick up again, it was such a heavy strain all at once, Ivar was screaming at Bjorn again, Keri screaming at Sigurd then at me. I tried my best to calm everyone down. The pain just seemed to gradually increase.

"How about this then." Ivar chuckled darkly shaking his head.

"I'll renounce my title as king... Just so I can live a life with Ayana. I don't care about all this anymore. "

"Ivar stop thinking irrational and child like!" Bjorn shouted out.

"I'll take the title." Sigurd laughed at Hvitserk, loud playfully remark the pain become a little too much, to handle all at once I gasped out, inhaling shooting my hand down to the small little bump, this felt so different... Like there was something wrong. Very wrong. I dropped my head down.

"All of you be quiet!" I felt someone nearing me, I felt someone lifting my head up quick like. "Ayana what's the matter?" Ivar ordered out, I took a breather looking back towards Bjorn.

"T-there's something wrong with the baby... I can't feel anything." I muttered inhaling out.

"There's just a lot of pain like I'm gonna pass out." I breathed out, Ivar placed his non injured hand across my stomach, his eyes looked focused before he was sighing out breathing out looking back at Bjorn.

"Hvitserk can you go get the head healer?" He gave an odd look, but he rushed off. Ivar turned back to stare at Bjorn.

"I'm sorry... But she's..." Ivar paused a bit, Bjorn's whole face dropped, and even my own did. My vision blurred.

"Is it...?" I whispered, Ivar stared at me, before he muttered. His blue eyes already heavy from his own breakdown..

"Only a healer can confirm but.... Is there blood Ayana? Check." He whispered it felt like it was all crashing at once, my hand barely grazed across my inner leg seeing the very thick crimson liquid coating, Ivar shut his eyes with one motion, I looked back to Bjorn choking on a small quiet whimper. 

Something I hadn't even got to cherish was yet again gone because of stress.

"I'm so sorry Bjorn...."

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