Chapter Three

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Ayana's Pov
The following days passed and I had to slowly get adjusted to what was gonna be my brand new home. With my oh so daring husband, and my soon to be a sister wife. Just the thought was making my stomach turn on ends. I was gonna have to greatly be adjusted to their customs with the marriage ceremony which would be happening later today. It all just seemed like it was happening way too fast for my mind to process.

I never came out of my new room, not even to eat. I would tell my new personal thrall to bring me whatever was left. Food became a little to hard to bring down when my entire gut was twisting into anxious knots all over.

Her name was Aster, she was very young but beautiful with deep brown hair that flew down her back.  Fourteen very young at that. So far she was the only one I felt comfortable around. Someone I felt I could always talk to no matter what was happening.

Eerika would just stare at me, Ivar stared at me with eyes that screamed of lust. The only one I could imagine myself becoming friends with was Hvitserk the only normal person around here, maybe Margrethe still she always had an attitude as well looking with a glance of disgust at everyone.

I sighed heavily, flopping back into the large bed surrounded by the large furs and blankets. I stared up at the creaking ceiling.

A second wife? Was I ready for this? I stroked the fur in comfort remembering exactly what Ivar told me earlier.

"Ayana my sweet soon wife to be come here." I mentally wince and wanted to run away. I had no desires of being in the great hall at that time. I was actually heading to the library to fill my head with whatever knowledge I could.

I forced a smile and turned around to face Ivar at the head of the table where Eerika also sat at his side eating, dressed in elegant jewels and a dress made out of gold, "Ivar my sweet husband to be I was actually heading to the library can this wait?" I asked kindly walking down the steps, passed
the servants and thralls. He just waved me over with his hand with a look in his eyes.

With a sigh, my flats made contact with the stone and I took a seat on his lap when he placed me there. He set his horn down from once he was sipping from before he started whispering in my ear for just me to hear, and I tensed up just a little bit but hid it very well.

"You are here for one purpose, and that purpose is your womb, you'll bear me many children." He muttered near my ear keeping his grip tight around my waist. I nodded my head my teeth sinking into my lower lip slightly.

"Understood husband."

My eyes snapped opened, lifting myself up I sat up watching Aster make her way into the room, carrying a lot of stuff, expensive-looking things with a few others thralls all around loud chatter floating between them all.

I held my breath for a few short minutes. Aster looked to me with a smile across her face before she laid out on the bed a white dress that flowed long, with little lines of gold, "My lady Ayana, it's time to prepare you for king Ivar."

It was such a long night, and such a long tradition but it was surprisingly very beautiful, lots of laughter and time spent with people who slowly would be my own people as well. The wedding ceremony alone was beautiful, the games.

Ivar's other brothers wouldn't be able to make the wedding because they were doing travels of their own. And for the night was about me and Ivar. I raised the cup to my lips drinking some water since I didn't actually like the feeling of drinking and getting drunk. Wasn't my cup of tea really.

I looked to Ivar who was laughing with a few of his guards the great hall filled with roaring laughter and lots of music. What now sat up on my head wasn't the symbol of a princess but of a queen as well.

"Look at my beautiful wife!" Ivar cheered raising my hand up. He pressed a kiss to it making me greatly flustered.

"Love you flatter me too much." I chuckled setting the empty cup down, I made eye contact with Eerika as she came to stand in front of me giving me a smile taking my hands.

"I'm delighted to have a beautiful sister wife." She praised me her bell-like giggle following as she kissed my cheek, and then gave Ivar a small kiss taking a seat next to him.

I bowed my head at her with a small smile and sat up more in the throne crossing my leg over the other tracing the dress, knowing this would be the last I wore this wedding dress.

I smiled faintly while my hand ran across the fabric I was glad all my hair was pulled up into a deep bun, would be a wild mess and hard to tame. Once I lifted my head. Ivar was cupping my cheek and pressing his lips onto my own kissing me full of hunger, and a lot of feelings I wasn't sure about.

I slowly returned the kiss deeply my lips moving against his wild ones. When we finally broke apart for air. He was tracing my cheek slowly with his fingers. "Handpicked by the gods themselves." He whispered slowly, pressing his forehead onto my own he then pressed his lips there his breathing heavy.

"I've never been with a virgin before... So you have my word, I'll take care of you tonight, just tonight, I am yours alone my queen." I took his slightly sweet words into consideration and my heart filled with nervousness. Oh my god. It's the wedding night.

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