Chapter Fourteen

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Ayana's Pov
I stared at my reflection in the mirror while I brushed out my hair slowly, the curls falling back against my neck, peeking around in the mirror. I could see Ivar laying out in the bed with no shirt on his tattoos on full display, but laying on his chest was a wide-awake Rúne her little hands on the tattoos.

Ivar had this faint smile on his face looking relaxed while his hand cradled her little body into his chest. He was singing quietly to her in his native language. I set the brush down to the side standing up, sitting on the edge of the bed moving the furs so I could feel his blue eyes then looking up at me.

"Alright I did say I would tell you everything, no more lying, and no more running away, I am your husband so let's talk king to queen, husband to wife." He clicked his tongue on his inner cheek.

"Ask away. " I folded my arms slowly over my chest before speaking.

"Why did you kill your first wife?" My eyes watched Ivar's body tense up just slightly but he kept his hand supporting Rúne's back.

"I loved Freydis, she was the first woman I loved but she lied to me, told me all these pretty lies, and then laid with a man." Ivar scoffed out sitting up a little better, "I killed her out of love." He finished off, I shivered just slightly at his words yet just nodded slowly.

"I know it may seem that I have been with a lot of women but it's only been three, Freydis, Eerika and now you, and I plan on you being my last wife, what more can I want from a woman? Who is fierce, can handle her own, you manage Kattegat like it was your birthplace, your womb as well. You love me you aren't a woman to offer up favors." Ivar urged me close.

I moved closer laying my head on his bare shoulder looking down at Rúne seeing her beauty, she was such an amazing baby.

"We have a family Ayana.. I've always wanted a family, I want you, forever I want you as my own, no one else can have you, will always be a beautiful family, and more babies are to come." I watched Ivar place his free hand over my stomach before he lifted his head to press a sweet kiss on my lips which I slowly returned.

"I love you okay? I love both of you so I promise from now on all honestly." I cracked just a small smile before sighing resting my head on Ivar's neck.

"I love you too Ivar, I've never loved a man like this before, all men I learned was they want a few things, children, sex and a wife." I named off pointing on my fingers Ivar was studying me very closely.

"Those are all good things I already have them, I want something a little more forward." I blinked staring at Ivar when he spoke.

"An unbreakable bond."

"Ivar I don't know why you keep giving me new thralls I'm very much capable of taking care of Rúne." I chuckled out walking alongside Ivar to the throne room, for once I let Astrid watch her for the day.

"Because Astrid is getting older, she's almost of age to get married, so you need new ones," Ivar commented all his flowing long hair resting over his shoulders, I heard a deep laugh that came from Bjorn while he was walking with us.

"Quite frantically did you know thralls are used for fucking Ayana?" Ivar shot him the deepest glare.

"Bjorn shut up." Ivar rolled his eyes before he sat in his throne, allowing me to climb up to sit in the one next to him.

"I'm just speaking the truth, lately we've had some lookers." Bjorn scanned his own blue eyes to look around the feasting hall where a few were completing tasks.

"Then by all means have a pick at all the ones you want, you guys may ruin their hopes knowing you won't wed them," Ivar commented leaning on his fist chuckling he then glanced at me.

"Besides I have my queen right here." He looked at me grabbing my hand to kiss. My face engraved in so much heat before I jolted in surprise when Hvitserk came rushing in with this grin on his face.

"Ivar two women have arrived on the docks, they are princess and are quite attractive," Hvitserk spoke leaning on my throne a bit to greet me with a soft hug.

"Princesses? I didn't arrange a meeting, I'm not in the mood today," Ivar groaned shaking all his hair out.

"Well Sigurd is leading them here," I watched the doors open before Sigurd was chatting with two women one with deep brown hair the other with blonde hair.

They were extremely beautiful at best. "Ivar, Ayana, this is princess Estar and princess Yula they have come to discuss some trade and land options with you," Sigurd called out looking at the two girls with smiles.

"Hello, King Ivar, and Queen Ayana everywhere we always hear about you, how you've conquered so much, we hear all about Ivar the boneless and all the Ragnar sons," Estar spoke calmly gazing at me.

"Well it's no shock that it's been heard everywhere, I kill Christians, I've killed my own people sadly, they don't call me boneless for no reason, seeing as you've shown up unannounced well arrange a feast we may talk then, for now, I'll have some thralls arrange some rooms for you both." Ivar nodded his head deeply at them.

They both bowed their heads but I then focused on Hvitserk when he whispered to me.

"Something is off about those two, they may be princesses yeah but keep an eye on them, we all will." He whispered to me.

I frowned deeply, but I agreed slowly. "Yeah I'll keep my eye." I muttered glancing at Ivar once more, who just kept leaning on his fist with his eyes showing he was exhausted, or possibly just had a lot on his mind. He always did.

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