Chapter Eleven

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Ayana's Pov
"This throne is mine Ivar! All of this mine. I'm your queen! I am Queen of Kattegat it all belongs to me!" I held back a really small wince, at the loud crashing, the smashing of the chairs and the smashing of things breaking.

This is one of the worst fits of rages I had ever seen in a long while. I knew it was coming it was just a matter of time before it happened.

"I do as I please! I do not love you anymore Eerika! It's long gone!" Hence another loud sound of glass smashing on the wall of the throne room wall.

"Ayana I think you should be resting the baby remember." Aster was gazing at me with pure worry holding onto my arm for support.

I felt like everything was falling into a bad place because of me. "I have to tell her that it's my fault... I feel like I have to apologize." I strained out this pounding paining soaring all over my abdomen. It felt like pure flames but I ignored it.

"She isn't gonna listen that's the kind of woman she is. She only speaks and speaks a woman like that can't be swayed it is not your fault Ivar is love with you and not her." She reassured me. A small detail of pressured flowed through my stomach and I gripped onto the wall for support breathing heavy.

"You meet one pretty woman! One woman Ivar and suddenly you are love-struck! What kind of king throws away his first wife and love! " A small wince went across my face when I heard the loud slap.

"Don't you tell me what kind of king I am! Eerika you caused this. You laid with another man, you drove us to this point and I should have listened to them all when they told me not to marry you. You can never marry a whore." My breathing quicken and the same pain from these few days grew.

"Take that back Ivar! You love me and need me!"

"I don't love you! " A small cry of pain left me and Aster was supporting me up by my arms.

"Ayana, what's wrong my queen?" She pleased out to me.

"I think she's coming," I muttered lowly groaning out yet again. I watched the young girl's eyes grow wide before she was urging me quickly placing me on the steps towards one of the thrones.

"King Ivar!" She shouted quickly she lifted up her dress and rushed towards Ivar who quickly spun around looking at her in confusion.

"Aster? What is it?" He demanded looking at her.

"Ayana... She's in pain I believe the baby is coming." She rushed out. Never in my life have I seen Ivar's face grow pale.

"Where is she?" He demanded to her. I dropped my head down more to control my breathing better hearing his footsteps. I felt Ivar picking me up helping me up better his arms around my waist.

"You! You damn whore! You've ruined everything with your pureness. You're different! You're a ruiner." I looked up for just a minute to watch Eerika storm towards me, just about to strike me, in the moment I saw how furious her green eyes were. but Ivar was quick to push her back away from me.

"Eerika stand back! What is wrong with you." He shouted at her. More pain spread through and a low cry out of pain left me.

"She needs to get to the healer. Eerika isn't allowed near the room." It was Ivar's last ordered he nodded his head towards the guards who nodded. Eerika looked in disbelief and stared at me still glaring.

"Aster get the other thralls and healer." Ivar wrapped both his arms around my lower back walking me back to the room. I didn't know why I couldn't focus on anything maybe cause I was in pain and I was scared as well.

Every deep push, every shift, and every ache tore through my body like I was being burned alive. I don't think I ever screamed so loud in my entire life. I'm positive I scared Ivar a lot cause at some point he was sitting far away covering his ears and head in fear.

I did panic a little when I saw blood but I focused and pushed and pushed till there was a small little cry feeling the room. Still breathless and my hair clinging my sweaty body.

I watched Tala hold a small buddle in her arms a faint smile making its way across her face as she cradled the baby.

"Is there something wrong with its legs?" Ivar demanded out fast uncovering his head slowly looking worried.

"No my king you had a healthy baby by the god's nothing is wrong with the baby. My queen, it's a girl." I felt a tired smile flash across my face and I held my arms out, they felt heavy being placed.

I heard the small crying and little noises and moved the buddle looking in awe at the baby. This came out of me. "She's beautiful," I whispered in awe. I heard Ivar carefully making his way over to the large bed and sat down next to me.

He leaned his head on mine looking down at her in awe. "Its a girl." He whispered a small smile growing on his face. He lifted his hand down to check just in case.

I saw tears leaving him when he noticed her legs were actually healthy she was kicking them around. "Thank the gods." He whispered still tearing up. He pressed a kiss to her head and wrapped his arm around me.

"You gave me a healthy beautiful baby girl Ayana thank you." I grew worried when I felt his body was shaking but I nuzzled him the best I could.

"She's our little blessing." I whispered feeling his breath grow heavy he then whispered again, through his teary blue eyes he mumbled.

  "I think I have the perfect name, may I hold her? " I shifted up a bit before placing her into his arms watching him support her head before he was still staring down at her in awe.

The smile never leaving his face. "Rúne." He said gently gazing at me. I tested it out on my tongue gently.

"I like it Rúne doesn't it mean secret lore." I recalled my many many times of reading books. Ivar looked at me with a grin nodding his head.

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