Chapter Four

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*Small smut

Ayana's Pov
Okay, Ayana no need to be nervous its just skin to skin contact, a little bit of pain. Everyone says it's not that painful after a while. Who the hell was I kidding? Not once in my entire life have I had sex nor had I had a man touch me in that area. I was beyond freaking out.

Once the party died down. Ivar whispered to me that he would be joining me in bed shortly. So I had Astrid and the thralls run me a short bath so I could get the stench of sweat and the blood from earlier off my face.

I dropped my hands in the soaking hot water quickly scrubbing off my face and every inch of my body till I felt it was decently clean, just wanting to be alone with the terrifying thoughts. After some short freak out, I then slipped from the round tub and slipped on the simple white nightgown.

After running some oil over my legs and arms messing my hands through my matted hair  which I was able to brush on my own. Astrid gave me a gentle smile and a small push for me to get into my room.

I was shoved into the doorway with such force, I quickly gripped onto the door frame a loud squeak leaving me, altering Ivar who was laying in my bed the furs covering his naked body.

"Gods please help me now." I whispered growing a little wide-eyed. Ivar looked towards me silence followed, he then leaned up a little better in the bed. My breathing was heavy before I slowly made my way over to my bed and climbed onto the empty side my heart pounding away.

"Wow, you truly look beautiful in anything you wear." He mumbled his eyes slowly flicking up to look me up and down. I gulped a little and slowly leaned in closer cupping Ivar's cheeks.

He fluttered his eyelashes a few times. I leaned in kissing him deeply pressing my lips onto his slowly sliding into his lap, his hands moved to grip my hips slowly pulling me closer.

Maybe I was freaking out too much because I was moving way too fast for my own good. "Hey, hey Ayana." He whispered slowly breaking the kiss, he grabbed my hands in his own, "Look you are shaking like a leaf." He chuckled slowly he was able to switch positions with me underneath and him on top of me.

"You're going too fast okay? Go at your own speed okay, I told you I would take care of you tonight, so just relax." He urged me. Those blues eyes of his were staring at me with such softness I had never seen from him.

"Ivar no one has ever touched me in an intimate way, what if I mess up! Or I can't bare a child right away. My heart is beating out of my chest." I squeaked out stumbling over so many of my flushed words, Ivar quickly cupped my cheek again.

"Ayana just breathe for me for a moment, breath, darling it's just you and me. I want you to enjoy yourself, and not be worried or freaking out the whole time." He whispered staring at me deeply. His own free hand slowly traced up my slightly still wet dark-skinned thigh.

"Deflowering is a beautiful thing the gods will witnesses, now so I can't lie and say it doesn't hurt but after it will feel amazing, the best way to make sure it doesn't h urt is to make sure you are wet." I looked at Ivar in confusion but I then gasped at the feelings of his fingers slowly sliding towards my area, his fingers slowly started touching, running and gliding across the inner folds and my breath starting to grow uneasy.

It was a strange feeling at first and felt weird but it felt oddly good. Ivar's face slowly pressed into my exposed shoulder blades and a strange sound slips from my mouth when his small kisses glided across my neck and exposed shoulders, his fingers speeding up quite a bit.

"There you go my sweetness, your moans are just as innocent as you." He chuckled against my shoulders blades his fingers slowly pressing near my entrance and I bucked up against them for no apparent reason.

"I-it feels good. " I stammered out the moans leaving me again. Ivar's chuckles once again filled my ears.

"Now I think you are ready." He muttered. He slowly pulled back and lifted the nightgown off me with ease, he made me lay back deeply on the large pillows and made me kiss him, which I heavily returned with deep meaningful kisses.

He was on top of me supporting his weight carefully my hands threading through his long beautiful hair, to then gliding down his exposed chest over his tattoos and a sudden large exhale left me when I felt Ivar pushing himself into me.

The pain was explosive and I had to part from the kiss for a moment my mouth dropping a bit gripping onto Ivar quickly looking down squeaking out.

"Ivar is that blood..." I stammered out, but he then cupped my face and pressed his lips onto mine again whispering.

"Don't look down and focus on me Ayana, you're gonna bleed a little bit you're okay I have you." My breathing was heavy and the sudden fullness inside me was such an odd feeling.

Ivar stayed liked that for just minutes kissing me deeply, his hands that were once used to push himself inside me, Were holding open my thighs bringing me into him closer and that's when the pain didn't all the way fade it was when Ivar shifted.

I moaned into the kiss, resulting in him smiling on my lips, his breathing heavy and rough before he started to move deeper inside me it was a huge feeling I had to get use to, but once I did get use to it. My breathing was loud, and I didn't know I could get the loud. I became a loud moaning mess gripping onto the bed tightly. My eyes shut in bliss at every movement, every hard snap and shift of Ivar's hips into my own cause me to arch up, and cry out loudly his name over and over.

The heavens themselves could hear me if they could. I quickly gripped Ivar's hair kissing him roughly and deeply bringing him on top of me more repeating his actions of biting, and sucking on his lips crying out on his lips. I gripped Ivar's hair stammering out when the feeling starting to pressure down on my core and tighten up.

"Ivar it feels weird, it's tight." I whimpered my head quickly laying on his neck tearing up at the feeling.

"Don't hold it back, let it out, let it out my princess." I shuddered and shivered when his own movements sped up.

I locked my legs around his waist harder quickly crying out when I knew my high had neared and I clung to Ivar when I felt his seed spill into me his head grunting, and breathing in my neck, he was breathing hard. My legs felt numb and were shaking. My chest falling and rising.

I hid my head on Ivar's neck more feeling him lifting me up staying inside me he adjusted him so I was on top, he was holding me closer to him. I felt his lips pressing kisses across my head.

"You did amazing Ayana shh it's okay I have you." He whispered his breathing was still hard and heavy and I took as many breaths in as I could my hands spread across his chest.

"I did good?" I muttered chuckling weakly slowly, I glanced up at Ivar some sweat covered his body and his blue eyes locked on me he breathed out a soft chuckle and cupped my cheek and rubbed his thumb across my cheek.

"You did really good, did you enjoy it?" He questioned a small look of unease across his face. I remember, Margrethe said Ivar couldn't have sex right because of legs, but I don't think he has any problems. He even had these plates he wore during the day that made him stand and almost walk around normally, sometimes he has a crutch.

I smiled shyly breathing out. "It was really intense but I enjoyed it yes." I giggled slowly hiding my head on his chest, hearing him laugh quietly.

"I'm glad my love, I'm glad."

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