Chapter Twenty Four

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Ayana's Pov
"No hush I am speaking you'll speak when I finish," I held out one finger staring at Ivar who let a loud dramatic huff and sigh out plopping back down roughly in his seat, it was a little less rowdy outside so it was easier to talk, for the most part.

"I wasn't expecting you to react this way, most women would be delighted." I stared at Ivar in just complete disbelief.

"What gave you the idea that in gods name I would be happy seeing you Ivar?! You are selfish and greedy and you know you were when you married that bitch." He tossed his hands up a bit gazing at me more.

"Yes say more I know I am those things Ayana! I don't know why you can't trust that I found your homeland by accident when we were sailing alright? Thirteen years you've been away." I stared at Ivar even more.

"Where is she, I know you brought her here." I frowned seeing him roll his eyes roughly.

"I didn't she's back in Kattegat why would I bring my infertile wife who all she does is back talk and scream about how I wanna replace her." A small little smirk made its way across my face, I held back some laughter.

"So you threw away our marriage for a servant who couldn't give you more children? Oh Ivar how you are gonna make me laugh or are the gods forsaking you because you wronged me." I spoke to him in a very firm tone that had him holding his palm on his forehead.

"Yes I wronged you Ayana, I get that message perfectly clear from the seer, my brothers even Eerika okay! I know I was in the wrong at the time."

"Don't raise your voice at me Ivar." I warned him, all he did was roll his eyes.

"Your tongue has gotten sharper... Just be having to run a kingdom, you use to be more well reserved and quiet." I sideyed him for a moment.

"Just tell me how old our children are Ayana, I don't even care about the past, not even about her I just wanna know about you and our children." Even with the flaring anger, and Ivar's very much flared red cheeks, I just had to tell him. He looked like he never slept for the years. So the Karma hit him more in waves.

Always made me feel guilty when he looked me in the eyes like that.

"Today is Rúne's birthday, she turned thirteen, the twins are around seven." I answered seeing his eyes grow wide he sat up fast.

"Rúne is thirteen... So long she's already of the age were boys will fall." He scowled rubbing his fingers across his nose.

"By the gods so much time has passed and for what... Do they know their rightful birth right... You do know that if I die in some forsaken death, Rúne takes over Kattegat." Another heavy sigh left me, my hands rubbing across the back of my neck.

"She knows that if the time ever occurs that she will have to take over a kingdom yes, I'm not that much of a bitch Ivar, they sort of know about you." My words were caught in my throat quickly catching the two that had jumped out onto me.

"Mom!" A faint smile grew across my face holding the twins. I set them back after a small minute seeing they almost scared Ivar half to death who jerked back in his chair with wide eyes.

"You two were eavesdropping weren't you?" I questioned to them seeing them both grinning at one another.

"It was Rúne's idea." I looked over my shoulder to see her peering over the wall sending the two the deepest scowl as she huffed loudly looking like she was gonna exclaim at them.  She flashed a firm tight smile making her way towards me to stand next to me, the twins were now peering around me to stare at Ivar focused like. Ivar sat up full like to study the three.

"Mom who's that?" I looked down at Frye and Freyr some more but then Rúne spoke quietly.

"Ivar the Boneless... He is one of the most feared Vikings in the world... He's our father." Ivar looked genuinely impressed and shocked.

"You know of me?" He questioned to her softly, her head was quick to duck down shy like her head facing the ground.

"Mother tells us stories about you from time to time." The boys looked genuinely shocked.

"Here come here sweetie." Ivar gestured for her to near him, she looked up at me almost for permission, with a small reassuring smile I urged her forward, she stood next to Ivar with his hand cupping at her chin, once more his eyes grew in size.

"Your eyes are blue like mine.. Very blue do any of your legs hurt and feel out of place." He was quick to order out to all three of them who still just seemed all in awe like.

"No." Freyr was quick to squeak out a little. He released Rúne's chin from his grip.

"Beautiful like your mother, now even though this is our first meeting you most likely don't remember me, when I wasn't yelling I took very much good care of all of you, Rúne I hear it's your birthday yes?" She nodded her head a couple times, the boys were quick to rush towards Ivar peering over his lap when he pulled out a pendant from his pockets and even Rúne looked shocked.

He gestured for her to lower her head which she did, he slipped it around her neck, her hand enclosing around it to gaze at it, a soft smile over her face her fingers tracing the jewels.

"Happy birthday princess." She smiled looking down more before she looked back at me, I hated when Ivar made me feel this little guilt the scowl wanting to stay across my face, yet the boys just seemed happy.

"And you two have grown... Wow...that last I saw you, you were just born." They shared a small look yet that little glint in there's eyes told me so much.

"Can he stay!"

"Wait- No!"

"I think the kids have spoken my sweet flower."

"Shut up!"

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