Chapter Twenty

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Ayana's Pov
A great month went by with my body in full recovery I was so relieved and happy to be back up and running around and doing different duties, rather that be sitting through different meetings with Ivar, or helping around Kattegat.

It was always a huge celebration in Kattegat and with birth of two sons even more excitement then anything ever then any liquor you can think of.

Ivar seemed to be more joyous and smug since everyone just like to assume he couldn't bare children, yet he proved a lot of people wrong especially Margrethe who always just seemed to be glaring and what not. All that left was Kari getting comfortable in Kattegat very soon.

Though this was my home I still got home sick so the letters from my father and brothers usually helped. Setting aside the ink and paper. I finished up the letter to my father just informing him how he had another two grandkids to meet when ever he did come visit.

I rolled it up standing up from the table and chairs making my way to have it delivered. Shocking Bjorn was watching all the children for me letting them play with his only children, between all the brothers I would only trust him since he actually had kids.

While I was making my way pass the thrall quarters I heard wind of a conversation. "Its just... How do any of you stop yourself from wanting to sleep with him... When he just stares at you with those deep blue eyes." I lifted an eyebrow.

"Kari trust us we all have those thoughts at some points till you realize, King Ivar is crazy, one wrong move he'll kill you with no second thoughts, plus none of us are ever gonna step that far, I don't wanna get on Queen Ayana's bad side, no one has ever seen it everyone has a breaking point." Who I would assume was Kari exclaimed with a loud huff.

"What's so special about her... I feel me and King Ivar have a connection... Bet I could give him many children... Cute ones at that." It seemed that all the girls laughed loudly with one another, I rolled my eyes with one motion.

Yeah in the end I don't trust any of the thralls unless it was Astrid and I heard she was coming back soon, but would it even matter by then? Yes it would because I wasn't having her as a thrall anymore I was tired of this, it was exhausting and like a game to them. No one had dignity but I don't think anyone here did.

I needed to pay another visit, I had a lot of people to visit Floki, I promised Bjorn I'd have a chat with his mom, but she really needed a visit soon.

"You know I would say we've become friends despite the hate I had for you, and trying to slap you... What's going on." I shifted my eyes on her watching her slide the tea cups across to me, sitting down across from me folding her hands under her chin curious.

"Eerika we had a really bad start, but I knew the feeling in my heart and I didn't wanna be dumb anymore." I have suspicion that Ivar wants a second wife and it's gonna be with a thrall." Her facial expressions changed so face.

"Why am I not surprised it's Ivar... He's never satisfied with anything, well before we assume some things and cause a huge outrage, what's your proof?" A heavy exhale left me.

"Eerika every single thrall we have/get I never can have one that just does her job, of course nobody wants to be a servant, but it's constantly frustrating keeping my cool when they flirt and when they are disrespectful, her name is Kari, and my only evidence is she said she had a connection with Ivar." Once more Eerika looked confused.

"That doesn't make sense, he wouldn't need a second wife you are obviously very fertile you just had twins, a rare successful birth, he wouldn't need a second wife unless he just needs her for fucking. Now think of it this way." I perked up a bit listening to her.

"Ivar is full of himself and wants whatever he can have, but let's say you were to say you wanted a second husband he would be against it calling you as many names as he could, that's what doesn't make sense to me." She rolled her eyes harshly.

"Listen Ayana if he wants to have her as a second wife, it's not anything you are doing it's men... and you know what you don't need him if he is just gonna keep a cycle going of marrying one woman and replace each one to be queen, he's smart in some aspect but an idiot, you have your duties and that's to focus on your children." I nibbled at my lip, she made a lot sense most since then anyone here.

"Eerika you are so smart... I hate the thought because I love Ivar but... I'm exhausted I shouldn't have to keep looking over my shoulder making sure he is loyal so thank you for this." She flashed me a grin.

"Ayana love hurts... It stings but that doesn't mean you take it okay?" I carefully dropped my hand to rub at my temple deeply shutting my eyes feeling the light tension right behind my eyes.

"To think that men... Ugh they all are the same." I grumbled messing with my ring even more with my free hand.

"No men are another different level of disgusting they are bigger whores than anything. " A rough laugh seemed to leave me quickly, Eerika laughing with me quickly before she was sitting next to me wrapping her arms around me rubbing my back a few times.

"I'm serious Ayana it's now time to think about yourself and your children, it's time to be selfish for once."

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