Chapter Nine

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Ayana's Pov
"Are you positive you can handle things? I can always stay for a few more days, what if something happens to the baby while I am away?" I had to hold back the small little smile that was making its way across my face. It was quite amusing, when Ivar would just find a place to lay his head in place. Or want to talk with no one listening close by.

Listening to Ivar whine and trying to make up any excuse not to get on that boat with Eerika, who looked more then excited about anything to be getting away gripping her furs tightly to her body, squealing at each step she took on the docks.

It was gonna be a little strange without the two of them roaming around. Yet it didn't much to realize they needed a break, and surely the kingdom did as well. Away from all the bantering, arguments and late night screaming that could rock the skies away.

"Do you not trust her brother? she has me here as well.  No harm will come to her," Hvitserk grumbled with a whine taking a bite of the apple he was munching on sending me a playful smile.

We stood on the docks watching a few of the guard's load up things since it seemed not everyone was gonna get a break. Ivar always had them working more time thann anyone.

"That is what I am afraid of." Ivar shot back with a small loose glare, finally the giggle left me and my hands dropped from my stomach to cup his face when he leaned in close, wrapping his hands loosely around my stomach, his thumbs loosely rubbing through the fabric of my simple dress.

"Ivar dear, do not worry okay I will be okay and I hope to see you two soon, don't cause any trouble my sweet husband." I whispered to him sweetly. A low squeak left me when he pulled me close to him, locking his lips with mine deeply. A sweet kiss I never knew I truly needed.

"I'm gonna miss you, please take care of yourself, and I'll see you soon, you too." I watched Ivar glance down at my stomach with a smile rubbing it once last time, kissing my forehead.  He then grabbed his crutch making his way inside the boat, were me and Eerika shared one look, and glance at one another.

"See Ayana this is one luxury I get as a first wife to go on sweet romantic trips." She smirked gently at me glancing at me up and down. I stated at her with a very blank look before speaking.

"So does that mean I get to enjoy Ivar at his most calm and sweet moments, in bed and in town where he actually is laughing and not looking stressed out cause of you?" I answered playing loosely with the gold ring on my finger giving her a calm and collected smile.

"Have a nice trip Eerika." The best kind of medicine to give her was one were I wasn't bothered by her. Her mouth was dropped open and all she could do was release a growl and stomp away.

Hvitserk nudged me with a deep laugh bubbling out from his chest, leaving me chuckling. Well for at least a month or two I was in charge of Kattegat.

The very first week of taking over things while Ivar and Errika were away wasn't too bad like I thought it was. I was able to come up with a deal with Tyule while all the while he flirting.

I was more than happy that he was gone. But I never really knew how hard the duties of king and queen were. It was non stop always helping your people it wasn't just having a total title.

You had to act on it. I was shuffling through some papers reading and signing through them, sitting at the throne, taking a glance at Hvitserk who was sitting next to me whining.

"This is so boring Ayana." He puffed out a rough breath. I released a small laugh, feeling a light thump of the kicks across my bump.

"Go spend time with Margrethe, I'm sure she's dying to get some alone time with you." A low snort left me dodging his hands that tried to pinch me.

"That's too much work, can we have a feast?" He questioned to me leaning on his hand.

"Yeah I don't care, sadly that means I have to stay up." I set a few more papers down, then I took a glance at the loud banging of the main doors flying open.

Hvitserk quickly sat up in alarm and so did a few of the guards near us. "Well well, has my brother finally gotten rid of the wretched queen of his?" A lazy grin made it's way across Hviserk's face and he looked at me with a grin.

So this must be Ubbe, Bjorn, and Sigurd hmm? I smiled setting the papers to the side. "Brothers." Hvitserk hopped up off glance at rushing to greet the men hugging them and all.

I slowly stood up with a chuckle, "Sadly Eerika is still around, but I'm sorry we haven't met I'm Ayana, I'm Ivar's second wife." I greeted them once I came down from the throne and steps giving them smiles.

They all looked between one another a little surprise.  "Second wife? Oh, I see it looks like he finally manages to plant his seed correctly." A brief laugh left me when he hugged me which I slowly returned.

"I'm Ubbe, this is Bjorn and that's Sigurd. " I nodded my head at each of them returning the hugs they gave me.

"I apologize that Ivar isn't here, him and Eerika went on a small trip, he left me in charge." I explained.

"Still demanding as ever I see." Sigurd rolled his eyes breathing out a small sigh.

"It seems like you have everything handled don't you Ayana?" Bjorn questioned to me folding his arms roughly.

"It's not that hard, back at my home I was a princess, I use to help my father all the time with kingdom duties, you can do many things if you put your mind to it." I sent him a smile that seemed to startle him.

"I like her, she can handle her own, welcome to the family." Ubbe laughed while heartily patting my arms hugging me again which I returned chuckling.

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