Chapter Twenty Three

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*Major timeskip just so I can stop getting the same comments over and over. I made the children's age different on purpose just for the flow of the story.

Ayana's Pov
A small heavy set sigh escaped from my lip the pen scribbling across the paper with ease, eyes shifting back and forth with interest. I was just wanting to get these last few agreements done, that's all I wanted but somewhere behind me I could hear the loud footsteps running back and forth the loud laughter.

I placed my warm palm across my forehead, hearing the loudest crash and smash sound.

"Rúne!" I finally shouted, spinning around in my chair, I looked to see the two boys sprawled out across the floor, sheepish grins over their faces.

"Sorry mom." Frye had called out first, leaving Freyr to lightly shove him off his upper body.

"You are heavy get off." He laughed out, it was soon shortly followed after with calm footsteps making its way over to the room, her amused eyes locked onto my own.

"Yes mom? I'm here." I gestured to the two still laughing on the floor.

"Can you take your brothers to get prepared for the party tonight? I'm already afraid they are gonna cause much trouble." A loud laugh bubbles from her chest, before she walked passed the two.

"I see you two cause trouble no matter where you walk yeah?" I crossed my leg over the other, it bounced slightly in place.

"Its not my fault!"

"You started it!" Rúne rolled her eyes before she helped the two seven year old, she ushered them out of the room before she moved to stand near me leaning over my shoulders a bit.

"You know mom sometimes I wish I could have another little sister too many men around." A hard little snort left me quietly, sliding my arm around to hug her gently.

"Even if men don't agree, they always need a woman. They beg for them, and plead for them remember that." I smiled at her thirteen year old form. Thirteen years had passed filled with peace, the most peace I could ever have with assisting my father with running the kingdom and taking care of my children teaching them responsibly was a pride of my own.

"Rúne turn this way for me?" I questioned seeing her look at me questionable like, she leaned her head down to stare at me. my hand gripped her chin gently before I whispered my breath hitching.

"Your eyes... When did they turn blue sweetie?" I questioned, her eyes were always such a hazy brown color, but today they were such an icy blue shade, eyes I knew all too well.

"Your eyes are very blue." I whispered. A small smile grew on her face, her bouncy curls bouncing in place

"I think it happened today actually it is my birthday mom."

"Dad her eyes turned blue today... I don't just some unease feelings." I muttered, the music was loud and roaring and like always I tried my best to keep my eyes on the twins, but just give them a few cakes and food, and activities they would be out by half of the night. Father glanced at me from next to his throne rubbing at his beard slowly.

"My sweet little flower, I don't think you should worry about it, she is slowly entering her woman hood, she's thirteen now." I grumbled quietly leaning back into my own throne as well.

"She's the oldest... Of course my first thought would be the boys would resemble him yet.. Rúne." I shook my head shaking my thoughts away from Ivar, I hadn't done about him in years, yet all the days for him to appear in a thought, this birthday celebration for her.

I fixed the crown on my head a bit, me and my father chatting quietly among one another yet like a mother always had the feeling, I felt like the boys were causing too much trouble. I stood up heading down the throne fixing my dress up, I was whisking my way through the crowd, greeting my people seeing them so relaxed and happy enjoying themselves.

Yet it seemed my children had a mind of their own.

"Mom!" I jumped back in shock, my gaze quickly flicking down to see Freyr had bumped into me roughly grabbing at my dress fast with small whined looking at me closely.

"I'm right here Freyr what's the matter?" I questioned to him he tugged on my shirt even more stammering over his words fast.

"Mom how come you never told me I had uncles? They are so cool and smell like.. Ale!" My entire body froze up just slightly at his loud exclaims, now wasn't the time to be frozen.

At first I was confused because he knew who all his uncle's were here, yet it just made me freeze even more knowing what he meant.

"Show me them." I quickly urged him fast gesturing with my hands. His small hand tug me through the crowd my ears felt like they were ringing up a large storm with my heart pounding straight into my ears and all. It only took a few short seconds till Freyr was exclaiming as he pointed where Frye was chatting with Bjorn who was grinning at him. It felt like all a bad dream, I was hoping to only see them.

I saw Bjorn, Hvitserk, Ubbe and Sigurd, I wonder who else they brought, the only question is how did they get here or find my home? I frowned yet my body reacted jumping when Frye rushed over to me.

"Mom you didn't tell me uncle Bjorn was so awesome! He has seen so many battles like grandpa." I laughed nervously patting his big bed of hair.

"Yes, yes your uncle's are amazing. Go find your sister." I told them both sternly, moving between them I stared at Bjorn who stood back up straight gazing at me fully.

"Hello princess Ayana, no that title isn't fitting for you anymore, it never did. Hello queen." I stared at Bjorn, more.

"How did you guys find me?" It was the first question.

"Now Ayana, you know Ivar is a mad man, but we found your home land by accident we heard wind of a celebration of one the princesses, but then that got Ivar thinking. We aren't raiding your land I give my word." He stared me even more full like.

"Where is he Bjorn... He's gonna get slapped and if he brought her, murder." I muttered.

"My, my... Seems like being away for so long my love, your mouth has gotten you rather rude." I shut my eyes tightly a heavy sigh leaving me, spinning around, I stared into his deep blue eyes, seeing him leaning against the wall with one of his crutches, time hadn't seen to catch up to him just yet he still looked young.

"Hello Ivar.."

"You still look like the first day I saw you..."

"You look like shit, like you don't sleep."

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