Chapter Twenty Five

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Ayana's Pov
I hated how I was still soft in some aspects, I was able to yell at Ivar for a good hour of seeing him, yet he then showed that father side of him, letting Rúne braid his hair and bonding with them. Damn you Ivar. I growled quietly at the thought, my leg bouncing slightly in place over and over.

My father was growing old with age, so most responsibility was casted onto me, only a few of my brothers were learning as much as they can in case they wanted the throne.

My fist pressed roughly onto my cheek, hearing the loud laughter coming from the boys playing with Ivar who was play fighting with them.

"I see still can't take your eyes off him after all these years." My head snapped up in the direction, yet my happiness soared at the sight.

"Hvitserk." I exclaimed he was quick to toss me into a hug which I returned lovingly both of us laughing.

"My, age doesn't catch up to you does it? Still gorgeous the prettiest sister in law I had." I laughed at the compliment.

"It seems age doesn't catch up with vikings no?" I taunted him playfully getting a small shove both of us chuckling with one another.  He sat on the steps with me the mellow down party was all that was left.

"How is Kattegat? In fact how are you all, I know you'll be staying with us for a couple weeks till you head back, exploring new lands I see Bjorn and Ubbe haven't changed." I chuckled seeing the two speaking, and Sigurd well it looks like he was already getting his time on flirting with as many foreign woman as he could.

My fingertips traced over my soft brown skin over and over.

"A lot has changed really.. For a while our people retaliated against Ivar, they were not happy about your leave, they stubbed and shunned Kari she can't bear children she has tried for years, always screams, I sort of laughed cause she deserved it." I chuckled lightly at that explanation.

"I have two daughters, Ubbe had some children with Torvi, Sigurd never settled down and Bjorn well." I focused on Hvitserk he was stroking at his beard very focused like.

"He got remarried once, and had a new son with her, but he doesn't have one now... I always ask him, Bjorn why don't you settle down foreal, we are getting really old, we need to pass on the knowledge to all our children, but he always says it's cause he is waiting for someone whatever that means." He shrugged his shoulders back a little.

"And Ivar?" Hvitserk soft hums was all I heard.

"What any fool does.. He realized his mistake way too late when you had already left, he thought you as if you were a lap dog, that you would stay by his side. I guess Ivar didn't know a strong woman knows their worth, I do think I'm time he's gonna toss Kari away but she's a bitch." I laughed quietly my body shaking a little as I do so.

"Hvitserk." I laughed quietly.

"I'm being serious don't laugh." He chuckled with me.

"It's been amazing seeing you though. You look very healthy but I see no ring on your finger you never remarried? Even after thirteen years." I took a glance down at my fingers, my touch stroking at the soft skin.

"I neve had the time, nor was it a thought to cross my mind to marry again, Ivar was the first love I had and I didn't wanna experience love again." I answered chuckling, "I just wanted to prepared Rúne and the boys for what the world will be like for years to come,"

"A true queen doesn't always need a king by her side." Both our attention snapped up to see Bjorn has joined us to sit on the store with a heavy grunt.

"I see brother always comes at the best time." Hvitserk snickered loudly, I felt a set of blue eyes on me, so finally looking back at Bjorn I saw he was leaning his entire back on the stairs.

"What are you thinking about?" He questioned to me quietly. I looked away for just a moment to stare at the scene.

"I'm just wondering if back then I was being selfish and taken over by my hate and jealousy." I commented out.

"I've never seen them more happy, then how I have seen them with Ivar tonight, even Ivar he looks at peace to be with his children. " A slight chuckle left me hearing the more loud shrieking laughter of happiness, the two were staring at the scene as well.

"I don't know maybe it's the guilt in me, but what if I made a mistake for them to grow up with two parents? What if deep down they hate me for not knowing about the other parts of their life?" The question was so genuine, so light hearted that it pained me to think of my children secretly hating me.

"I don't think they hate you, I'd say you are an amazing mother, and most Viking woman can't keep their children alive long, they drown, they starve their poor children over men who don't want them, you've raised your children." Hvitserk sternly told me, patting at my shoulders he rubbed at them gently.

"You made a choice as a mother Ayana, remember that, you decided what would be best for your children and to keep them alive, in the acts of a selfish choice made by the one you love. Don't forget that." I stared at Bjorn before a small smile made its way over my features.

I reached forward hugging Bjorn deeply feeling his large arms lock around me, holding me close to him tightly rubbing at my back a couple times his head resting ontop of my own.

"Thank you Bjorn that means a lot coming from you."

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