Chapter Fifteen

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Ayana's Pov
"We use to play a game when I was younger we called it how blue are Ivar's eyes today, sometimes they were the purest blue that it would mean I was close to breaking a bone or it determined how pissed off I was." I glanced up momentarily my view of the entire feasting and the one room in display.

The roaring laughter in the eating hall was very loud and booming around. It was a sound and noise my mind after a while it never bugged me too much. It could give you a headache after a while though.

I glanced up to see Ivar looked around in amusement his heated blue eyes staring at the two girls who were dancing around with Hivsierk and Sigurd a crowd of drunk people dancing around. I chuckled quietly trying to ignore the turning in my stomach playing with the sleeves to my long-sleeved dresses, watching Ivar's hand come out to adjust the crown on my head a little.

"Really?" I questioned with a small chuckle after that left my lips, "How did your brothers know?" I asked watching Ivar shift back in his throne a bit.

"Well they would just guess and then I would try and throw axes at them." Ivar for a moment paused his talking to press his fist into his chin deeply. I found many stories of Ivar's intriguing but tonight I was just feeling sick and it was the same feeling I had when I first was with child with Rúne.

"Is there a reason you are telling me this darling? I always am interested in your stories." I explained with a small chuckle seeing Ivar then smirk and nod his head towards the two girls a light gesture to his head.

"I don't trust them they think I am stupid, or foolish they have a plan and it's a foolish one cause I'm no ordinary man. So my love how blue are my eyes?"

I shifted a little in my own throne to face Ivar better my hands then cupped his face making him stare at me better seeing his pure blues were extremely bright.

"Very blue," I muttered watching him smirk, his finger then went to cup my chin pressing his lips onto mine for a quick deep kiss.

"Good then."

With the party now died down and my head wasn't ringing from the small throbbing pain. I had woken up in the middle of the lush bed of furs and heat a little confuse,. I sat up looking around the bed in confusion. Of course, Ivar isn't in bed.

I heaved out a sigh and pushed the furs off me standing up. I went over to check on Rúne seeing her sleeping soundly with a little toy Bjorn had gotten her. She always seemed to sleep better with it, I looked around the bedroom for a minute before playing with my nightgown letting my bare feet lead me down the hallway.

Where could Ivar be? I jolted a little in shock when I heard a very loud grunt that had me arching an eyebrow.

By the time I made it to the throne room, I was pressing my back into the wall holding my breath the sight kinda making me hold my breath for a very quick moment. Ivar wouldn't sleep with other women, would he? I felt my heart was speeding up but listened closely.

The grunts and the whimpers did indeed sound like some of pleasure so when I peered around I saw Ivar had princess Yula pinned to the wall. With a knife held at her neck, a deep look of annoyance and pure anger showed on his face.

"Now I need you to listen closely, you move or anything I slit your throat and throw your body out into the cold and I won't care. I am not interested in whores right now." Ivar sneered out smirking a little when Yula looked at him with a small smirk.

"But my king I saw you looking at me the entire night." She purred. Ivar rolled his eyes deeply.

"Are you stupid? I was imagining different ways to kill you and your stupid sister, I don't like women like you, you and your sister just prove that woman just sleep anywhere." Ivar grunted out.

"I have a wife that is all I need, I'm not looking for any second wives, no slaves to fuck when I have the perfect woman." Ivar chuckled darkly pressing his knife closer to her neck.

"Woman like you disgust me, and I should kill you but I'm not trying to start any wars. If you are seeking a Ragnarson all my brothers are available if you want men who will toss you aside when a fresh woman comes by." Ivar smirked darkly.

"If you ever try to seduce me again in the presence of my beautiful wife or daughter, if you try and touch me in that manner I won't hesitant next time to kill you."

I myself even shivered at the shift in tone in his voice now seeing the fear in Yula's eyes went a small trickle of blood fell from her neck staining her white nightgown.

"What is so special about her she's just another woman I can give you so much more." He ended up laughing loudly and he pulled away for a moment to stare at her.

"Because she isn't you, that's my reason and I don't cheat." He left her staring wide-eyed in shock and I felt my own heart shake with this unknown feeling. A man never really defending me.

Why is it something else I'm so not used too at all? I felt the vile feeling travel up to my throat and I clamped my shaky hand over my mouth quickly rushing outside to vomit throwing up most of the large dinner from tonight.

I was throwing up so much I was startled when I felt hands rubbing over my back, I looked up to see Ivar was staring at me deeply before he looked at me slightly concerned but worried.

"How much did you see love?" I fluttered my eyes a few times one of my hands pressed on my stomach.

"Enough to know how blue your eyes are. " I chuckled weakly, wiping the back of my mouth sending him send me an apologetic smile.

"I'm sorry... I didn't want you to see that she was trying to seduce me while I was writing out battle plans." I just shook my head at him.

"Ivar I've been around you long enough to know women now understand just how attractive of a man you are, and how strong you are, how you don't take shit from others, you don't have to explain."

I chuckled taking a deep breath in. "I trust you, and until you give me a reason that our trust is broken I will always believe you." I smiled taking a breath in using both my hands to grab Ivar's hands which he held back lifting my hands up to press light kisses across over the knuckles.

"Have you been throwing up again?" He questioned to me. I rolled my shoulders back a bit taking a breather I let the cool night air relax me.

"I think you managed to put another baby in me Boneless." I chuckled watching him stare at me a little in shock.

"A-another one?" He stumbled over his words deeply. I flashed him a light smile nodding.

"We'll just have to wait till I can go see a healer."

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