Chapter Six

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Ayana's Pov
The following next two weeks passed before my eyes almost as if the very gods were working in my own favor. I had soon found that the library was my new favorite place to be. No matter the time of day or the amount of hours I slept. I could find myself very engraved in different stories, and legends of different gods and goddesses.

It was always either Ivar or Hvitserk finding me in there with a bunch of books surrounding me, having to urge me out of the area with bribes of food and or sweets. I've grown a custom to my new married life. And even grew used to Ivar's sudden outburst of unreason, it's not like when I first witnessed Ivar that night denied him of what he wanted.

Many deaths could have occurred that very night.  Unfortunately, he was gonna be the father of our children whether I liked it or not.

Over the course of a couple of days, I wasn't feeling well. Food became a gross sight to me, one time Ivar came into the main hall covered in blood laughing with a few of his guards and Hvitserk after a little hunting party for furs and other items needed.

I don't think I ever bolted out of a room to throw up so quickly the smell was putrid it swirled everywhere. I laid in bed my stomach twisting in uncomfortable knots playing with a loose bracelet on my wrist.

When the door to my bedroom was opened with such force. I had fluttered my open in so much sudden confusion hearing it hit against the wall roughly.

I shifted my head just a bit looking at Eerika in confusion seeing one of the old healers in here as well all of them whispering hushly between one another. "Sit." Eerika ordered me, her green eyes flamed with sudden order while she moved her case from all around me.

I flashed her a look of confusion, none the less but slowly sat up like she requested not missing the glare she was giving me a cold look like ice.

"This is Tala she is gonna check you, Ivar will be pleased his seed worked." She muttered. I stared at her in confusion, my breath for the moment being held.

"Excuse me." I mumbled in confusion, looking between them both slowly,  watching her deep green eyes flash over to me.

"You are showing signs of being with child." Was all she stated in her firm tone before she made her way out of my room, holding the edges of her red and gold dress leaving me with Tala who rolled her eyes slowly a couple times before turning her body to face me with only a kind like smile.

"Alright, princess let me just check you alright? Have you had your bleed at all?" She questioned me. She had such soft features and was a nice looking older lady. I had seen her quite a bit on my detours around Kattegat.

"No, I have not." I answered quietly it as truthful, glancing down at my feet for a bit letting my thoughts drift to wander endlessly.

It was stone silence at the dinner that night. I mostly was playing with my food since meat was making dizzy from like sickness. The news of being with child was great news. I just wasn't expecting it to happen so quickly. Though they say the body works in many mysterious ways.

I lifted my head up to watch Eerika drink from her cup a hard grip on the cup slightly tapping her nails in place over it. I then took a glance at Ivar to see him focused on eating, but he then glanced at me so I decided to speak. I didn't wanna hide it for that long.

"I'm with child." I spoke out, feeling quite a few pairs of eyes on me at lightning speed. Margrethe's mouth dropped open at the information, and I cleared my throat to see Ivar holding his breath before a smile spread across his face.

"That's wonderful news, Ayana." He leaned his head over and kissed my cheek using his free hand to grab my own hand holding it.

"Congratulations Ayana you'll be a wonderful mother." Hvitserk grinned drinking his ale raising it up.

"I do hope so." I breathed out a small chuckle and looked up feeling Ivar was adjusting the little crown on my head, his finger brushing bits of my hair away.

"You'll be an amazing mother, you have a strong heart willing of the gods. May they bless us with a healthy child." He praised me. I slowly let my other hand fall to rest on my lap taking in his words.

"May I be excused?" I turned my head to look at Eerika seeing she was rolling her eyes deeply. 

"No you may not, Eerika this is amazing news, my second wife is with child, you have to be present for this as well." Ivar ordered her with just once deep glance.

"I have been here for everything husband." She warned him.

"All they do is fight." Hvitserk groaned placing his hand over his face sighing heavily.

"Come on Ayana I know you haven't seen all of Kattegat lets leave them to it, I'll show you a few markets before they close." I stood up lifting Ivar's hand to place a gentle kiss on it, his eyes following me pleading for me to stay.

"I'll see you later tonight Ivar." I sent him a smile before taking Hvitserk's hand gently holding the edges of the pitch-black dress I wore. I hated being around them when those two fought.

Eerika had a temper like Ivar, so these two completed one another. Then she would throw me in the middle of the fights along the lines of involving your second wife. They usually lasted all night. I took once glance at the main hall even watching the thralls and servants take there leave.

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