Chapter Thirty One

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Ayana's Pov
How odd like,Kattegat, still very much had the peaceful aura like it once did years back, it almost was like nothing much had changed prior to everything going down hill. A very sharp intake I took, letting in the calm nature like smell overtake me, the hunt of the salty sea line water mixing in with the mood, scents I took to much time recognizing.

With a small flutter to my eyes, I shook away the dizzy smell that overcame me to listen to the grunting, before I watched Rúne a smile growing on my face as she let the blade rest at her side, turning back to face me.

"How's my stance mom?" She questioned tilting her head at me, breathing heavy coated in sweat.

"I think you already have the makings to be an amazing shieldmaiden dear, practice makes perfect." I chuckled, she flashed me a grin stabbing the blade into the rough diet slowly leaning on it.

"Mother why do you let her disrespect you so?" I looked away from the grass blades, train of thought very much gone away.

"You mean?" We both had a small staring contest, before I breathed out a chuckle, "Well I honestly don't find the need to argue with her, it's pointless arguing with someone who has no points to argue, all she can do is insult my name, and make false points, when if I was really in the wrong she could speak it." I stood up with a small grunt.

"But it's also because I'm not the official the queen of Kattegat, she is." Rúne scoffed out a laugh. Her blue eyes held so much fury, her free hand moving to brush back her own curls, her fan skin on display.  Like her dad could hold, with a single glance he could make people fear him.

She's gonna be something so powerful at only the age thirteen. "That is no queen, she sits all day eating and plotting, while the people of Kattegat respect you, worship you as soon as you returned a few months ago and they still call you queen." Her eyes held emotion a small sigh tearing through her, she shook her head.

"No matter... Your happiness is all I care about but you should know... Father is getting suspicious of your weight gain, I don't think you can keep that a secret any longer." She chuckled at me, her tongue darted out to  lick across her lower lip.

I folded my hand across my belly, also agreeing quietly.

"Yes I agree... I need larger dresses, Bjorn... I don't know how to explain it Rúne." She hummed what seemed to be in content.

"You share a love for both men, for both different reasons, you don't have to explain to me, mother, I respect any discussion you make." She picked up the blade placing it back in its covering making her way towards me. I stared at her with fondness feeling her place her hand on my stomach.

"Thank you for raising me to be strong, like you have been, and that my half sibling will have the same blessings."

Over the course of returning to Kattegat, me and Bjorn had tried to make things less obvious of spending time together, we tried to lessen out alone time, which for the most part was just us talking about the baby, the future spending time with the family, listening in on growing age of the passing time.

Me and Bjorn had yet to establish what sort of relationship we were yearning for, whether we risk the wrath of Ivar and be together freely, or perhaps we loved one another enough that we respected what own another needed, romantically not caring for someone without being together.

I was walking the streets of Kattegat with the twins taking them to the markets for some more special treats that they craved. I held my furs closer to my body, the chill in the air growing, winter just be arriving sooner then expected.

I felt a small light hearted tug on my arm, that had me spinning around in confusion, my expression and eyes dimmed, still I showed him respect.

"Hello Ivar, is there something you need?" I asked him gently. He was blinking his eyes, muttering something quietly.

"Where are my sons?" He questioned genuinely sounding worried. I stared at him gently gesturing with my hands.

"They are with their cousins Ivar relax." I measured him, another heavy sigh left him before he was speaking, "I must ask you a favor." Once again I was nodding my head using the furs to shield my stomach standing from the side.

"She doesn't know how to do my hair... Can you do it for me?" It was silent between us, brewing between the crowded noises, I let the loudest laugh out in surprise quickly covering my mouth, Ivar shot me a very annoyed look, but I kept laughing.

"My Ivar... Your hair has grown in length and yet you can't braid it yourself? Come now." I spoke through each giggle, he was using his crutch the lead the way to a place I knew so well. His special place in the hill, showing all of Kattegat. I sat on the soft grass first with him following sitting down right between my lap.

I was very mindful not to press my stomach onto his back, running my hands through his brown locks. I threaded each fingers before getting to work, humming a local song under my breath, that's something I still admired how we could sit in silence and just enjoy the peace.

"Tell me something Ayana." I paused my actions for a moment flicking my head to get my curls from my eye sight.

"Yes Ivar?" I waited still twisting the soft strands of his hair.

"You love another? I can see it in your eyes they shine bright like how they use to when you first started falling for me, it's Bjorn?" I could see him lifting his head up for a moment his eyes trying to look over his shoulder to gaze at me.

Another soft chuckle left him.

"I'm not angry, in fact, I want to know so that if it's true... I can give up so that you can be happy." It was like a small little strike of pain through my heart, it was like it was hard to breath, yet my hands kept moving twisting his hair.

"I have lots of love in my heart Ivar... I love our children, I love my brothers in law, and family, and I cherish everything you gave me... You showed me love." I chuckled carefully pulling his hair to rest back,

"Yes I love Bjorn the way I love you... And I don't think I should hide this anymore because I know you, your rage shows in different ways." Ivar spun around to stare very much confused like, I tucked my legs under me some more before gesturing to my stomach.

"I am with child again... From a night I shared with... Bjorn."

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