Chapter Thirty Three

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Ivar's Pov
It was a very dark sight that I hadn't care seen since the days of Eerika, it was like more of a weighing down on my chest with seeing Ayana in this sort of state before, it was a little different when it was a woman I cared and respected more then anything in the world.

"Here lady Ayana drink this and it should with take any after pains, and or discomfort you might suffer." I moved my body a little away from the wall, watching the healer walk out, her footsteps echoing around the corridor.  She spared me no few glances whilst gathering up all her things.

"Tell me... Will she be okay?" I questioned lowering my time gently, she held back a stare gazing at the floor.

"Mentally? Physically? Well when most mothers lose children/their babies that haven't been born with miscarriages, she'll just be a in state of sadness, shock sometimes it can shift to anger. Other emotions.  I've seen many cases were mothers don't care and move on. Just have another.  But Ayana is different you see... Her heart is so pure my king... I'm actually fearful that anymore stress is caused on her she could die from it." My eyes widen a little even more.

"She is so very different... She's very kind, she wouldn't hurt anyone unless they deserve it, it's what I am fearful of as well." I muttered, running my hand even more loosely through out my hair flowing back in place.

I shook my head a couple times running my fingers all through out my hair.

"And what of Bjorn?" It left a slight bitter tingle to my tongue speaking of him but I needed to know where he was. He was good at comforting to some levels. The healer hummed a couple times her fingers tracing the bottles in her possessions.

"Your brother Bjorn was with her the entire time. They both cried a lot, but your brother left her alone, your daughter is in their resting with her, please remember my king... Stress, is a no. Ayana is by far the only responsible and trustworthy wife you've ever had." I dropped my head down for a moment.

"Please make sure the twins are looked after they are with their cousins, I'll make sure she is okay." She bowed her head at me once, with a harsh little grunt I pushed myself off the wall entering halfway into the bedroom, drifting mid way to a halt.

"Just because you never got to meet your sibling Rúne it doesn't mean you can't love them from wherever they are, they always will be with you okay sweetie." The sight warmed me a little Ayana laying with Rúne resting her head on her mother's chest.

"You don't deserve all these bad things mom... You've never done a wrong to anyone no matter what they have done to you, the gods... Aren't very fair are they?" Ayana seemed to chuckle a little still holding Rúne closer to her.

"A lot of things aren't fair Rúne why do bad things happen to anyone, why do some events happen but not occur to some, everything will be okay." I tucked my hair behind my ears for a moment clearing my throat causing the attention of both women to be on me.

"Hey... Rúne may I speak with your mother?I promise I won't hurt her." I spoke in the most tender like tone I could. Ayana placed one single kiss to her forehead.

"I'll go check on the twins.. They don't understand yet." She cleared her throat standing up kissing Ayana's forehead, she fixed her dress giving me a stare, which I also returned.

"Don't cause her stress." She hissed out at me roughly.

"I won't." I hissed back returning the light hug she gave me.

It was now just me and her in the room. I set my crutch to rest on the floor, moving to sit on the edge of the bed watching her sit up a bit.

"How are you feeling?" The question directed to her, I was hoping in this very moment that Ayana wouldn't hide all the emotions she had bottled up, all these years she has bottled all her anger and sadness into one single emotions inside of her,  knowing Ayana for as long as I did.  She never cracked that easy, and that's why in my opinion made her stronger then any women I had ever been with.

"I'm okay.. The heavy feeling isn't there anymore, I guess I never really realized how much blood really comes out of a body. The healers said that the pain will fade with some days if I keep drinking the herbs I'm okay." My blue eyes pierced her beautifully shaded brown eyes. I got lost in them for a moment, they always seemed to sparkle with the innocent she had the day I met. fully my eyes stayed on her before I spoke to her.

"Ayana no you are not...  I know you want keep up a image.. I know you want people to see you.. I know you think if you see someone seeing you crying that it makes you weak.. That in viking culture you are the less of less but you aren't." I moved so I was laying down right next to her, I took notice of her hands trembling fast like, I scoop up her palms to hold into my own grip.

"Ayana you don't have to pretend with me alright, don't hide with me just like I haven't hid for you." Her eyes met mine for just a moment before she dropped her head down shutting her eyes tightly I could see her body shaking, no words for needed in that moment. I pulled her head to rest on my chest, feeling her tears streaming. It was the small scream of pain that left her that made me tighten my grip on to her.

I held the back of her head rocking her lightly, resting my head on top of hers, my other hand sliding down to rub at her back up and down a few times, just telling her some words I know she needed to here.

"You are a good mother Ayana... You've never harmed our children, you've never made them feel less of themselves and you've always spent time and help them find themselves, what happened wasn't your fault and.. It happens a lot but that doesn't mean that you are at fault stress... And well a lot of it is my own doings." I looked down to see her body wasn't shaking as violent like.

I saw her head was resting in place so naturally I freaked out, my hands shooting to her neck to feel her pulse, the relief that washed down over me coated me in an instant my heart not feeling like it was getting stabbed a million times. I brushed the curls from her forehead leaning my head down pressing a quick kiss to her temple.

"I love you Ayana... Sleep you deserve it."

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