Chapter Thirty Six

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Ayana's Pov
My thoughts were sometimes a peaceful little place, filled with just many wonders of the night. Over the years I noticed that my thoughts very much shifted. Sometime when I was younger  around sixteen it was always around my father and brothers worried about them, because well honestly men were very stupid, careless when it came to their actions and thoughts.

When I finally hit eighteen and upon the meeting with Ivar they shifted away from the value of my kingdom, to the duties of a second wife, which were very quite simple just to bare the children and stay out of the way, as each year passed my thoughts seemed to shift depending on what was going on.

Sometimes it was Kattegat, worry, family fights, each time a shifted more view was seen and then the thoughts were on that focus.

My kids always one thought away when I had them, for a while Ivar was away from my thoughts and then they were consumed by Bjorn. Yet deep down me and Bjorn knew that we couldn't be together, not in the way we truly wanted. No matter how much we thought we needed one another, more forces from the gods showed us that our fate just wasn't bond from their view.  Bjorn had personally told me that, he valued his gods just as much as any of the other brothers did.

Then here they are again right back to Ivar and my children. I jolted in shock away when the tent was opened. That loud rustling could have woken anyone, up.

I looked around in shocked for a moment. Wait Rúne is sleep, there are the twins as well when did Ivar leave? He was so quiet whenever he was leaving. Yet there he was sneaking back in.  He was grunting as he pulled himself inside, yanking his legs in front of him.

"Ivar what the hell are you doing?" I hissed out in confusion watching him shut the area looking back towards me, his eyes also rounded in curiosity.

"I was covered in blood, he was trying to kill you and kids." I stared at him a little noticing his hair was dripping wet.

"I- you are so strange." I muttered.

"A little thank you would have be needed, oh thank you Ivar for saving our lives." He gestured with his palms flicking his hair back.

"I had to bath in the lake, wanna join me again? It's quite warm." He wiggled his eyebrows at me with a grin. I was quick to lay back down with a small huff at his jokes.

"So you can try and impregnate me boneless, never." He huffed crawling towards me, laying down behind me.

"Wake up! Mom, dad wake up." A low loose grumble left me very much feeling the rising sun on my face. I tried to bury my head down to hide my exposed face, feeling the small hands shaking at my arms a couple times.

"Let me sleep. " Ivar grumbled out, I could still feel his arms secured around me from last night.

"I thought you said we had to move into town so we could stop sleeping outside?" I was the first to wake with a very small groan, stretching lightly pushing Ivar off me causing him to roll back into his stomach snoring away.

"Where is Frye? Where's your sister?" I questioned sitting up, slightly nudging Ivar with my foot.

"Get up Ivar." I whispered hissed at him.

"I'm up woman." Frye tugged at my hand to pull me outside.

"Helping Freyr get a bath in the lake that he needs." A sleepy grin was over my face kneeling down in front of him, to poke his nose.

"Why don't we get you cleaned up too yeah? With some new clothes." He seemed to like that idea since he was trying to tug me away.

"Hey mom! Why is dad's favorite knife over here covered in blood." I opened my mouth to yell back at Rúne not to touch it. Ivar seemed to beat me to it.

"Don't touch it! It's the blood of my enemies sweetie!"

One thing that you sort of forget about moving around and exploring new lands is finding the new towns, meeting the people. Staying in different inns was a new experience as well. When we finally arrived at a new town, in a new inn.

Ivar was messing around with the boys sitting on some furs teaching them some lessons that I actually couldn't teach at all. I taught them all the could learn from my side. 

While me and Rúne sat in front of the blazing fire, the warm crackle against the skin. She told me she wanted braids, so since now was the perfect time we would stay out for a little while.  Braiding her hair with some soft little hums. It was months of family time that I knew that one day we needed.

"See Vikings we raid different lands, sometimes it's for the greater good, sometimes it's needed for your kingdom to expand." I paused my braid for a moment to listen in to Ivar's chat, the boys seemed more then eager to learn more.

"Father how do you know you found a good queen that will be a long side of you?" Ivar seemed to pause a little.

"I... Well for one a good queen listens, yet they know when a voice of reason is needed. They can run things on their own. Each queen is one to their own, just like kings, There're many good and bad ones, it depends on how they rule and how their name goes down in history. They can see reason and sometimes just sometimes they can make you fall right back in love all over again." I could feel his eyes watching me, it made me a little nervous, still twisting Rúne hair to give her very beautiful looking braids.

"So basically mom?"


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