Chapter Two

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Ayana's Pov
I didn't know how long I was sitting on his lap my thighs were a little numb. I was too frozen in place to even move. I had listen to Ivar and Eerika argue back and forth until she stormed off her throne.

I focused back in when I was turned around in one quick motion, I gasped staring into his deep blue eyes, his hands had a tight grip onto my thighs, and he spoke again tilting his head gazing at me more, the click of his tongue focusing me back in. That and the loud drunk cheering.

"Well that lasted longer then it should have, she'll get over it fast. Now Ayana you're gonna answer some questions for me, then bring me your father so we can discuss this." I was lost for words so all I mustered up was a deep head nod, trying to focus with all the loud noise and music.

"I assume you aren't married?" He lifted an eyebrow at me, and I nodded my head again.

"I have never been married, or even offered to be married until now by you." I muttered. Ivar looked to be in thought, his hands still gripping my thighs tightly slightly tracing at them.

"So if you've never been married that means you've never been touched either having a mans seed inside you? It means your womb is untouched." I inhaled at the way he was wording this, and grew shy so suddenly.

"You can just say a virgin... Yes I'm a virgin." I muttered. He tilted his head back, I found myself almost jolted right off his lap when his rough hands slipped under my dress and his rough fingers passed through my underwear.

I was in shock that he was so bold in a public place. "You wear underwear, not many woman here do that. You really are pure and quite innocent I can tell, you aren't lying either." His hands then moved from my aching front and core. I cleared my throat again before speaking.

"I am a little heavy I'm not hurting you right?" I questioned. A simple laugh left him he leaned back raising up his free hand to tug his hair back staring at me.

"I can't feel much, I've been through much far worse pain, so will you take up the offer, would you be my second wife?" He questioned, his chest rose and fell with each breath he took his eyes holding intrigue and wonder.

I should have said no. I don't know what made him sought me out. So I said the first thing that popped up into my head. "Yes." I whispered watching a wide spread grin go across his lips before he patted my thighs slowly.

"That's a good answer, go get your father yes." He leaned up, and brought his hands up to trace at my cheek.

"You'll make a lovely bride." He paused then for a minute a smile going across his face, "And even better a mother to my children." I slide off his lap as quickly as I could not even realizing how fast my heart was pounding.

I was sweating, I was nervous because no man had ever spoken to me like that, looked at me that way. I was so used to woman throwing themselves at my brothers that I was in shock when even the slightest man had gave me their attention. My shoes hit the stone with ease, and I rushed through the crowd yet again quickly finding my father.

I smacked him on the arm making him moan in pain, it seemed like he was slightly sober but not all the way. "Father I need to tell you something." I stammered out. He stared at me in confusion, and inhaled even more then I realized I was holding.

"I... Someone asked for my hand in marriage." I whispered. My father looked at me with so much confusion turning to face me.

"Like an actually man? Is it a farm boy?" He questioned. I shook my head slowly and tugged him up.

"No umm... He wants to meet you, It's King Ivar he wants me to be his second wife." I explained quietly. My father's eyes were still very wide. I could tell he was confused and a lot more of confused then anything, when I pulled him along with me back towards the thrones where Ivar still sat alone.

He immediately sat up a smile on his face and I bowed my head again before gesturing to my father. "This is my father King Amara." I muttered before standing up straight.

"It's nice to meet you, I'm King Ivar and I assume Ayana has explained I have offered her hand in marriage. I have a first wife Queen Eerika, but every time we try for children the gods forsake her and she miscarriages every single one, until the seer finally explain she is sterile and the mid wives also have confirmed it, she can't bare me any heirs that won't do for a kingdom as large as Kattegat." My father was listening intently.

"I would like to marry Ayana and I would like her to be my second wife, the mother to my children. She will bare and she will be treated as if she was my first wife." Ivar leaned up in his seat more.

"May I have your permission?" I held my breath watching my father grow silent placing his arms behind his back.

"You do understand Ayana just turned of age so she is eighteen, she's never laid with a man, nor has she had a child.  She's a flower who hasn't been opened yet in many many ways, if I give you my permission, but if she's been neglected in anyway." I nibbled at my lower lip flicking my eyes back and forth.

"I give you my word Ayana will be treated just as if I married her first like Eerika, I would like to marry her as soon as possible later in the week. Would you two stay here? I already am having a room prepared for Ayana." He focused his blue eyes on me and sent me a tiny wink that made me extremely shy.

I quickly ducked my head down hearing him chuckle before I let them continue talking. I looked around the large area and focusing on the familiar red hair and green eyes.

Eerika was watching me really closely and of course I felt at unease. I don't think any women wanted to share their husband with another woman.

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