Chapter Forty

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Ayana's Pov
As predicted the very next day was very busy, it was filled with a bunch of joy and happiness, the kids were excited about later tonight, while I was actually prepared for spending a night with Ivar where we both could just enjoy something new with one another.

We actually didn't spent that much time all day. He had gone out with Rúne, right away from the moment of waking In the morning
leaving me to spend the day with the boys. All in all, I learned what the boys did on a daily.

I was startled by the amount of daily energy they had on a daily. I know they didn't get it from me, I alone could sleep the hours away if I was tired enough. The whole day could go by without a single thought about it wasted away.

When the sun had set down, I had put on an actually decent dress and styled my hair a bit, it was bigger then I remembered. "Rúne I'm not kidding don't stay out all night. If you do I'll bring you back." I was happy they were back, had me worried all day, wondering what they were even planing along.

"I won't! You two have fun, will see you guys later." I winced at the slam of the front door, she must be that eager to leave and spend time quality time away,  shaking my head with a soft chuckle turning around to face Ivar.

"I.. Well you look really good Ivar, you aren't covered in sweat and dirt." He rolled his eyes with a side grin.

"Yeah, we all know I look good either way. You ready?" I gave him a deep head nod. He held out his hand for me with a grin.

"Well let's get going then shall we." I placed my warm hand into his own, both of us leaving the house, my eyes grew wide at the sight of all the bright lights around.

"Oh my gosh." I muttered in awe, a grin spread across my face feeling Ivar place his arm around my shoulders hugging me close to him.

"Its beautiful isn't it? Looks like stars are falling across the sky." Ivar's grin had fueled enough in me for me to know that it would be a good night.

"You know when I was little my mom told me many stories of the stars, many of our stories relied on the gods itself but why don't we see if they tell us story tonight." He smiled at me even more making me twirl slightly making me something spin around him in a small circle I gasped out through my laughter.

"I'm sure they will tell us a lot of different stories Ivar, they are all across the sky with purpose, it will be interesting won't it?" He chuckled the light flow of music was playing out through the streets, I actually managed a small squeak of surprise when Ivar pulled me towards him, his arms wrapped around my waist bringing me close.

"Dance with me?" He suggested with a grin resting his forehead on my own swaying me slowly. I stared up at Ivar with a playful grin moving closer to him.

"Ivar since when do you dance? You don't like standing for that long." He chuckled a little and spun me around slowly pressing me closer to him before he pressed little kisses across my face.

"Ayana with you, anything is possible and I can try anything seeing you this excited yeah I can try new things." I stared into his eyes what felt like forever.

"Ayana you remember what I said to you the day we got married right?" I gave him sort of an odd stare breathing out a chuckle.

"You mean like actually during the celebration? And during the games?" He gave me a few short heads nods in the process.

"Of course I do, you were slightly drunk but you said my beauty was worth a thousand words I know you were drunk when you said this cause you said my plain brown eyes sparkled like a thousand stars." My laughter came out with ease cause it was very random, cute but so so random at the same time. I remember it clear as day. How could you forget something like?

"Yes I said a thousand stars and when you were gone I found myself speaking to the stars as if they could really talk back to me it sort of put me at ease a few times actually." He chuckled looking down slowly pulling me to sit next to him on some chairs.

"Ayana... I've made many many mistakes, killing, to rage, to breaking your heart a few couple times. And I never got to apologize for any of it. I just made excuse after excuse. I never tried to replace you with Keri, it was me being greedy. I never once cheated on you, but I know I wronged you, caused you stress." He faced the ground for a moment holding my hands very much close into his grip.

"But it always has and utterly had been you forever." I felt a small little weight being placed back into my fingers it was all too familiar actually. It was an empty feeling for years on that finger.

I glanced down a little and held my breath a little gazing at the ring, my other hand coming in contact to rub at the ring a few times, wiggling it around cracking a slight smile holding back annoying little tears that wanted to leave me.

"Is this?" I questioned lightly seeing him chuckle gazing at it, it felt almost surreal seeing it again.

"Yes it's the ring you threw at me that day, and broke, I've had it with me for a while. Rúne helped me fixed it today actually, Ayana now you know... It may have been way too late but in this world you are the only queen I needed and were the only star in my sky. Which is why if you do me the honors of being my queen again?"

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