Chapter One

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Ayana's Pov
I think at any given time I would have taken being in the large boat that gave me a sickness like no other. Any other day I would take it over this noisy party. I knew men of different races and kinds were loud and they treated woman like objects, simply because all men were the same.

I had not a single clue what my father was thinking. It's not like we were invited to this party with preppy queens, kings, princes, and princess alike. Kattegat was the name of this large kingdom. It is the home to many of the fierce men known as Vikings. I recall in books back home they were known as Norse men, but seeing them up close was odd.

They were full characters. Heathens and drunken men that smelled of ale, and mead. I scrunched my face up a bit moving through the crowd lifting up my skirts to allow me better access.

I sat at an empty table not too far from the loud music and obnoxious laughter. I rather much be reading a book or studying. I cross a leg over the other. I hold a hand to my temple stopping myself from scratching at the tightly placed bun on the top my head.

They must have a king? I wonder. All religions seemed to have a ruler. Christians have had many kings. So, Where is Norse mens own? I flicked my brown eyes slightly over and settled up upon two thrones that sat there, imposing. In the middle of one of these grand thrones sat a man of many good looks.

His hair was long with deep brown locks that cascades down his shoulders and neck. His eyes the color of a deep blue and he had no shirt on. All over his upper chest and shoulders there were tattoos spread across. His eyes held a fierce coldness that ensnared the air in my lungs and left me breathless.

He was a nice-looking man. It seemed he felt eyes on him because his attention turned away from the red-haired woman at his side, his queen I could only assume.

His blue eyes watched my every movement making my skin crawl with unease. I stood promptly. Gathering up the corners of my dress I walked away wondering where the hell my drunk father was.

"Excuse me." I mutter as I moved through the crowd. Soon enough I spotted my father entertaining a few Thralls and inebriated shield men and women.

I sighed. I could already feel a sharp pain already forming as a headache that wasn't gonna be fading anytime soon. I sauntered towards my father and tug on his arms. His own strong brown eyes peer through me. The darken skin he passed on to me glisten with sweat.

"Father." I grumbled in our own native language.
"There she is! My only daughter, this is princess Ayana isn't she a beauty?"

I wince he was often quick to exclaim out fully so everyone around could understand. I flash a fake smile at the cheering, but focused in on my father.

"I think I'm gonna take my leave. We've already cause unwanted attention and we were just passing through."

I was the only one speaking logical facts, but he was far too drunk to understand anything I was saying. It was dangerous. As Foreigners we easily could be killed from misunderstandings.

I was just about to say more before my hand was being tugged quite roughly in place. I quickly looked to see another man. His blonde hair is pulled in tight braids. I gulp looking at his features. Wow, only two seconds and we are already destined to die, "Great going father."

"Come with me." Utter confusion twists into my brown eyes.

"My brother wishes to speak with you, I'm Hvitserk son of Ragnar." He flashed me a quick smile his grip still holding my hand in a shy mocking tone that anyone blind could see. "Lovely to meet a princess of another land."

I gulp again, actually glad I took time to understand their own language, their accents came out just as easy.

"Ragnarson?" I whisper finding myself being dragged along by him. His grip is not forceful, yet still strong enough to make my wrist ache just from me trying to twist free.

My heart was pounding through the dreadful corset. I followed behind him, finding myself being lead up to the thrones and I held my breath just a tiny bit fearful, my eyes were once again meeting those blue eyes that were staring still like the color of the ocean you could drown in them.

"Here Ivar." I took a small step back landing on a step behind me, watching him lean forward in his seat in his throne speaking.

"Well hello there, aren't you a pretty thing." I was still staring wide-eyed, before coming to my senses. I bow my head in a show of respect. This isn't my kingdom. A sudden anxiety washes over me. This place was unknown to me.

"A princess I see? I've never seen you here before, you must be new speak your name."I lift my head up sighing heavily before speaking meekly.

"I'm Princess Ayana, I come from a land very far away. " I explained choosing my words wisely. A tiny smirk made its way across his lips, before he turned back to the red-haired woman who was eyeing me deeply.

"She's different Eerika, not like the slaves and woman passing through." I smoothed out my dress more and I saw him turn his attention, "You must know me then. Ivar The Boneless, King of Kattegat. My queen Eerika, welcome to my humble home." He urged me forward. I kept holding my breath before he yanked my hand and a low squeak left me when he forced me to sit on his lap.

His bare broad chest pressed into my back and his strong arms snaked around my waist bringing me closer then I already was. My heart was still pounding away. I finally got a good look at his legs to see he was a crippled as well and this amazed me like no other, I'm sure my eyes were even more wide than before.

"She even smells different pure, innocent." I shut my eyes not knowing what exactly what to do, feeling his breath on my neck, his head resting on my shoulder.

"I want her Eerika, I want her to be my second wife."

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