Chapter Thirteen

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Ayana's Pov
Steadily the hums left my lips, carefully and gently I rocked Rùne while she nursed from my breast leaning on the bed a bit, I let my peaceful little thoughts drift from different things to different ideas as well.

Motherhood has now become an easy thing to do when do it every day. Very rarely did I have any of the thralls taking care of Rúne because I didn't want her faint memory of me to be always busy. I had her with me at all times but I trusted Astrid to help me when I had to go to the bathroom or take baths.

She was wonderful with children and would do amazing when she had her own. Me and Ivar had hit a small little rift and I didn't know what to believe anymore from anyone. 

I knew sooner or later I would have to speak with him before he grew angrier, but I also wanted to speak with Eerika maybe I needed to know more about Ivar before being all rash and uneasy.

I glanced up when the door opened, my eyes followed Astrid when she entered playing with her dress. "Astrid, what's the matter?" I asked her hearing her sigh, messing with her dress more.

"Ivar is requesting your presence in the throne room immediately." She muttered, I fluttered my eyes a few times sighing heavily before the idea hit me.

"Tell him for me, that I am going out into Kattegat for a bit and I'm taking Rúne with me, tell him I'll be back later please." She nodded her at me fast, before she looked at me.

"If I may ask Ayana, but where are you going?" She asked me sweetly. A heavy sigh left me before I came up with the idea if I said I was visiting Eerika, the other thralls would tell Ivar.

"I'm visiting the seer."

"I was wondering when you were gonna come and see me, did anyone follow you." Her small demands hit my ears when she held open the door to the small little cabin house she on the edge of Kattegat. She was looking side to side quite fast.

I held the sling closer on my chest where Rúne was fast asleep her little snores being heard while I held one of the blankets, I brought close around her body.

"No one followed me Eerika it's cold hurry up." I urged her. She gave me a quick eye roll before she let me inside the cabin. She shut the door behind her, and I looked around a bit taking a sit when she gestured towards it for me to sit.

"Oh wow she looks a lot bigger then when I first saw her, anyway I know that's not what you came for, you came for the nice details." I sighed quietly and kept my eyes on Eerika.

"How's queen life? Not as easy as it looks." She commented her eyes looking out the window.

"I use to be a princess Eerika, but maybe not all is what it ends up being." I kept my hands wrapped around Rúne seeing Eerika looked right back towards me and sat across from me.

"Maybe Ivar truly does love you, Ayana that I can see, I also can see him as a liar and a crazed man, you are different everyone can see that. Before Ivar was with me, or you there was Freydias." I perked up a bit but nodded my head listening to her much closer.

"Freydis was a slave that Ivar set free, and she told Ivar all this nonsense about how he was a god, the gods choose him, that she would give him a beautiful child, at the time when Ivar married her, I myself was a slave, that Ivar would see from time to time." Once again I nodded my head.

"Freydis was a liar and cheated to make Ivar think he got her pregnant, she was also the queen of Kattegat at the time, Ivar did some bad things with the baby when he finally found out, and in the end, he killed her, choked her before he got with me." I felt my eyes go wide with all this new information.

"For a while, I loved Ivar deeply, but he is a man who's lies can mask the truth, but perhaps this time it's not a pattern." I looked at Eerika much closer I know she had no reason to lie about this.

"I believe you for once I believe someone in this kingdom who isn't just saying things, I mean even Ivar's family is strange but everyone has treated me with kindness, maybe I'm not all cut out for this," I muttered standing up, Eerika watched me closely.

"I understand but just know to trust your head, trust your judgment it never lies," I told her goodbye before I left the house walking my way down the streets I kept holding Rúne looking down at her stroking her soft cheeks.

I ended up staying out most of the days before I had made my way back inside the throne room when all the torches were lit.  I saw Ivar sitting at the table drinking his mead with a few slaves around him, but he looked those blue eyes of his to look at me he slammed his cup down and waved his hands to them making them flinch or wince.

"Leave me and my wife." He demanded. They all scrambled off. I took my time before I sat near him, watching him move closer to me.

"How are you wife? Hmm, I've been requesting you all day just for all the slaves and thralls to tell me you were gone, where's my daughter?" He spoke, I moved the blanket so he could get a look at her sleeping face before he traced his fingers across her cheeks.

"Beautiful." He muttered before glancing up at me, "What is the matter with you Ayana you've been acting strange is it what Eerika said? Then you believe I'm lying about everything speak up." He snapped at me I didn't even flinch like I use to.

"Because you've been lying to me Ivar," I spoke calmly as I could.

"Lies what lies? I've told you everything, you don't trust me? Fine, I'll tell you everything." He rolled his eyes at me standing up.

"I'll tell you everything when you come to bed." Those were his final words before he grabbed his crutch walking off towards the main bedroom.

Parts of me feared Ivar, but another part of me knew I could only fight back Ivar so little.

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