Chapter Twenty Nine

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Ayana's Pov
This close, I felt this close to tossing my head overboard and puking into the sea with the loud crashing of the waves, the laughter it all rocked and shook through my brain. I hated and loved the sea all at the same time. One fear me and Ivar both shared alike.

At first thought it wasn't wise going back to the place that caused me hell, yet at the same time I felt like this was an undecided decisions on both parts.

The kids were excited to be traveling back to a place they only recall as memory from being so small, while also excited with the information of all the cousins they had as well.

A small jerk to the boat had me clutching onto the sides as I leaned my head over just in case my body finally relaxing to some point.

"Father what is Kattegat like? Will we be able to play?" Freyr exclaimed out, plopping down next to Ivar who was wrapped inside his cloak.

"Lots of room, and forest filled with wild animals, so don't get eaten by a bear." He grumbled out with a small grin, Rúne seemed more interested in watching how Bjorn was sailing the ship, Hvitserk was fast asleep it was safe to assume, Ubbe reading a book while Sigurd was playing his music.

"What is the queen like father? Surely she can't be as consistent like our mother correct?" Ivar glanced up to watch Rúne, his arms folded firmly across his chest.

"You mean Queen Kari? If I'm honestly speaking..." Ivar paused a bit.

"She has no idea what the hell she is doing and never has, she likes the status title of queen. She's also a bitch." Everyone's eyes snapped over to Hvitserk, his eyes still firmly shut, as he laughed rubbing his hands over his chest.

"Basically yeah little Rúne." Bjorn grinned a bit glancing at her.

"You are quite old enough to know the story of why your father is hated. In Viking culture it's common to have more then one wife and husband, your father is one of the greatest Vikings to man kind, very feared, too bad his brains don't match." Everyone was laughing while all Ivar did was stick his middle finger up.

"Your mother came from your home land to ours, and he picked her to be his second wife. Second wives usually mean for children, which means she was to give him lots of heirs it keeps the blood line going." Her blue eyes stared with interest.

"Of course she was tested in many ways, how to run the kingdom when your dad was away, and she proved herself which is were she earned the title of queen of Kattegat and first wife." Rúne stared at me in awe.

"Wow mom you are amazing." I waved my hand shyly at her.

"So your father got greedy, had a perfect kingdom and queen and made a thrall his second wife, your mother knew her worth and left with you and your brothers." Bjorn finished explaining it to her, that's when the food came up, I gagged quietly trying to puke as quietly as I could.

"Here Rúne why don't you sail? Don't worry it's not gonna crash unless you knock it into a rock, Sigurd is behind you." I wiped roughly at my mouth.

"Stop your worrying I'm right behind you."  I felt a body sitting next to me my eyes focusing on Bjorn who gave me a knowing look.

"Ayana.." He spoke my name in a very hush tone.

"Its too early to tell Bjorn and you know that." I whispered back just as much to him, hearing him sigh.

"We are gonna be on the water for weeks... I hope you are prepared for weeks on the water." Stomach started turning right then and there. I shook my head a couple times.

"I'll be fine... I remember these waters." I muttered peering at it. The sea was so dark and lonely, yet utterly beautiful.  It was sad to be living home again, but my eldest brother was taking over, I trusted him with the position, over here I would still have my title yet, it was just gonna bring back harsh memories.

"I think this will help." I stared back at Bjorn looking at the apple he handed me before I took it with light laughter leaving me.

"Thank you, I'm sure it will make the turning worse." We both shared a light laugh with one another.

"Ivar do you think it was a good idea leaving Kari to run Kattegat while we were gone?" Ubbe gruffed out.

"No but who else would watch over it? Huh? Think with your stupid head, all she does is sleep and eat anyway. It's not like anyone is gonna raid it when there's no value there at the moment." Ivar snapped out a little leaning back sighing, he opened his arms out for Freye to hug him cuddling into his side.

"I'm not that stupid, Floki is there too," Ivar finished not uttering another word.

"Floki hates her too." The brothers spoke in unison.

"Enough!" Ivar exclaimed out fast. "Ubbe Torvi is there, so is Margrethe she wouldn't do anything stupid and if she did she'll get killed simple as that alright?"

"Ivar you can't kill off all your wives and remarry." Sigurd snickered out deeply.

"At least I've been married, utter another word and you'll get tossed off the ship." I already could feel the headaches coming, weeks on a boat hearing them all argue like they were children. Bjorn placed his arms over my shoulder allowing me to rest my head on his broad shoulder a bit.

I stared off into the sea focusing on the rocking back and forth, the healthcare was there once more, like the day I met him, I drowned in those blues of his.

I looked up to see his blue eyes watching me closely studying me,like he always did. 

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