Chapter Thirty

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Ayana's Pov
It seemed like not much has changed, sized had increased gradually which always seemed to impress me. The ships had already landed in the docks. The kids staring in all at basically everything.

"There's so much water." Rúne's first words were uttered out, her head tilted to the side.

"Kattegat is one of the largest trading post stations through out the land, lots of markets and all. Your cousin Yulka loves the markets." Hvitserk grinned ruffling at her curls making her whine trying to smack his hands away.

My eyes looked at everything. Remembering all the walks I took, talking with the people, always was at ease. I jolted slightly but focused on Ivar who gazed at me, he had poked at my sides roughly.

"Does it being back memories?" He suddenly questioned to me his eyes being curious. I sank my shoulders back a little still looking around.

"A little I mainly recall always walking around pregnant with a round stomach." A loud laugh escaped from his mouth, his fingers rubbing across his cheeks.

"It's true I never really let you rest." He was still speaking to me, a body pushed through the crowd, the smile couldn't help but stay across my face.

"Bless my ears... Is that you Ayana?" I grinned rushing towards him hugging him fast.

"Floki! I haven't seen you in ages, yet it still seemed you haven't aged." I giggled feeling him hugging me just as hard cupping at my face kissing over my face.

"Goodness child! Do you not age, you still look like when you arrived here. At least I know you've got meat on your bones and is that? By the gods they have aged." I laughed quietly, turning to stare at the children.

"This is Floki you probably don't remember him but he would help me take care of you guys occasionally." Floki stared at Rúne, who smiled waving at him gently.

"Oh you are Ivar's daughter, exactly alike you can see it in those eyes." He grinned cupping at her cheeks to get a good look at her.

"Ivar? Ivar!?" The sheer look of terror spread straight across Ivar's face.

"Dear the gods." He muttered out fast. I stared at her just a bit, she hadn't changed much, to the eye. She did age a lot though. Her eyes scanned around and you could see the pure rage cross her eyes.

"You bring her back here! To my home with her bastard children! Do you have no respect for me." Bjorn sighed rolling his eyes roughly.

"You have no respect for me, I do as I please!" Ivar exclaimed at her.

"Okay you two can do your fighting I'm going home I'm exhausted." Sigurd grumbled out walking around everyone.

"It's like Eerika all over again." Ubbe shook his head with a smirk.

"And you! You whore! How dare you step back onto this land." I blankly stared at Kari tilting my head.

"Who are you calling a whore? If anyone you're." I never seen Hvitserk slam his hand so quick over Rúne mouth laughing as he shushed her quietly.

"Kari, you and I both know who the whore is, don't go throwing around words, haven't you learned your lesson." I smirked at her, and stood in front of her tsking quietly, looking her up and down.

"I think you still haven't learned your own respect, or you never had it to begin with." Her mouth dropped open a little. Rúne glared looking her up and down bumping passed her, the twins sticking their tongues out at her.

"Don't ever call my children bastard children understand, this is much of their home as Ayana's is, now move." He grumbled out.

"Queen Ayana... You have no idea how happy I am to be in your presence again.. Been some rough years without you, what may I help you with." I stared at the head nurse with a small smile.

"You know the usual occurrences, I just need you to check." I gestured and she knew just what she meant.

"Have you not had your bleed my lady... More children? You do have the cutest ones." I laughed quietly inhaling a bit.

"I haven't had a baby in a long while, they are all growing up on me." I chuckled lightly seeing her drop her hands down, it was easier to be distracted while they did their work.

"Queen Kari can't conceived children, should be her karma." I chuckled shaking my head a few times.

"Well.. I do feel the indications in your womb..." I fluttered my eyes a couple time, relaxing my body.

"Positive?" I questioned tilting my head to one side, she nodded her head standing back up. I puffed out a soft breath. Well better to know fully then to assume.

"If I may ask... Is it King Ivar's?" She asked gently, I was very quick to shake my head no a couple times.

"Oh no! No no." I waved my hands quickly. "Me and Ivar haven't been intimate in a long while. We aren't back together either, but it's best he doesn't know about this pregnancy." Her head was very firm like nodding at me.

"Secret is safe with me Queen Ayana, welcome back.." I smiled at her clapping my hands together shutting my eyes a little.

With child... It's been so long since I've heard those words uttered in a single sentence.

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