Chapter Ten

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Ayama's Pov
So with more men in Kattegat. It wasn't bad... To a level. It was a little more protection all around with having those three. Ubbe, Sigurd, Bjorn back home they just caused a huge mess where ever they went especially Sigurd all he did was go around talking stuff about Ivar whenever he could.

He had a slightly strange obsession with his brother and was always complaining about something.  It's only been another two months and I am ready for Ivar and Eerika to come back. Maybe I shouldn't be too quick to wish that so soon.

As the time went, my belly grew as well. I couldn't see my feet and the healers have said I could give birth at any given time.  Give it a few weeks at best. Roaming the halls out of boredom holding the furs close to my shivering body.

A guard walked passed me handing me a simple letter which I scoop up, slowly making my way to the throne room. I sat down in Ivar's chair scanning my eyes across the letter a simple smile making its way across my lips.

My beautiful wife, I know I hadn't got the time to really write you, Eerika is a very demanding woman but we all know this. Being away from you had truly pained me when I know you need me by your side. I also have been curious to see how our child has been doing. Once this letter arrives me and Eerika should be arriving no later than a day or two. I'll see you soon love.

He wasn't always that good with simple words, but they felt caring and made me start giggling. I folded up the letter placing it away standing up. I made my way down the steps maybe going to go wait by the docks would be a proper way to greet him. But as I made my way past the door, a low squeak left me when I was yanked and pressed into the wall.

I instantly shielded my stomach looking into the mad eyes of Sigurd. "What is it that you see in my brother Ivar Ayana? I have been trying to rank my mind for it for days now. He's evil, so there must be something. Doesn't he cast you aside? We all know what happens to second wives hence what happened to our mother? Maybe it's cause he fucks you good." I held my breath looking at Sigurd with pure disgust trying to pull away from him.

"Ivar gives me nothing! In return, all I like is his company I like talking to him Sigurd all you can see is how he is cripple. I don't care for rich things. I like Ivar how he is." I snapped out still shielding my stomach away trying my hardest to pull away from him.

"But why he doesn't love you, I could easily show you something, something a real man can do." As quickly as I could I kneed him in the stomach hearing a loud grunt he released me and I rushed away quickly.

"I would never cheat on Ivar nor would I dream of doing that." I snapped. Sigurd's eyes were holding deep fire and I was truly afraid he was gonna hurt me. But the slamming of the outside door made me quickly look, watching Sigurd duck just in time to watch an axe hit straight into the wall.

I heard the heavy grunting, and I looked up to watch a very pissed off Ivar leaning on his crutch as he entered. "You have five seconds to move away from her Sigurd." I felt a small rush of relief rush through my heart and even Sigurd's eyes went wide with something I haven't seen since he arrived but it was fear.

  "Ivar so you and the witch return." Sigurd chuckled locking eyes with Eerika who stormed away passed everyone. 

"Ivar." I spoke quickly I rushed over to him wrapping my arms around his shoulders fearful that he was straining his legs.

"Hello, love did he hurt you?" He lifted up one of his hands to crease my cheek lovingly a soft smile on his face. "Oh look at the little one." He mumbled in awe dropping his other hand to rub at my belly slowly before he grunted spinning around to face Sigurd a small smirk on his face.

"I can only assume they all are back since I am seeing his face, so what is it about me Sigurd? You can't have Margrethe, since you all went through her, now Hvitserk has her since Ubbe dumped her like trash, seems like all my brothers are just going through their wives like whores. Ubbe has Bjorn's wife taking care of her kids, so what is it with you wanting what is mine?" I held my breath watching closely.

"I don't want anything from your whore wives." Sigurd spat out.

"Watch what you call her!" Ivar shouted in pure rage making me jolt up a bit.

"Ayana isn't from Kattegat, she isn't like other women who offer themselves for favors. She listens, she educated. I don't care what you call Eerika cause it's true when I met her she was a whore. But Ayana you won't disrespect the mother of my child. I come back to my throne to you acting like a fool.  I heard everything just from the entrance alone everyone could hear you. Ayana is off limits I love her, I love the strong woman she is. And you disrespect me like this!" I felt great fear in my heart for the first time I truly thought Ivar was gonna kill his brother right here and now.

"Ivar please please you are gonna hurt yourself you need rest." I stammered out gripping his arm, but he shrugged me off gently grabbing a knife from his holders pointing it at Sigurd.

"I should have killed you when I had the chance." What the hell was I gonna do to stop this?

."Ivar that's enough." My shoulders slowly relaxed when I wasted Ubbe entered the throne room looking around the scene.

"You're gonna stress Ayana out into labor, she's due in a few weeks maybe even later. Do you want that? Sigurd go before he kills you right now go cool off." Ubbe snapped out. Sigurd sent one final glance around before he stormed out pass Ubbe.

I took in a deep breath gripping onto the large feasting table for a quick grip. "Ubbe it's nice to see you." Ivar tossed the knife on the table and rubbed my lower back.

"Have all of you been aware that he has been disrespecting Ayana, treating her like she is trash." Ivar snapped out roughly. He plopped down in one of the chairs grabbing a cup of ale drinking it carefully pulling me to sit in his lap rubbing circles all over my back.

"Do not worry he won't ever touch or harm you." He muttered before focusing his eyes back in Ubbe.

"None of us had a clue Ivar, Sigurd does what he pleases. What's wrong with Eerika I saw her storm off?" Visually you could see the muscles in Ivar's hand tighten when he pushed the cup down away from his lips.

"She's upset cause I caught her sleeping with a man on our trip. She didn't even hide it and said it's cause I wasn't giving her any attention, I don't understand that woman." He chuckled tipping the cup all the way back slamming in into the table.

"I told you that woman wasn't fit to be on the throne as queen she'll open her legs to anything." His comment made Ivar laughed quietly bringing me closer, his free hand staying put on my belly swaying me gently.

"But this is something all of us all are in agreement with, it shouldn't even be a surprise, try and divorce Eerika, make Ayana your queen. She is more fit for it then Eerika she handled everything on her own."

The loudest cough escaped from my mouth and I jolted up in surprise feeling both eyes of both men on me.

"M-me! I'm not fit to be a queen!"

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