Chapter Five

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Ayana's Pov
The night of a million ways of pleasure slowly came to an end when the very next day the pain took over the lower half of my body. So that's the pain all those women spoke about. It was the most pain I had ever been in quite a long time.

Probably even way worse than the pain I felt on my monthly bleeding. I suppose the good side that in a few weeks if I am indeed with child I won't have to worry about that. And I actually got to see a totally different side of my husband during the day he was totally in different when it depends on how he was feeling.

He mainly had a hot temper and would go off on so many people. Servants, Thralls, Margrethe even his own brother sometimes even Eerika and me. But he was so intelligent the way he spoke and when he could baffle someone.

Last night I actually got to see a soft side he actually held me last night, made me feel a lot better. I actually got to learn about him personally, and he about me, see him smile and laugh without looking stressed. And waking up in his arms made me feel a little better besides my whole true reasoning of being his second wife.

Around dinner time was when I thought it would be best for me to actually get out of bed and stop moaning about the pain I was in, after drinking a herbal drink Aster made me. I dressed myself in a new simple dark blue and black fabric dress, slipping on some black flats not needing too much help with dressing today.

I was quite simple from other women because I wore underwear it was quite easy to make with the right fabric, needle and sewing skills. With a great deal and a wince, I made myself presentable and made my way to the great hall, messing with my fingers.

I carefully went down the stairs already hearing all the chatter from Ivar, Eerika, Margrethe, and Hvitserk. I took my seat on Ivar's left with a small wince, hiding it the best I could with a smile, giving it to everyone.

"There she is, how is my sister in law doing today?" Hvitserk sent me a playfully wink sipping from his mead.

"I'm doing okay." I stammered out, shifting around a bit.  I relaxed when Ivar placed his hand on my leg rubbing it slightly, before sliding a cup over towards me which I took thankfully it was water I drank it relaxing.

"I'm glad to see you, Ayana, I assume your activities last night were eventful since they were all night." Eerika flashed me a smile drinking her own mead with a look of amusement.

"Eerika do not start, I told you already," Ivar called almost in an alarming warning kind of tone shooting her a look. 

"I didn't say, anything love," Eerika smirked and I sighed shaking my head quietly. My head was spinning and a lot was happening all around.

"Did I miss anything important while I was sleeping today?" I questioned looking around. Margrethe shook her head quickly, looking between Ivar and Eerika.

"King Harald is visiting, that is all love." Ivar told me with a soft head nod.

"Your father also was saddened that he had to depart but he left a letter in your room." Eerika pointed out. I was saddened that I didn't get to tell him goodbye, but I would try and write him as much as I could.

To think that we were just passing through Kattegat, and now I'm married. "Oh and these two argued about you and Ivar fucking all night." I quickly chocked on my water heat traveling through my cheeks.

"Shut up Hvitserk." Ivar snapped out slamming his cup down on the table making a few thralls that were nearby jump in fright.

"It wasn't arguing, Eerika was being unreasonable," Ivar muttered going back to eat his own plate of different meats, fruit, and bread.

"How was I being unreasonable? when my husband can fuck his second wife all night long, but only pleases me when he is the mood." Once again I started coughing noticing that Hvitserk was finding this all too amusing and was laughing quietly.

"We aren't starting this again." Ivar snapped looking at her looking highly irritated.

"Maybe she's better than you Eerika, she was a virgin." Hvitserk commented with a smirk. I inhaled not really wanting to step in between a fight that was unnecessary in many ways.

"Hvitserk you are making it way worse shut your mouth," Ivar warned his brother. I then sighed again.

"Is this really necessary?" I asked quietly watching Ivar look towards me again tipping his cup back.

"No it's not, just Eerika you can be very overactive, it was one night Ayana isn't like you and I'm not saying it in the sense you think, you are my first wife, the queen of Kattegat. Which means your duties are different aside from her as second wife and since you can't use your womb I won't have to worry about you being with child. Ayana's womb and everything is untouched well not now, but I can't sleep with her with every time her being with child." I blinked my eyes a few times, trying to comprehend it at first, I smacked Ivar dead straight on the arm in embarrassment at a few words in his sentence and he started laughing quietly looking at me with his eyes.

  "Ayana you are untouched now, by me." He smiled pressing a quick kiss to my cheek sending me a wink, and ducked his head quite quickly when Eerika threw her empty cup at his head, it clattered to the floor roughly with her glaring murderous at him with those green eyes of hers.

There truly can only be one official queen, so indirectly I was half a queen and still a princess I started to grow lost in my thoughts flicking my eyes around here and there, not really having much of a stomach to eat since my body was hurting. So this was my new life. A life of confusion, and second-guessing thing every step of the way. This was Kattegat.

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