Chapter Twenty Eight

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Ayana's Pov
Thump, thump the sound of wooden toys hitting the large table sounded out through my ears like a soft tune. My hand placed onto my forehead. Why were my feelings so confused yet so strongly put out at the same time? It made me frustrated to my very core. Drinking.. Yes I slept with Bjorn and did I regret it? Not fully no, a part of me felt a little guilty lying in bed with Ivar's half brother, while the other side of me felt safe with him. For the time being I think it would be more safe to keep the whole night to myself.

"What's wrong with your mother? She's been sitting like that for days now?" My eyes were still fluttering away, yet tensing hearing his voice.

"Sometimes mom gets like that when she is stressed dad," I heard a small grunt hearing a chair being pushed out before a hand was waving in front of my face.

"Ayana? What the hell is the matter? You have nothing to be stressed about." I cleared my throat quickly looking around fast, first avoiding his blue eyes for a moment. I saw the twins staring at the two of us. I almost had my jaw dropping remember why I never slept around with just any men. I was so fertile.

My hand dropped down to hold over my mouth holding back any shock staring at Ivar.

"Nothing I'm alright, just haven't been sleeping." I laughed nervously seeing Ivar staring at me oddly, but he shifted a bit.

"Boys can me and your mother talk for a bit? Go finds your uncles." He told them gently. He didn't have to tell them twice with them running off. My hand still was placed over my lower mouth my body still tense with the thought.

"I was wondering if I could speak with you yes? Without us yelling or trying to hit each other like adults." I gulped down the hard lump in my throat but spoke.

"Of course what is it that you wanna speak about?" He cleared his throat turning his body to face me.

"I've been pondering it for a while... Of course I already have a feeling the answer is gonna be no. Yet everyone already agrees." He casually placed his fingers to cup at his jaw a bit.

"Would you consider coming back to Kattegat with the children? I would like for them to know about their birth place. They have just as much as a right to know about their Viking side Ayana. Rúne needs to know that it's her kingdom." I was staring in a daze at the wall, my fingers rubbing at my own jaw a bit.

"Kattegat... I don't know if that is much of a wise idea." I held my mouth some more. Sometimes I missed the cold winters on the water, and other days the blooming spring of the woods, the furs.

It possible with just a few weeks to tell I could be with child.. With Bjorn's child the thought made my heart drop to my stomach.

"Yes..." I finally stammered out watching Ivar's while body tense up right in command.

"Excuse me?" He whispered his voice dropping to surprise in a low whisper, blue eyes widen with intrigue. I then quickly stood up, clearing my throat.

"I said yes Ivar, you heard me, don't make me repeat myself... But it isn't entirely up to me let me speak with them." I rubbed my palms across the wooden table.

"The stress wouldn't be too good... But as long as we aren't near your wife and in our own peace, I don't see the problem." I cleared my throat it felt like vile was crawling up my throat.

"Excuse me." I quickly dismissed myself making way out of the main hall, heading outside quickly placing my hand over my stomach almost doubling over like pain was running through my body.

"And now I'm sucked right back in by the gods I can't keep my mouth shut to save a life." I dropped down to a crouch taking some calming breathes in and out, controlling my breathing in and out.

"Ayana? I thought I recognize you, what's the matter?" I relaxed slightly glad it wasn't Bjorn seeing Ubbe dropped down next to me rubbing at my upper shoulders a few times.

"I agreed to come back to Kattegat with the children..." I felt his hands pause for a moment, and his gaze was in awe like surprise.

"You didn't... You left to get away from him Ayana..." He trailed off.

"And I did and thirteen years later he shows up without a thought or care in the entire world. In his head he is boneless." I grumbled out getting a very short laugh from Ubbe. He was still rubbing at my shoulders fully.

"He has changed some sort of, still a man child, but I don't believe Ivar is the reason you agreed so spill Ayana... I've already heard some from Bjorn, though he is acting just as you are." I dropped my head down just a bit the pain from my chest fading finally.

"If you have already heard about the night of intimacy then it shouldn't be too difficult to guess... I am a fertile women Ubbe I haven't be with child and what seemed like some time ago... And it's possible I am with his child." Ubbe had a thin frown across his features, before the both of us were sitting next to one another.

"That can be a problem... You know how crazy Ivar is, the rampage is gonna be worse then I can imagine.. He could kill you both and not even realize his mistake till after."

"He can't know until I am positive about it, why should Ivar care when he is married." I muttered a little, always had been controlling.

"It matters because you still care and love for Ivar while being in love with Bjorn."


"Ayana you can't even deny it, you are still in love with my crazy brother, while seeking the love from the other it's possible to love two."

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