Chapter Seventeen

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Ayana's Pov
I found the little smile staying across my face gazing at the scene that was right here. This was a real cause for my happiness and relaxation. "I see that you enjoy the snow don't you? It's also my favorite the winter." I chuckled a little holding Rùne up on my hip making sure I had her all buddled up with some furs.

It seemed the little things excited her from nature, to even animals to things she hasn't yet to see she loves going out by the lakes and watching Ivar hunt.

She released out a loud happy giggle keeping her small hand stretched out catching snowflakes watching them melt in her palm, she was fascinated.

"Pretty mommy." She giggled at me quietly making me melt from the softness. I watched her curious eyes look over to where a few shield maidens were training, even in the winter everyone was as busy as possible.

"Mommy what's that?" I heard her quiet voice question a bit. For her about to entering being one year of age she was extremely smart.

"That's called Shield Maidens sweetie, they are like dad when he goes out a fight they are the fiercest female warriors you'll meet." She looked with so much awe, a grin making its way across her baby face.

Something tells me you are gonna wanna be a shield maiden when you get older. I could hear someone was joining me from where I was walking outside their footsteps coming closer.

"Hello Bjorn." I called gently spinning around to face him flashing him a smile which he returned.

"Hello sister in law, and my cute little niece what are you guys doing out here, it's freezing?" I chuckled softly while Rùne was giggling.

"Just getting some fresh air showing Rùne around Kattegat she likes nature." I told him casually.

I handed her over for Bjorn to hold her which he carefully held her in his hip walking along side with me. "What's on your mind?" I flicked my eyes over to him a little surprised that someone could easily tell.

"You pace a lot when you are bothered by something, just something I noticed." He shrugged his shoulders back chuckling deeply supporting Rùne's back.

"Just Veronica the new thrall, I have never met a girl so disrespectful before it's already Winter she arrived during the summer and I'm very close to the end of the second pregnancy. She knows no boundaries, she flirts and pushes herself onto Ivar in front of everyone and Ivar sometimes does nothing or isn't paying attention. I never let her watch Rùne at all with the thought that she would purposely hurt her, and I want to get a new one, but I feel like that's just being picky, she calls me a whore and the last time she did it in front of Ivar he yelled loudly."

Bjorn was humming along deeply listening to me closely.

"It sounds like to me she is jealous that you are in a position she isn't in anymore, she was a princess, now she is nothing, you aren't a whore you were a second wife,and their duties are usually to have children, you however won Ivar over and Veronica can't handle that. She's doing it on purpose to push your buttons because she wants you to have a freak out."

I listened closely to Bjorn who was gently bouncing Rùne on his hips while she was giggling.

"I wanna tell her off so much but then I always stop myself because I don't wanna abuse my power or my status." Bjorn once again was nodding his head deeply listening to me.

"It's not abusing your power of queen, there's a difference between yelling at innocent people who did nothing, versus putting someone in their place that deserves it, so Ayana in my eyes she deserves it, so yell all you need." Bjorn smirked a bit.

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