Chapter Nineteen

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Ayana's Pov
"There's no way she pushed out two babies... And she isn't dead?! Ivar I need your wife mine can't even do that."

"Go find your own!"

"Ivar how many kids are you gonna have?"

"How ever many we can conceive."

I held back a small playful eye roll at the brothers all bantering and talking loudly with one another, sadly my body knew it's limits and instead of being able to hop back up and get back to work like when I had Rúne.

My body actually needed rest and a heavy strain placed up on my body, no one was allowed to visit me for a week, for being on best rest in my opinion worst punishment by Ivar. I peeked down at the two buddles nuzzled onto my chest before I sat up carefully watching Rúne who was resting on the large bed crawl between my lap her round eyes showing curiosity.

"These are your younger brothers sweetie, family is always important yeah honey... So while growing up you are their older sister and you all take care of each other." I told her softly watching a cute smile stretch over her face before her tiny hands gently stroked at their cheeks.

"I protect them mama." Her soft giggles were enough to make anyone swoon and giggle. I leaned my head down to nuzzle out nose together, before my attention was drawn away from Ivar and Sigurd arguing like they usually did.

Bjorn sat at the edge of the bed gazing at me. "I hope you don't take this the wrong way Ayana but... You are really a fertile woman... Most woman would die during birthing two, I'm proud to call you my sister in law you put a good name on Ragnar's name and Ivar's legacy." He held back a small eye roll but smiled at me which I returned.

"Thank you Bjorn... Means a lot to me coming from you." I chuckled looking down at the two with softness in my eyes. "I never really imagined what a mother's love was until you experience it on your own.. A mother's love can be very strong you put them before yourself always." I whispered rocking the boys closely while Rúne was still watching them with interest.

Bjorn just seemed to be staring at me fully almost like he was about to say something but we snapped our eyes back over to Ivar and Sigurd while Ubbe and Hvitserk leaning on the wall amused.

"So if I cut off your dick you won't be able to have children? It's not my fault Margrethe is a whore." The loudest harsh cough left me trying to hide my laughter concealing it with coughs the other two not caring if there laughter was loud.

"Hey watch your mouth Ivar." Hvitserk called out but he was still laughing.

"Make me." Bjorn pulled his furs closer to him.

"The point was for us to be visiting our nephews all they do is argue over meaningless things." I coughed quietly peeking back down Frye and Freyr, soon just feel back into a deep sleep, yet my behavior was on full alert hearing knocks at the bedroom door.

Ivar snapped his deep blue eyes to the door. "Who is it?" He hollered out his question.

"Me my king, the queens new thrall is present." Ivar's eyes shifted very quickly before he was waving his hand at everyone.

"Leave please.. Ayana will bring the boys for you to properly meet later this is important." That was the first time in my almost two years of being here that none of them argue or fought back, one by one bid me goodbye while leaving the bedroom. Ivar plopped down roughly on the bed with me picking up Rúne to hold in his lap with softness.

"Enter." He called out nodding his head before the doors were opened again, and in walked  Arya with a young woman who had her head bowed down in place but she then lifted her head up. Her eyes were the purest blue I had ever seen in my life she lifted her head up to gaze at me and Ivar.

He waved his hand at Arya signaling that she could be dismissed. "Whats your name?" Ivar asked her playing with Rúne's hands.

"Its Kari my king, from now on I'll be serving queen Ayana." Her voice was so timid, shy like she even kept looking at the floor. I too would be fearful Ivar's presences was very intensifying.

"Alright Kari you are beautiful but beauty doesn't always guarantee your survival, my wife, if she feels you disrespecting her or our children she is pleased to do whatever she wants to you, don't try anything or I won't hesitate to kill you understood?" She frantically nodded her head a few times.

"Yes my king." He carefully studied her before he placed Rúne back with me pressing a few kisses to my forehead placing one final one on my lips before kissing the boys heads.

"Good glad we are in agreement, I have matters to attend to, get to know her before judging her." He looked at me closely before taking own of his crutches to help balance him up before he was leaving me in the room with Kari who seemed even more nervous.

"Don't be afraid of me, I'm not as harsh as Ivar, he's only harsh cause the last few thralls haven't been the best lately so let's get to know each other." She stared at me before she nodded her head.

"I understand you just gave birth two boys..?" I nodded my head at her looking down at them.

"Mhm this is Frye and Freyr twins." She carefully stood next to me peeking over at me, a smile growing in her face.

"Then Rúne she is the oldest she'll be almost two soon." Kari carefully ran her hands through her blonde hair a couple times.

"You have beautiful children my queen... I always wanted lots of children..." She seemed to shake her head a few times.

"This is one duty I won't have you doing, I would never let another woman take care of my children, I can do that, I can also dress myself but you may do all the other duties." She seemed perplex.

"You don't let other thralls take care of them?" She questioned at me I once again nodded my head.

"I would fail as a mother if my children grew up thinking that another woman was their mother while taking care of them." I answered for her. She seemed to be taking mental notes but nodded.

"Understood... I guess the rumors were true about the king being... Scary but very handsome." She muttered playing with the sleeves of her brown dress her gaze flicking back to state at the closed door. Ivar always has that charm.

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