Chapter Sixteen

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Ayana's Pov
"My queen! I don't think Ivar would be okay with me letting you just eat whatever." Kneeling down.  I looked through most of everything of the food that was in the kitchen. All the food and meal prep around here was usually gone before you know it.

But now with the official news had been spread around Kattegat that I was with a second child. People were now not looking down on Ivar as much as they usually were.
It just meant Ivar was even ten times more protective for no reason, including with me trying to make sure I was eating more healthy.

"What he doesn't know won't hurt him, he's starving me with this healthy food." I mumbled grabbing some of the loaf of bread.

I ripped off a piece of the top of it chewing on the piece in my grip, I stood up more better fixing up my dress a bit but I then quickly spun around hiding my evidence of food behind my back , quickly wiping away any crumbs watching Ivar rushed into the area, the thralls with me bowing their heads in fear.

"Ayana! come with me." He quickly held out his hand and I looked up confused but gave him my free hand letting him take me to where ever shoving the rest of the bread in my mouth chewing quite fast swallowing, at an incredible speed.

"I thought you were at the forage my love?" I questioned a little confused.

"I was for a little of half the day, but I wanted to spend some time with Rùne now watch this." Ivar seemed really excited and it was rare for him to be excited about anything truly.

He brought me towards the throne room, where a few thrall were around Rúne watching her play with toys. I smiled at the sight carefully sitting across from her tucking my dress under me looking at how much she's really grown so fast.

"Hey my little dear." I whispered to her, gently running my hand through her beautiful hair. She released a giggle staring at me with big round eyes but she then made grabby hands at me.

"Uppy." I was taken back by hearing her small little voice demanding me to pick her up. I snapped my head to Ivar who was grinning proudly.

"I- when did this happen?" I questioned suddenly feeling like I was terrible mother missing out on such memorable events.

"That happened today while you were sneaking more food then you need to be eating wife," His tone was so playful and I started laughing nervously rubbing at the back of my head.

"Un-huh who told you?" I laughed nervously.

"Who else would it was Ubbe." He stated like it was obvious.

"Our little girl is growing a lot, must mean I'm getting old." He grumbled hard carefully sitting down next to me watching Rúne closely with a soft smile.

"You still look young Ivar, I mean just look at your long hair I love braiding." I raised my hand to stroke at his hair making him burst into laughter.

"Well you do know how to flatter me," He laughed looking away while I picked up Rùne holding her close to my chest kissing the top of her head.

"I'm so proud of you, you're growing soon you'll be a beautiful young lady, all the boys might fawn over." I smiled playing with her hair more hearing a loud scoff from Ivar.

"That's never gonna happen, even if that means I have to keep her at home. Shit I never thought about when she gets older." Ivar groaned hiding his face muttering to himself.

"Ivar dear you still have some time a lot of years before that happens." I started laughing leaning over kissing his cheeks. Rùne was giggling a lot.  She then placed a sloppy one on his cheek as well making him smile, poking at her nose.

It was peaceful till I noticed that a couple more thrall entered. I bowed my head at them as a greeting but I paid attention as they spoke to me.

"Hello my queen, I know you and the king are busy, but... By Ivar's request, Astrid is of age and is preparing to get married, so you have to meet your new personal thrall."

I wanted to groan because in all honestly the only thrall I trusted was Astrid, but because she was a woman now she had her own duties to fulfil. I looked at Ivar who laughed nervously gazing at me fully focused now.

"What don't look at me like that, I'm not having you walking around doing things while pregnant again." He defended out.

"The first time I was pregnant I still did things on my own though, including taking over for you while you were gone." I held Rúne close but nodded my head towards the group of women.

"Please send her in for me to meet her." I told them. Ivar was muttering a lot to himself.

"I think Floki is suppose to be back soon actually, you still have quite a few people to meet." Ivar grumbled standing up bidding me goodbye with a kiss.

"Try and be nice-I know no one can replace Astrid but it's just until the child is born okay, keep your mother calm little one." Ivar grinned at Rùne kissing her forehead, leaving me alone.

I stood up with a small grunt but watched as a young brunette made her way into the room. She had very natural beauty. She smiled my way.

"Hello Queen Ayana, I'm Veronica." She greeted me. I gave her a soft smile on return.

"Hello Veronica." I greeted her holding Rùne on my hip more.

"You won't be having to help me too much, I still do many things in my own but I will appreciate whatever task you do." I told her. She flashed me another grin.

"You still do things on your own? But you are a queen? Shouldn't you be lazying around, having people pampering you feeding you almost like you are a baby, it's whatever queen does." I tilted my head a little.

"That may be what other queens do. But I still have independence that I don't need others doing simple things I can do, like getting dressed and doing my hair. Ivar trusts me to help run Kattegat. A queens job isn't to be lazy, a queen is suppose to at the same level as her king." I answered.

Veronica flashed me another smirk a little "Yes I've heard that's true but, is it true that you basically slept your way to the position as queen? You were a second wife correct?" Slowly my patience was running a little low but I kept my cool none the less.

"The job of a second wife, is to bare children, that's what I did. I gave Ivar this little beauty, and more are to come some things aren't in the favor of everyone, I may not have liked Eerika, but we came to a mutual relationship. But Veronica a word of advice." I told her seeing her still staring at me.

"I would remember your place, and who you are serving." I warned her. Hearing her chuckle again.

"Yet it is you, who should know her place, a whores queen." I was gonna snap something so harsh something so quick.

"Veronica! Know your place." I watched when one of the many head thrall Arya flashed me a apologetic smile bowing her head at me!

"I'm sorry my queen.. Veronica has yet to know her place." Arya flashed Veronica a glare sending her away. Leaving the young girl to stalk away. "She's so used to talking to people anyway... She was a princess but was captured and has dropped down to the ranks of being a thrall."

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