Chapter 1: The Scavenger

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AN: hi guys! i'm nunu, and this is my first publication on wattpad! i hope u enjoy! chapter 2 will be out soon ! enjoy :)))


The Razor Crest II glided across the foggy atmosphere and rested down on a landing pad nestled in a dimly lit corridor of the Coruscant Underworld. It was the first time the Mandalorian had ever been to the planet. Previously, he hadn't dared show his face (or rather, helmet) anywhere near New Republic territory, as he was a wanted man. However, after his bravado single-handedly taking down Moff Gideon and a strong recommendation from a friend on the inside, his charges were dismissed. It had been 3 years since then, and he had a bounty who's price was worthy of a trek to the farthest reaches of the criminal underworld. Sadly, his victim was wanted alive, and delivered to Tattoine upon collection.
The Mandalorian lowered the starboard loading ramp of the VT-49 Decimator and made his way into the dank streets, armor jingling as he went. He always received strange looks, and rightfully so as he donned full beskar armor and cape. He pulled the bounty puck out from his belt, and concluded the bounty had to be in the nightclub straight ahead, The Neon Pig. He walked in and had a seat at the bar. After flagging down the Gamorrean bartender (who only knew basic Huttese), he was pointed in the direction of the bathrooms.
In the back, he found another door, leading into a large hanger filled with immense gusto. There were two parallel countertops, both bustling with commotion unlike anything the Mandalorian had seen before. At the far end of the room, there was a Nikto male sitting in an elaborate throne. Next to him stood his target, a Rodian, named Jakeer, who was guilty of deserting and imbezzling millions of credits from the Hutt Empire after Boba Fett took control. He pushed his way through the crowd and slowly crept up behind Jakeer, but as he moved to attack, a brutish Quarren grabbed him by his wrist and thrust him towards the Nikto's throne.
"Excuse me, Mandalorian, but why do you feel the need to approach my assistant?", the Nikto's deep voice putting a nearly immediate hush over the crowd.
Din took a second to get himself back on his feet (and place a hand on his blaster) before addressing the man. "I apologize for the intrusion, but you're assistant has a fairly decent price on his head that I plan to collect."
The Nikto tilted his head in confusion, "And I expect you are offering some sort of compensation for arresting my assistant?"
At this point, the Rodian tried to run away from the throne, revealing a chain around his ankle which anchored him to the wall.
"Of course, I figured 25% to yours truly would compensate?" The Mandalorian hoped it would be enough, but his response issued a vivacious laughter from the crowd now forming around him.
"I require at least 75%. Finding a worthy assistant in these parts is quite the challenge," the Nikto said with a chuckle.
The Mandalorian allowed the humorous uproar as a distraction to unclip his blaster from his holster.
The Nikto turned to the Jakeer, and Din used that opportunity to send a single shot into both the Nikto and the chain holding the Rodian to the wall.
The crowd immediately fell quiet, before falling into instant chaos. People began to club and grab at the Mandalorian with their fist and glasses, and, being one of (if not the only) sober being in the crowd, he evaded the attacks with ease. He blasted his way to Jakeer, who he stunned and slung over his shoulder, taking up the chain at his ankle as a form of whip. He used it to fend his way through the crowd, all of whom intent on making the Mandalorian pay for killing their host.
"This is going to be a long run," Din whispered under his breath as he headed for his ship with the full company of the tavern on his heels.


Daedalus hated his father. The obese drunkard seemingly did nothing but sit in his chair, watching meaningless new channels and an unimportant collection of sporting events. They had moved here years ago, when Daedalus was but a boy. Now, he was well over old enough to live independently, but finding an Underworld apartment that wasn't a part-time smugglers den was a hefty task. At every chance he would get, he would sneak out and scavenge whatever he could to sell for parts on the black market. It was a tough life, but it made ends meet.
Peaking out his window, he saw a VT-49 Decimator cutting across the sky. He immediately knew whoever owned that ship had something of value, and immediately set out to find the ship's destination. Grabbing his bag of supplies, he illicitly climbed out the window and ran down the dark alleyways until he found the ship. Wearing a wicked grin, he skipped up to the ship, running his fingers along the side as he unbolted a panel near the port boarding ramp and cut and pried at the wires until the door fell open with a loud clang. He clapped his hands together excitedly as he scampered up the ramp.
Although the VT-49's were built to house a decently-sized crew, the entire lower level seemed to be hollowed out except for a few small rooms at the far end. The interior was fairly neat, but surprisingly bare. The scavenger opened his satchel and began throwing anything of value inside. He instantly noticed that the quality of the items he found vastly outweighed quantity. After very little searching, he found a Beskar staff, enough weapons to arm a small militia, even a jet pack!
Making his way up to the cockpit, he found almost nothing of value. After scavenging what he could, he took a seat in the pilot's chair. In a small divot on the dash, he saw a small metal ball which appeared to be off a control lever. He slipped it into his pocket and turned to look out the bay windows. That's when he noticed it: the Mandalorian pendant hanging from the roof adjacent to him. The hairs on the back of his neck stood up, and immediately he ran to the lower deck to leave the ship before its owner returned. From a young age, his father had instilled the fear of Mandalorians and everything they stood for. He didn't understand the unwarranted hatred, but he knew that getting caught stealing from one wasn't something you walked away from. He pulled a 22T4 blaster from the ship's weapons bay and headed down the ramp.
His adrenaline immediately turned to fear as he saw the Mandalorian sprinting toward the ship.


The crowd chasing Din went from chaotic to hostile in a real hurry, as the mob had somehow gotten their hands on a mixed assortment of blasters and bo staffs. Thankfully his beskar did it's job against their sloppy aim, and his ship was just ahead. He fumbled to open the starboard ramp, but noticed the port side ramp was already open. He was confused, but didn't question it as his situation was escalating quickly. He closed the ramp behind him and ascended to the cockpit. He threw the bounty off his shoulders and onto the floor and hopped into the pilot's seat.
At that point, the mob had began firing at and climbing on top of the ship. Warnings were starting to come up on the control module. As fast as he could, he lofted the ship off the ground and ascended into the planet's atmosphere, leaving the hostile horde yelling obscenities and shaking their fists.
He quickly set the coordinates for Tatooine into the Nav-computer and slipped the ship into hyperspace. He reached over to grasp the metal knob Grogu always stole from him, but came up empty. Cursing under his breath, he looked around the floor to see if it had fallen, but saw nothing of the sort. Connecting the dots he figured someone was on his ship. Drawing his blaster, he swiveled in his chair, aiming his gun at the man hiding in the posterior of the cockpit, shakily pointing one of his own blasters at Din.
Through gritted teeth, the Mandalorian muttered, "What are you doing in my ship?"

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