Chapter 3: The Test

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Author's Note: I'd just like to say I don't really proofread these before I publish them, so if you notice any errors please feel free to bring them to my attention!


The Mandalorian was trying far too hard to look busy. He sat in the pilot's chair, pressing irrelevant buttons and toggling switches to make it look like he was doing something, when in reality he was just waiting for the ship to exit hyperspace.
He didn't know why he had allowed the thief to stay. He knew he was making a mistake. Something about Daedalus felt...promising, like he had the potential to be something great.
He tried not to watch Daedalus as he walked around the cockpit, inspecting the few trinkets and souvenirs lying about.
The ship came out of hyperspace, finally ending the Mandalorian's act. Daedalus strode over to the front of the cockpit, placing his hand on the back of Mando's chair.
"So that's Nevarro?" He imposed.
"Yes. That's where we'll get our puck," the hunter replied.
"How many credits are they worth?"
"A hundred thousand credits."
"Holy sithspit, what'd they do?"
"Not sure." The Mandalorian was questioning how much he should involve his new crew member. No matter how much potential he had, he still tried robbing him. "I'll find out soon."
Daedalus seemed to sink into his seat a little more, disappointed at this development.
Setting the ship down outside city limits, the Mandalorian took Daedalus down and locked him in the containment cell.
"Come on, you know I can break out of here," he said, obviously confused.
"That's the point, I know you can. If you're still here when I get back, maybe I'll trust you enough to leave you loose next time," the Mandalorian stated, exiting the ship.
He heard Daedalus yelling obscenities at him as he left, and a smile crept across his face. He didn't expect him to stay in the cell, but he had left a handful of credits on the dash of the ship. If they were all still there when he got back, then he would let his guard down.
He doubted the kid would miss the opportunity to pull one last swindle.


Daedalus was disappointed. He thought that staying with the Mandalorian would involve getting in on at least some of the action, instead of feeling morally obligated to rot in a cell. He debated whether or not he should actually stay with the Mandalorian. He could pawn off something of his and get a ride back to Coruscant, but he also had no idea where his current situation would take him, both physically and mentally.
There was one thing he knew for certain: he was hungry. He had nothing of caloric value on him, and based off the overflowing trash can of take-out boxes, neither did the Mandalorian.
Without contemplating the decision, he stuck his pick in the lock and swung the door open.
He'll understand, right?
Daedalus looked around the ship for anything he could eat, but came up empty. He made his way to the cockpit, thinking that perhaps the Mandalorian would appreciate a nice grocery run. On the dash, he saw a small handful of credits, about the perfect amount for a small selection of edible delights. As he reached for the pile, he realized he was stealing, again. He retracted his arm and went back to his bag, hoping to find something to suffice as payment.


Returning back to the ship, the Mandalorian expected to find Daedalus gone with the credits and the Maker knows what else of his. Upon entering the ship, his theory was proven true. The door of the cell was ajar. He made his way to the cockpit to see what else was missing. To his amazement, the credits were still on the dash. Even stranger, Daedalus's bag was sitting on the copilot seat, left open as though he had been rummaging through it for something. He then left the cockpit and exited the ship to see if the kid was nearby, but saw nothing of the sort.
He was unsure whether or not Daedalus would be back. He surely would have taken the credits and his own belongings if he planned on deserting, but the kid was smarter than that, he could be tricking him to get some sort of fiscal gain out of the whole debacle.
Walking up the ramp, he made his decision. He would wait.


Daedalus returned to the ship, both hands full with bags full of assorted fruits and meats. He attempted to use his feet to open the starboard ramp to no avail, however, the door seemed to come open on his own. To his surprise, the Mandalorian was standing atop the ramp, hand on the door controls. The sight caused Daedalus to jump, as he did not expect the Mandalorian to be back yet.
"Oh Maker, I'm sorry, I didn't expect you ba—," he started.
"It's okay," the bounty hunter cut him off. "What did you get us?"
"Just, uhh, a few odds and ends. Do you eat out every day?"
Mando chuckled. His laugh sounded...warm, even with the added static created by his helmet.
Placing his hands on his hips and motioning Daedalus to come inside, he said "Come on, let's go. We got a bounty to catch."
Daedalus smiled and made his way inside, glad to have stayed with the Mandalorian.

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