Chapter 27: The Crash

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fr this means so much to me <3  thank you to every one of you who have been reading since chapter 1, luv u
if you have enjoyed any of the chapters please feel free to vote for them! this not only helps promote the story but also gives me motivation to keep writing :)
again, thank you so much <3


The team was lacking morale. Verid had to stop Gayle from flying back to base multiple times, claiming that it was Alis's last wishes for us to return to base.
Daedalus was sick of dealing with her. Had she gotten kidnapped, maybe they would have left instead.
"Can't we just find a translator who speaks Wookie and find out what it was they found?", Daedalus suggested.
"We've tried," Verid informed. "He speaks some rare dialect of the Wookie language that nobody knows but others of his kind."
Wally let out two small groans and buried his head in his furry paws.
"We don't have a choice, we have to head back," Din admitted.
"He's right," Daedalus added, which resulted in a head tilt of confusion from the Mandalorian. His anger towards Din had faded slightly, but still resented any possibility of catching feelings for him again.
"So what do we do then? We have no leads," Gayle divulged.
Verid walked to the front of the ship, and began playing with the control module. He pulled his transmitter from his ear and plugged it into the ship. A small chime left the monitor.
"I got it!", he cheered.
The others circled around him, seeing what he had found.
"I traced the signal from one of our transmitter's to Alis's. They must have deactivated it once they detained her, but she should still be in this area," he informed gleefully.
Gayle placed a hand on his shoulder. "Good work, let's head in."
"Whoa whoa whoa, aren't we going to make a plan? She's probably in a highly-guarded prison, we can't just rush into it," Din bleated.
Gayle blew raspberry. "Please, if I had a credit for every time I've done a jail break, I wouldn't be working for the New Republic is all I'll say. You'll catch on."
She hopped in the pilot's seat and began her descent on the city.
"Are you actually going to fill us in, or..?", Daedalus warned.
"Before we begin, which one of you is the better pilot?", Gayle asked innocently.
Din muttered something and took her place in the pilot's chair.
The ship was already fairly low above the city, and the coordinates of Alis's transmitter weren't far from where they were currently. Din dropped the ship down below the cloud cover. He slowed it to a stop as he reached Alis's last known location. Lowering the ramp, Verid, Gayle, Daedalus, and Wally dropped onto the roof of the nearest building. Din raised the ramp and flew back into the cloud cover.
"Let me know when you need a pickup," he informed over their intercoms.
The squad got to the ground and found themselves outside a very basic looking building. It was entirely square, with only a single door in the front.
"Are we sure it was here?", Daedalus asked.
Verid nodded. "I'm positive. Let's just check inside."
The Sakiyan walked confidently up to the door and opened it slowly. Inside, was what appeared to be the entire police force, all sitting behind their respective desks or attending to apprehended criminals.
Verid, not knowing what else to do, slammed the door.
"Is it the place?", Gayle questioned, unbeknownst to what was inside.
Verid couod only nod before the door swung open and a single police officer came out.
"Can I help you?", he inquired.
Wally bellowed and slammed his fists down on the officer's head, knocking him out immediately.
Daedalus slipped his electrostaff off his back, activating both ends. "Let's do this."
The Wookie walked up to the door and kicked it open, catching all the enforcers inside off guard. He immediately ran up to the first desk in the room, throwing it into the crowd. The remaining rebels charged into the room, blasters firing. Verid had tied some of his rope into a whip, and was using it effectively to strike officers as they rushed at the intruders. Daedalus found himself surrounded by five members of the police force, thankfully all of them had no guns. They charged him simultaneously, to which he rushed at a single officers with the spear of his staff. Spinning the staff around himself vigorously, he was able to stun two more officers as they lunged at him. The remaining two officers pulled knives from their belts, and circled around Daedalus.
"Sure you want to do this?", the Foundling teased.
One of the officers let out a sharp cry and charged. Daedalus parried the knife with the middle of his staff, and gave him a sharp kick in the ribs. He stumbled backwards, giving Daedalus enough time to hit the blade from the other officer's hands and stab him with the end of his staff.
His foes were vanquished, and looking around the room, it appeared as though his allies had had similar luck with the other officers. Wally had one choking in his meaty fists, with Gayle interrogating him.
"Where's the Twi'Lek?!", she demanded.
"She...was...transferred...", the enforcer choked.
"To where?!"
"Out of...the city..."
Wally threw the officer against the wall and let out a loud groan.
Gayle looked distraught. "She's gone. We've lost."
The Wookie took her hand and took off running outside the station. Gayle could barely keep
up, and found herself running just to maintain Wally's pace. Verid and Daedalus exchanged a confused look and followed the pair outside.
A few hundred feet down the street from the police station was a train depot. When they reached it, the Wookie let out a low whine and pointed down the tracks.
"They must have taken her by train, good call Wally," Gayle deducted, gasping for air after the intense workout she was forced upon.
Daedalus activated his intercom. "You can come pick us up, Mando. We've got to follow the train tracks to an offsite complex."
A low static came over the earpiece. "Affirmative, I'm on my way."
"Well, I guess that could've been worse," Verid chortled.
Wally let out a growl and patted his partner on the back.
A loud, mechanical banging could be heard down the street.
"What's that?", Daedalus asked fearfully.
"We need to get out of here, now," Gayle urged, grabbing Verid and Daedalus arms and running towards a nearby alley.
An Imperial AT-AT made its way from around a corner and began firing upon the rebels.
The squad barely made their way to the alley as the shots started.
"The Empire, they're here," Verid murmured.
Daedalus's heart dropped. "Din," he whispered, activating his intercom. "Abort mission, Din, abort!"
The Mandalorian was coming to pick them up in a war zone in an unarmed ship. "I'm already here."
Daedalus looked up to see the ship pierce through the clouds and make its way to their location. He ran from the alley and into the firing range of the AT-AT, waving his arms. He hoped he could draw its fire.
He was too late.
The walker was already aiming at the ship. And firing. The ship took the damage hard, and began speeding off into the distance. It crashed a few blocks down past the AT-AT.
"DIN!", Daedalus screamed. He ignored and ran past the walker, desperate to make sure the Mandalorian was okay.
It was in that moment he realized how stupid he was for breaking up with him. Din was the one person in the whole galaxy who cared about him deeply. The one person who Daedalus felt connected to. If he didn't have him, who would he be?
He rushed to the burning wreckage of the ship.
"Din?! Where are you?!", the Foundling called through the wreckage.
There was no response.
The glint of beskar caught Daedalus's eye. He rushed to it and found Din's helmet. Only his helmet.
The Foundling burst into tears, cradling the helmet in his hands.

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