Chapter 16: The Invitation

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Din and Daedalus rose bright and early to go pick Grogu up from his babysitter, Sara. They made their way to Sara's apartment, eager to see how Grogu had done overnight.
Daedalus has enjoyed the time away from the child a little too much. Since he had made it official with Din, there was little time that they could spend together without Grogu interrupting. Plus, Sara seemed pretty friendly, she could make a good addition to the crew as the full-time babysitter.
They made their way up to the second-story apartment and knocked on the door. Sara answered almost immediately.
"Shh, he's still sleeping," she whispered, pointing at the hoverpod where Grogu was sleeping.
Daedalus walked over and closed the tram, linking it to follow his gauntlet.
Din turned to Sara. "Why don't you join us for breakfast? It's on us."
Sara placed a hand over her heart. "I would love that. I don't want to see goodbye to the little fella!"
the four made their way downstairs and sat at the same booth they had the previous morning. They ordered their meals, including another fruit cake for Grogu to eat once he woke up.
Daedalus watched how Sara stared intently at the hoverpod, waiting for Grogu to wake up so she could take care of him. "You really like that kid, huh?", he asked.
"I do," she started. "He reminds me of my little brother when he was young. Our mother abandoned us and I had to raise him on my own. Those were the days," she reminisced.
Daedalus looked over at his boyfriend, who was trying to stick a straw up under his helmet. He nodded at him, knowing what the foundling was about to ask.
"What if you came with us?", Daedalus proposed. "The kid really seems to like and respect you, and it would be nice to have someone who cares about him to make sure he stays safe."
Tears swelled in Sara's eyes. "Are you serious? I would love that more than anything! I've been itching to leave this place, and...oh Maker I'm not going to get into it, but yes! I accept."
Daedalus smiled, and could tell Din was under his helmet as well.
"Looks like we're moving in together," Din teased.
Daedalus made a big cheesy smile. "Looks like it."
The group paid for their meals and helped Sara pack up a few items. By the time they were done, she had only filled 2 small boxes, claiming she hadn't kept much since she moved in.
The entourage made their way back to Razor Crest II. Daedalus went to his room and began to move his stuff across the hall into Din's room. There was plenty of room for his stuff, as his boyfriend wasn't very materialistic. Sara settled into Daedalus's old room easily.
After unpacking, Grogu woke up, and Sara was right there to take care of him. She gave him his fruit cup and meditated with him. Daedalus was unloading his own boxes of stuff, and found the kyber crystals from the Inquisitor's saber that Bo Katan had destroyed. He missed the spinning feature it had, but he was quickly adapting to the single blade of the Darksaber.
At that moment, Din poked his head in the door. "I'm going to go find a bounty or something before we leave. You good here?"
Daedalus nodded. "Yeah, bring me some food if you want," he jested.
The Mandalorian shook his head in disapproval and left Daedalus alone in the bedroom. He took the red kyber crystals in his hand and sought out some string. After boring a small hole through the top of each crystal, he made a necklace for himself and Din, creating some form of promise ring. He finished decorating the room with his trinkets and left the bedroom, finding Sara and Grogu sitting on the floor reading a book.
"What are you guys up to?", he queried.
Sara looked up at the Foundling. "Just reading. Grogu brought me this 'Jedi book', it's an interesting read really."
Daedalus didn't know if they were keeping the child's Force connection a secret from Sara or not, but he figured that if she were to stick around for a while, she would find out soon anyways.
"Grogu is actually training to become a Jedi, he's quite strong with the Force," he revealed.
She gasped, "Is he now? That explains his great meditation skills."
"Yeah, if you actually want to try teaching him some stuff from that book, that would be a huge favor for Din and I. We were supposed to go through it with him, but haven't had the time."
"It would be my pleasure, it will be a learning experience for both of us," she said giddily.
Din returned shortly after with a bounty to collect. It was getting late in the day, and the team decided to spend one final night on Ord Mantell. Sara wanted to take one final stroll around the city, and Din and Daedalus eagerly allowed her to take Grogu along. As soon as they left, the Mandalorians wasted no time ripping off their helmets and making their way to the bedroom. When all was said and done, they lay in bed, drained of all energy they could possibly have.
"Do you think we made a good decision letting Sara tag along?", Daedalus asked.
Din sighed, "If she can allow us to have more moments like these, I don't think it was a bad idea at all."
The two locked into a passionate kiss before falling asleep tangled up in each other.

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