Chapter 20: The First Order

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It wasn't until two days later that reinforcements arrived from the New Republic. Din and Daedalus had set up camp in the clearing where the Razor Crest II had been, and were barely getting by on the few supplies that were left outside the ship before Sara stole it.
The New Republic ship set down in the middle of the clearing, and Cara Dune rushed out, followed by a small squad of troopers.
"Where are they?", she called, swinging her gun around in all directions.
Din fumbled out of the makeshift tent the pair had set up, crawling over the still-sleeping Daedalus. "She's gone. She stole our ship and took the child."
Cara lowered her weapon and motioned for her soldiers to do the same. "Where is she now?"
"I placed a tracker on the ship, otherwise I don't know," the Mandalorian shrugged.
The marshal sighed. "Well then let's get going, we have to make use of these men while I have them. It took me long enough to convince the general to dispatch them."
Din entered the tent and woke Daedalus, and after quickly packing up their things, they boarded Cara's ship and plugged in the tracker to the ship's navicomputer.
"The Kaelta System," Cara read. "She must still be aboard the ship, the beacon isn't close enough to any of the planets in the sector." The Marshal turned to one of the soldiers, "Plot a course for the Kaelta System, fast."
The pilot nodded and made his way to the cockpit. The ship was a Carrack-class light cruiser, which was heavily armored and could reach speeds similar to a small starfighter.
Din and Daedalus settled into the cramped cruiser along with the other soldiers.
"What do you think she's done with him?", Daedalus questioned.
Din thought about his answer for a second. He didn't quite know. He knew his partner was rattled from losing Grogu, and he didn't want to give an answer that might cause him to worry any more.
"I'm sure he's fine," he lied.
"I hope so."


The ship came out of hyperspace on the opposite side of the closest planet, Toola.
Cara got the attention of the crew, "Here's deal, we're going to get to full speed before we come around the planet so we can catch the Sith by surprise. Once we get close enough to the ship, we're going to airlock to it. The Mandalorians will retrieve their child and take control of the ship while the rest of us distract the witch," she ordered. "Sound good?"
The crew let out various war cries and prepared to board. Daedalus was ready to duel Sara, this time without Grogu's life on the line.
The ship reached full speed and began to circle around the planet. As they crested the planet, they didn't see the Razor Crest II, instead, a Star Destroyer was awaiting their arrival.
The crew fell silent in pure shock.
"Turn us around!", Cara demanded.
The pilot began to turn the ship around, but it was too late. "We're caught in a tractor beam!"
Din stared out the window of the cockpit. "Why doesn't that look like a normal Star Destroyer?", he pondered.
"It's the First Order," Cara informed.
"Listen, I don't know what this 'First Order' is, but this is Daedalus and I'd fight. The rest of you shouldn't put your lives on the line for our mistake," Din ordered, looking at Daedalus for any objections.
The Foundling nodded in agreement, but still thought all the help they could get, the better.
Cara sighed, "If you insist. I'll head back to the New Republic and alert them of this attack. They've been fairly peaceful up till now."
The ship was pulled into one of the hangars beneath the Destroyer. The Mandalorians were relieved to see the Razor Crest II was still in one piece and nestled in the adjacent dock. As the ship rested down, a small team of Stormtroopers in futuristic armor surrounded the ship.
Cara got the attention of the crew. "Here's the plan. My troopers and I will head to the engine room to deactivate the tractor beam so we all have a chance to get away."
"That won't be necessary," Din interjected, "Daedalus and I can handle the tractor beam if you help us get off the ship. This isn't your fight."
Cara sighed. "Fine. Good luck Mando."
The Mandalorian nodded and began lowering the ramp. "Let's finish these bucketheads."
"You realize we're 'bucketheads' too, right?", Daedalus chuckled.
"Shut up," Din scoffed.
The team was met with blaster fire from the boarding. The Mandalorian placed himself in front of Daedalus and the rest of the crew, blocking any blaster shots that risked hitting them.
Daedalus dove out from behind his cape, igniting the Darksaber and spinning it aggressively as he charged the troopers. Their assailants briefly shifted their focus to confront him, leaving them vulnerable to the volley of shots the crew fired. Most of the troopers were shot down, and those who weren't Daedalus handled with the Darksaber.
Din exited the ship and turned to the crew. "We'll get the tractor beam. You all stay here."
Cara slung her heavy blaster over her shoulder. "I'm coming with, just to ensure you get the job done."
The Mandalorian shrugged, "Fine, but you're leaving as soon as it's off."
The marshal nodded and joined Din and Daedalus. "What's the plan?", she queried.
"I was thinking we—", Din started.
Daedalus cut him off, "You two get the tractor beam. I'm heading to the bridge to confront Sara. End of discussion."
He needed to do this. Although there was nothing that could've been done to avoid it, he still felt responsible for Sara getting away the first time, and he couldn't risk letting her get the best of him again. He turned and headed towards the elevators at the end of the corridor.
"Daedalus!", Din called.
The Foundling turned to face his partner, expecting to hear some objection.
"Stay safe," the Mandalorian nodded.
Daedalus reciprocated the gesture and made his way into the elevator, ready to make things right.


Din and Cara were making their way to the tractor beam projector, which was conveniently located near the hangar where the ship was docked. They were met with blaster fire as they went, but the two warriors had no problem taking down their foes.
"Just like old times," Din chortled as they neared the projector.
A handful of guards were stationed at the entrance. Cara holstered his pistol and drew her heavy blaster, which she used effectively to eliminate the troopers.
"Too easy," she chucked.
The pair entered the projector room and knocked out the officers stationed inside, making quick work of the controls to disable the tractor beam.
"So, tell me about your partner," Cara urged.
"Daedalus? He's...good," Din gulped.
Cara laughed. "You guys dating now?"
"I guess."
"You two work well together. I'm happy for you."
The Mandalorian smiled under his helmet. "Thanks."
The room went dark as the power to the beam was disabled. Exiting the room, the two made their way back to the hangar.
"What are you doing?", Cara asked inquisitively.
Din was confused. "Going to the Crest like we agreed upon."
Cara shook her head, "No, you're going to help your partner. I'll start the ship for you."
The Mandalorian nodded. "Thank you."
He turned and ran to the elevators. As he was ascending to the bridge, the ship's alarms began ringing. The elevator opened at the bridge, and was met with nothing but an empty corridor with the blast doors drawn to the rest of the bridge. The Mandalorian made his way to the controls and began to toggle random buttons and switches, hoping for anything to open the door. The door slowly opened slightly, leaving a small foot-wide opening in the center of the door. He immediately heard the clash of lightsabers.
He made his way to the opening, which was barely large enough to stick his head through. Inside, he saw Sara and Daedalus in a lightsaber duel. Grogu was perched on the control module at the front of the bridge. Din called over to the kid, who lit up upon seeing his father. He hopped down from the desk and hobbled over to the door, which he opened to allow the Mandalorian inside.
As the doors opened, Din drew his blaster and began firing at Sara, who Force pushed Daedalus away from her to deflect the shots with he crimson blade. Grogu let out a sharp whine upon seeing the people he cared about battling.
"Din!", Daedalus yelled, throwing the Darksaber at his partner.
The Mandalorian caught it and used his jet pack to thrust himself at the Sith. She partied the attack and swung the saber around at his neck. Din blocked the blade with his gauntlet, which gave him the opening to jab at Sara's unguarded waist. She jumped backwards towards the front of the bridge.
"Enough!", she exclaimed. "The child's potential is WASTED in your hands! He belongs with me. He belongs with the First Order."
Daedalus regained his composure and stood beside Din. "You may have your stupid Force connection to him, but you'll never share the bond that we have with him. We're a family, and you'll never tear us apart."
The witch smirked. "That's where you're wrong." At this, she raised her free hand, lifting Din and Daedalus off the ground in a powerful Force choke. "This pitiful custody battle ends now."
She made her way to the pair, her lightsaber still ignited.
"That bitch stole our kyber crystal," Daedalus wheezed.
Din chuckled. "You got a plan?"
"No, I'm pretty sure we're going to die right now," he coughed.
"I love you."
"Mhm," Daedalus was running out of air.
Sara spun the blade in her hand and swung it at their necks. Just as was about to make contact, she froze. She appeared strained, but could not seem to bring herself any closer to her foes.
Her lightsaber retracted, and she dropped the Mandalorians.
Din was confused, until he turned to see Grogu standing behind them, hands raised and eyes closed. He slowly began raising Sara's saber towards her face, and a small buzzing noise could be heard. Small cracks began appearing in the hilt, and red light radiated from them.
"This—no!", Sara screeched as the lightsaber exploded in her face.
Her body fell to the ground, her face nearly unrecognizable after the blow.
Din and Daedalus stood speechless. The Mandalorian squatted down and picked up Grogu, who's eyes were tearing up.
"It's okay kid," he comforted, holding the child close to his chest.

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