Chapter 60: Exodus

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"What do you want Pollux?", Daedalus snapped. "Our duel isn't until tomorrow."
Pollux shrugged. "But if you were to 'disappear' before then, there wouldn't have to be a duel."
Din knew their opponent was going to play dirty, but this was a new low. Scanning the squad Pollux had recruited, there was little chance that the two of them could fight everyone off.
"I'm only going forward with this challenge so I can end your bloodline," Daedalus sneered. "I could care less when it takes place."
"Perhaps we should take things a little more calmly," the Mandalorian whispered to his partner.
The Phoenix shook his head, determined as ever. "No, I'm going to finish this now."
Din both admired and feared his confidence. The Mandalorian was more than capable in a fight, but against a squad of Mandalorians, even the most skilled combatant would have a hard time fighting them off solo.
Pollux began to circle around them, Beskar spear pointed at his foes. "The thing is, this isn't going to be a duel," he chuckled. "This is the genocide of Clan Mudhorn as a whole."
"Sure about that?", Daedalus quipped, holding the Darksaber ready to strike.
Pollux swiped the spear at the Phoenix's knees, but was blocked by the saber.
"Nice try," Daedalus teased.
The other Mandalorians remained on guard, ready to strike. Daedalus and Pollux broke into a full-on spar and slowly stumbled out of the ring of warriors, leaving Din alone in the middle of them.
There were five of them, two of which donned Imperial armor.
"Do you really think you can take all of us, old man?", one of them nagged.
Din shot his fibercord whip at one of his attacker's ankles and pulled the soldier across the road and right to his feet. The Mandalorian pulled his vibro-knife and stabbed it into his victim's neck.
"Who are you calling old?", he retorted.
The other Mandalorian began firing at Din, two of them utilizing their jetpacks to get the high ground.
Daedalus glanced back and saw his partner was pinned down, and began firing at his foes whilst dueling Pollux to draw their fire. The ruse worked to some degree, giving Din the opening to rush an Imperial commando on the ground. The Mandalorian kicked his foes knees back and wrapped an arm around his throat, making a human shield out out of his foe. The shots from his attackers pierced right through the commando's weak armor.
Din glanced over to see Pollux had taken the Phoenix into a choke hold, and was attempting to rip the Darksaber from his hands. Din took off on his jetpack, firing at his remaining aggressors as he went. Just as he was about to reach his fiancé, the remaining Imperial Mandalorian hooked Din's ankle with a fibercord whip and yanked him backwards.
Din skidded across the road, landing just below one of the Mandalorians armed with a Beskar pike. His foe raised it above his head and brought it down quickly, but Din was able to catch it before it would impale him. He took hold of the shaft just above the spear tip, and pushed back against the downward force his attacker was applying.
The Mandalorian rolled out of the way and dropped the spear. He shot his own fibercord whip around his foe's neck and with a swift tug, he sent the Mandalorian flying off in the opposite direction.
Din took up the pike from his opponent and hurtled it at one of the Mandalorians firing down on him. The spear impaled him in an unprotected area of his chest, to which he fell to the ground, dead.
Two foes remained for the Mandalorian. The remaining foes were on either side of him, waiting to catch him off guard and strike.
"You're move," Din teased.
One of his foes charged, spear in attack position. Just as he was about to reach the Mandalorian, Din ducked and grabbed his foe's shoulder and ankle. Lifting him above his head, he hurled his enemy at the Imperial commando to his right. The two collided in a heap, to which Din ignited his flamethrower on the two of them until there were no signs of life.
Din looked back at his fiancé, who had broken free from Pollux's grip and was now battering his unarmed foe with the Darksaber. Pollux was blocking the swings with his gauntlets, but with each attack he stumbled back a little further.
The Mandalorian soared up on his jetpack and landed right behind Pollux. Sticking out his leg, he tripped their opponent.
"I could have taken him," Daedalus nagged.
Din shrugged. "Better safe than sorry."
The Phoenix held the Darksaber to Pollux's neck. "Yield, or so help me Maker I'll end you right here."
"Never," he seethed.
A sniper bolt rang out across the quarry. It hit Daedalus right in the chest, to which he flew backwards at the sheer force of the impact.
Din rushed to where he had landed.
"Daedalus, are you okay?!", he beckoned.
The Phoenix felt the area where he had been shot. A large dent was pounded into his chestplate.
"It's Beskar-charged," he whispered.
Another shot rang out, this time landing just to the side of them.
"We have to get to that sniper," Daedalus urged.
Din nodded. "There's no way. We need to find cover."
The Phoenix patted his sides. "Where's the Darksaber?"
Pollux chuckled. "Yield, or so help me Maker I'll end you right here," he mocked, igniting the Darksaber over their heads.
Glancing in the sniper's direction, Din saw the pulse of red blaster fire, as someone had engaged the marksman in battle.
"I think you should yield," Din admitted.
Pollux cocked his head in confusion. "I have you pinned down, good luck getting out of here alive."
The ping of the sniper rifle rang out again, this time, hitting Pollux in the back of the head.
Their foe collapsed to the ground, blood dripping from under his helmet.
"Let's go," Daedalus urged, picking the Darksaber from Pollux's hand and wrapping his arms around Din.
The Mandalorian took off on his jetpack and flew towards the lab. Once they were inside, another Mandalorian could be heard descending upon the lab.
Daedalus ignited the Darksaber, ready to fight.
"It's okay," Din informed.
Paz entered the base silently. "You guys owe me," he stated, motioning at his dented shoulder pad.
The Phoenix let out a sigh of relief. "What's going on, Paz?"
"I'm afraid Pollux has turned a majority of the Children of the Watch against you, saying that you killed Ki'na to lead the Watch yourself."
Daedalus remained silent.
"I don't want to come off the wrong way, but I don't think you're safe here anymore," Paz continued. "You can take the Wraith and find somewhere to lay low until things settle down."
The Phoenix nodded. "You're right..," he paused. "But I don't think I'm coming back."
Paz drew back. "What do you mean?"
Daedalus looked down at his feet. "I know you and Ki'na had this grandiose vision of me reclaiming Mandalore, but that's not me, uncle." He unclipped the Darksaber and held it out to him. "Give it to the true heir of Mandalore."
Paz reluctantly took the saber from his nephew. "Of course."
The two embraced.
"I guess this is goodbye, then," Din murmured.
He shook Paz's hand.
"It's been a pleasure fighting alongside you," the heavy infantry complimented.
"You as well."
Paz sighed. "I hope to see you both again someday."
Daedalus nodded and took Din's hand. "Let's go."
The two made their way into the night.
The Wraith was still sitting where Pollux had docked it adjacent to the lab. Two Mandalorians were standing guard.
Paz emerged from the lab and walked to the guards. "I think I heard they were on the eastern ridge, all hands on deck!"
The sentries and Paz took off in the opposite direction, leaving the Wraith unguarded.
Din and Daedalus silently crept onto the ship and took off into the night.



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