- Season 6 Introduction -

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hello everyone!

phew! it has been a wild ride! i've had so much fun writing this story, but i think season 6 is where i call it quits...at least for this book... stay tuned for updates hehe

back to this story, din and daedalus have left Zygerria and have joined the Children of the Watch on Ithor. it's been a week since they joined, and things are going 'well'.

overall, i would say season 6 is my favorite of the series so far, so i hope you enjoy!!!

chapter 53 out tomorrow, stay tuned :)

plz vote for any chapters you deem worthy <3 love u

ALSO, kind of off topic, but I've been painting my favorite comfort characters and album covers to hang on my dorm room wall, and this is what I've got so far for Din <3

ALSO, kind of off topic, but I've been painting my favorite comfort characters and album covers to hang on my dorm room wall, and this is what I've got so far for Din <3

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lmk what u think hehe

~ nunu

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