Chapter 57: Takeover

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Happy May the Fourth! Go watch Bad Batch if you haven't already! Have a great day and may the Force be with you!


It was a beautiful sight to see. All the star fighters and Children of the Watch descending into the quarry, ready to take back what was rightfully theirs.
Din and Paz joined Daedalus on the roof.
"Where's Ki'na?", his uncle asked immediately.
The Phoenix pointed down to the lab. "Fighting Valem Saxon, whoever that is."
The heavy infantry descended to the laboratory without hesitation.
"What about me?", Din questioned.
Daedalus shrugged. "I guess just do whatever has to be done to take over the mine."
The two of them began firing down on any Imperial Mandalorians around. Below, shots could be heard from inside the lab. Din and Daedalus soared down to help their fellow Mandalorians.
Inside, Ki'na and Paz were hiding behind different lab station, gunned down by Valem, who had taken the Beskar-charged blaster and was firing continuously in their direction. Din and Daedalus lunged behind their own barricade, firing shots back at their aggressor whenever possible.
Looking over at Ki'na it would appear as though she had been hit once or twice by the blaster, as her helmet was dented in and her underclothing was soaked in blood around her neck.
"Is she okay?", the Phoenix pried.
Paz shrugged. "Haven't really had a moment to regroup."
Daedalus feared for her life; something had to be done to stop Valem.
"Shoot your flamethrower at him, I have an idea," he commanded Din.
The Mandalorian nodded and did as he asked. As expected, Valem turned to shoot at the source of the blaze, giving Daedalus an opportunity to shoot his fibercord whip at his ankle. It wrapped around him, and with a quick tug, Valem fell onto his back and sent skidding towards the Phoenix. Daedalus stepped out from behind his barricade and ignited the Darksaber. He placed a foot on Valem's chest and the saber near his neck. Paz snatched the blaster from his hand.
"Yield," Daedalus ordered.
Paz and Din stood around the Phoenix, and Ki'na attempted to get to her feet, but collapsed. The heavy infantry dove to break her fall, catching Din and Daedalus off guard. Valem used this opportunity to kick himself free and run out of the lab. None of them chased, as they were too concerned with Ki'na health.
Paz now had her resting against his chest.
"I...I can't..," she muttered.
"We have to take off your helmet, you're losing too much blood," the heavy infantry consoled. "It's okay."
Ki'na placed a hand over her helmet. "No."
Paz leaned over her, looking deep into his visor. "Please."
She moved her hand, placing it over Paz's. "Fine."
Daedalus bent down to help his uncle remove the helmet, trying to prevent any further damage.
Upon seeing the extent of the damage, the group was fearful anything could be done. A deep, sweltering gash was gouged deep into her head.
Din pulled a gauze pad from a pocket of his utility belt and attempted to wrap it around her head.
"It's not going to stop bleeding," Ki'na admitted, brushing her wispy blond hair from her eyes, which were not filling with tears. "It's okay."
Daedalus's felt tears swelling in his own eyes. "It's not your time, you can make it," he urged, wiping blood off her cheek.
She turned to face him. "Go, finish the job. Claim the mine for the Children of the Watch."
"No, I'm not leaving you," he sputtered, tears rolling down his face.
"Go. That's an order."
Din pulled the Phoenix up. The pair made their way outside to find a majority of the Imperial Mandalorians had been slain by their fellow warriors. Even the slaves had taken a part in the action, and had taken up shovels and spades and taken down a handful of their oppressors.
"The has to stop," Daedalus whispered to Din. "How many Mandalorians have died for this pointless feud?"
Before the Mandalorian had a chance to respond, Daedalus flew to the roof of the lab, where he ignited the Darksaber and held it above his head.
"Citizens of Mandalore! How long must we let the feudal ways of the Empire divide us and make us fight over what it rightfully ours? They had drained our planet of every last resource, all so they can string on their own plans. How long will we let them rule us?", he boomed.
The fighting stopped for a minute. It was working.
"Instead of fighting each other, we take our fight to the Empire!"
A cheer rang through the crowd, from both Children of the Watch and Imperial Mandalorians.
Below him, he saw Paz help Ki'na walk out of the laboratory. Blood was still gushing from under the bandage, but at least she was mobile. A grin was on her face, and her fist was raised.
Perhaps she was right. Perhaps he could lead the Children of the Watch.
Daedalus flew down from the roof to hug Ki'na.
"You're a born leader," she chided, "I'm proud of you."
"Why don't you put your helmet on? Everyone is going to see your face," he questioned.
"Once you remove your helmet in public, you can never put it back on. This is the way."
Daedalus nodded. "This is the way."
Mandalorians and slaves flooded the area, cheering for their victory over the Empire.
"Valem still got away, should we find him?", Din questioned.
The Phoenix shook his head. "He'll turn up."
Pollux emerged from the lab. "The Empire is coming," he informed.
Everyone in a nearby radius turned to face him.
"What?", Paz questioned.
He held up a transmitter. "I found this in the lab. A transmission was sent out minutes ago to an unknown location. One can only assume Valem called for reinforcements."
The morale of the crowd quickly died.
"So now what?", a citizen asked.
"The only thing we know how to do, fight."


only 3 chapters left :(

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